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South America Research Paper

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South America

South America is the fourth largest continent that extends from the Gulf of Darien in the northwest archipelago of Tierra del Fuego in the south. South America’s extreme geographic variation contributes to the continent’s large number of biomes. South America’s coastal plains’ dry desert biome rises to the rugged alpine biome of the Andes mountains. One of the continent’s river basins (the Amazon) is defined by dense, tropical rain forest, while the other (Paraná) is made up of vast grasslands. Mountains and coastal plains generally run in a north-south direction, while highlands and river basins generally run in an east-west direction. South America's primary mountain system is the Andes (longest in the world). The range covers …show more content…
(Almost half of them are spoken in Brazil). They have recognized more than 33 families of large or medium size, and a high number of isolated languages and even languages deficient that could not be classified properly.


the South American cuisine has many influences . The more features are Amerindian , African , Spanish and Italian . In turn , habits and food products vary greatly depending on the physical environment of the regions , so that we can distinguish different areas. Roast consumption is widespread throughout the continent , especially non-native animals pigs goats, and cattle . Are popular outdoor barbecues , also known as roast or steak .

South American nations have an infinite variety of musical …show more content…
Most of the holdings are concentrated in the hands of a minority of the population, while millions of individuals experience different levels of deprivation arriving in extreme cases, absolute poverty. The American economy is divided between the mineral extractivism in the Amazon region and agricultural present in virtually all the states. Industrialization is mid-level to high in several regions, even very strong presence of local industries of foreign origin (multinational).The extraction and export of oil is remarkable in Venezuela, which owns some of the world's largest reserves in Argentina and in the Atlantic Ocean off the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Bolivia noted for the production of natural gas, with large reserves of this material. Only Argentina and Brazil in the Group of 20 (industrialized countries), while only Brazil is part of the G8 + 5 (the most powerful and influential nations on the

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