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My Family Cultural Analysis

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I come from a family that likes to do everything together. For example our trapition holidays or just family hang out. In my culture we have some treiditionds we like and enjoy doing it. My culture is mexican and im happy to be mexican and we dont celebrate many holidays but the ones we do celebrate we enjoy them. The holiday we enjoy and celebrate the most is chrismas.
Elements of culture that define me and why. Food I eat in my culture is most of the mexican food. We also like to eat something like my grandmas spicy pozale in september for the mexican indepentes day. Another element of culture that define me and why sport is soccer also sometimes we like watching soccer games together. We like watching games of mexico team and when mexico team comes to play to las vegas or LA we go to see them games.And we like watching real madrid but most of the time only the guys watch it. …show more content…
And thats why its our favorite holiday.
One time in my life when culture has created conflict of some kind. One time that my culture has created conflict was when we had spicy mexican food and these people didt like it because it was to spicy. Another time in my life when culture has created conflict of some find. We were in a mexico game and it was mexico vs usa and there was more mexicans fans then usa fans and then mexico made a goal and usa fans stared throwing water at the mexicans fans.
One holiday is chrismas when all my family from other places come and celebrate with us. The family i come from like to go out every saturday to go eat to alots of places like pepes tacos.My family is one of the familys that do a big mexican party everytime is someone

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