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Submitted By RBuchanan
Words 259
Pages 2
William Schutz
Born December 19, 1925 in Chicago
Died November 9, 2002 in Muir Beach, California

* He taught at many different schools. He taught at Harvard, UCLA in the 1950’s, Tufts University, University of California, Berkley, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He wrote the following Theory’s; FIRO: which deals with Inclusion, Control, and Affection. These dynamics were used to assess group dynamics. FIRO-B, deals with a measurement instrument with scales. FIRO-Element B, deals with Affection and Openness Scales. FIRO-Element F, comes from Feelings. FIRO-Element S:”) “ "Underlying the behavior of openness is the feeling of being likable or unlikeable, lovable or unlovable. I find you likable if I like myself in your presence, if you create an atmosphere within which I like myself.”
He wrote the following books: FIRO: A Three-Dimensional Theory of Interpersonal Behavior. New York, NY: Rinehart (1958)
Joy. Expanding Human Awareness (1967)
Here comes Everybody Harper & Row (1971)
Elements of Encounter (1973)
Body Fantasy (1976)
Leaders of Schools (1977)
Profound Simplicity. New York, NY: Bantam (1979)
The Truth Option. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press (1984)
Joy: Twenty Years Later. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press (1989)
"Beyond FIRO-B—Three New Theory Derived Measures—Element B: Behavior, Element F: Feelings, Element S: Self." Psychological Reports, June, 70, 915-937 (1992)
The Human Element: Productivity, Self-Esteem and the Bottom Line. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (1994) He had influences while he worked on his books: Alexander Lowen, Ida Pauline, and Moshe Feldenkrais. His energy cycles were motivation, action, feeling, and preparedness.

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