...Christian Counseling attempts to provide encouragement and guidance for those who are facing losses, decisions, or disappointments. Counseling can stimulate personality growth and development, help people cope more effectively with the problems of living, with inner conflict, and with crippling emotions, assist individuals, family members, and married couples to resolve interpersonal tensions or relate effectively to one another and assist persons whose life patterns are self-defeating and causing unhappiness. The Christian counselor seeks to bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them find forgiveness and relief from the crippling effects of sin and guilt. Therapist Characteristics A Christian counselor has beliefs about the attributes of God, the nature of human beings, the authority of Scripture, the reality of sin, the forgiveness of God and the hope for the future. The counselor seeks to help counselees change behavior, attitudes, values, faulty thinking and/or perceptions. We attempt to teach skills, including social skills, to encourage recognitions and expression of emotion, to give support in times of need, to teach responsibility, to instill insight, to guide as decisions are made, to help counselees mobilize inner and environmental resources in times of crisis, to teach problem-solving skills, and to increase counselee competence. The Christian counselor also seeks to stimulate spiritual growth, encourage confession of sin and...
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... Abstract McMinn stresses the use of the bible, Gods Word in counseling and much prayer with the client, he also advises practitioners to practice this concept in therapy. McMinn (1996) believes those who pray often tend to experience more purpose in life, greater marital satisfaction, religious satisfaction, and a general sense of well-being. This paper aims to make other aware of the similarities and difference in Professional and Christian counseling. They both have the best interest of the client in making sure that they are going to be able to maintain stability in the home. The Biblical aspect of counseling adds a spiritual and religious aspect to counseling. The Bible is full of words that we use in our everyday life. These words are listed and defined in depth below. Biblical and Professional Views of Addiction McMinn stresses the use of the bible, Gods Word in counseling and much prayer with the client, he also advises practitioners to practice this concept in therapy. McMinn (1996) believes those who pray often tend to experience more purpose in life, greater marital satisfaction, religious satisfaction, and a general sense of well-being. Understanding addiction has to do with knowledge and attitude. The Bible acts as guidance and aims to attempt to steer Christians in the right direction. This paper is about how Biblical and Professional counseling are alike and different. They both are aligned to provide support and counsel...
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... and Spirituality in Christian Counseling McMinn drew in on the basic concepts on a Christian’s life along with the basic concepts which we believe Christian counselors focus on. He focused on spirituality, theology, and psychology along with the daily battles faced by Christian counselors in their personal and professional lives. In the book McMinn went into the most important components in the life of a Christian being prayer, scripture, confession, sin, forgiveness, and redemption and broke down in all the ways we are affected during our counseling sessions. In the book we are left with personal experiences from the author in which prayer and scripture should be used and in how much we should use them when dealing with each component in the life of a Christian. Many counselors are faced with regular struggles on knowing and deciding when it is the appropriate time to use scripture and the various biblical readings in there sessions because of various reasons such as not wanting to offend their clients, not wanting to have the client feel as if they are being judged, and not wanting to puncture another wound in an already broken individuals situation (McMinn 2011). The book began to open me up when McMinn stated that “Christian counseling is more complex than other forms of counseling because our goals are multifaceted” (McMinn 2011 pg. 39). He opened readers up to the fact that as Christian counselors we are more so concerned with spiritual growth and mental health and not...
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...Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality In Christian Counseling. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1996. Dr. Mark McMinn compiles an excellent resource for those who have chosen the path of Christian counseling. It focuses primarily on two important aspects of the Christian counseling field : in counseling sessions and life outside of counseling sessions – namely the counselor’s task and the counselor’s life. He starts his book with a brief section – written with James Wilhoit – that talks about religion in the Counseling office. It informs the counselor of the importance of utilizing the Christian faith in counseling not focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology. It states the challenges that religion brings in counseling sessions and how to handle and address those challenges. In the section, Toward Psychological and Spiritual Health, McMinn directs his focus to the different characteristics of a person’s life. He suggests that Christian counseling strengthens three areas of a person’s life: sense of self, an awareness of human need and limitations, and confiding interpersonal relationships with God and others. Each chapter is outlined in a very teachable format. The chapters have sections to address the challenges the counselor faces, psychological and spiritual health focus points, and also expected results by each foundational element of counseling – psychological, theological, and spiritual. The majority of McMinn’s book is devoted to the most...
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...Spirituality in Counseling Integrating Religion and Spirituality In Counseling Anntoni Leonard University of the Cumberlands COUN 636 Abstract Religion and spirituality are arguably among the most important factors which structure human experience, beliefs, values and behavior. Religion and spirituality are clearly important to most Americans; however, most counselors have little or no training in dealing with religious and spiritual issues. Since the mid-1990’s, the integration of spirituality and religion into therapeutic sessions has generated much interest as an area that needs to be addressed with regards to diversity in clients. This paper will address the inclusion of religion and spirituality in client’s session and counselor’s attitudes toward a client’s faith based on the assumption that the client’s faith and the counselor’s attitude can have significant impact on the outcome of the treatment of the client. A counselor’s willingness to attend to faith as a means of growth can build rapport and lessen potential resistance with clients who are religious (Worthington, 1989). Spirituality in Counseling: Integrating Religion and Spirituality Spirituality has become increasingly important in counseling and prayer has become the spiritual intervention of choice for Christian counselors, as well as secular counselors. The controversial nature of including prayer in counseling requires much consideration on the grounds of ethical boundaries. Majority of mental health...
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...spirituality is very significant in an individual’s life. Personally, my own spirituality helped me become the person that I am today. It has helped me focus on the things that truly matter and see things beyond face value. I can also say that my spirituality helped me to be happier and be a better person. With regards to guidance and counseling in accordance with spirituality, the person of a counselor should have personal conviction in his/her own spirituality. He/she must have a deeper understanding not only of himself/herself, but also of his/her own spiritual life. He/she should be rooted in his/her own spiritual beliefs and that whatever goes against his/her way, he/she would still stand firm to what he/she firmly believes in. The counselor should be someone who could never be moved so he/she could be perceived by the client as someone they could rely and depend on. Most importantly, the counselor should be someone who has a personal relationship with the Creator and puts Him in the center of everything. In that way, his/her life would serve as living testimony of his/her own spirituality eventually radiating it to his/her clients. Counseling in accordance with spirituality can be vastly applied to address various clients’ needs. Clients suffering from failures and depression could...
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...Psychology, Theology and Spirituality: Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Counseling Morenike Oye Liberty University Psychology, Theology and Spirituality: Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Counseling Summary McMinn (2011) uses this book to bring out the importance of the use of spirituality (as related to Christian faith) in psychological counseling. He describes the Christian Counselors as people who are highly trained in counseling theory and techniques, in theology, and are personally disciplined to mirror Christian attributes during and after counseling. (pg. 139) According to McMinn (2011), Christian Counselors face the challenges of knowing the techniques of spiritual formation, inability to learn spiritual passion, and devotion so as not be handicapped in bringing religious issues to counseling and therapeutic session (p.39). This is because training and competency in the field of psychology and theology can be evidenced, but understanding spirituality cannot be evidenced. This will continue to be a challenge because we can never be spiritually competent. Another challenge is the link between the counselors personal and professional life and worldview as it affects the clients’ level of spirituality, believes and worldview. He states that Christian counselors are faced with the problem of expanded training. They must go beyond the level of professional training to personal training because other factors such...
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...Theory Paper Holistic, CBT and Spritual Theory Approach Introduction Client’s are expecting that counselors will treat their spiritual concers, as a result many mental health professionals are now considering the healing potential of a holistic view of mind, body, and spirit when it is incorporated into the therapeutic process (Morrison, Clutter, Pritchett & Demmitt, 2009). Learning a clients spiritual history, faith preferences, and commitments is a critical assessment priority (Greggo & Lawrence, 2012). As a counselor I find it very important to focus on the clients behaviors, thoughts and spiritual needs. I would address the clients thoughts and behaviors by using pieces of Adlerian therapy while using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help the client learn new behaviors. I also find it important to address the clients spiriautal needs and how beliefs play a role in their treatment. When working in a secultar setting, I believe it is hard for counselors to know the best way to incorporate a clients spiritual delimas and needs while working in a therapeutic environment. I personally value and prefer this particular cognitive-behavioral orientation because I believe that it helps the client focus on the therapy as a learning process. The client learns new ways to cope with problems more effectively. Cognitive-behavioral theory stresses the role of thinking, deciding, questioning, doing, and re-deciding (put in own words) I chose CBT because it is the...
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...4-MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Liberty University McMinn, Ph.D., Mark R. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (1996) 4 MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Abstract Christian counseling is all about integrating psychology, theology and spirituality into counselor and clients lives. Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling gives insight into how these three perspectives can be used to help individuals identify certain aspects of their lives that might be enhanced when the counselor includes spirituality into their counseling sessions. We also see how important it is for the counselor to be in touch with their own spirituality so that they can lead by example. Many counselors have a hard time addressing their own faith, with their clients. They question whether it is acceptable to talk to their clients about their Christian beliefs. Therefore, many times spirituality will fall by the wayside in the counseling session. McMinn (1996) gives us ways in which the counselor can integrate their spirituality into the counseling sessions and promote Christian guidance, into their clients lives. The goal of the Christian counselor is to promote mental and spiritual growth, so that the client can draw from their faith and look to God for guidance. McMinn (1996) allows us to see that we need a healthy sense of self in order to overcome our obstacles (p. 47). One way we develop...
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...Biblical Counseling vs. Secular Counseling CCOU 201-D11 LOU: Introduction to Christian Counseling Xxxxx X. XXXXXXX L33333333 Liberty University 24 April 2013 There is a need for effective biblical counseling now more than ever. As the world progresses to the stages prophesized anarchy God’s people as well as lost souls need the appropriate direction in life. Crabb clearly states in his introduction that the purpose his book, Effective Biblical Counseling, is to incorporate the principles and aspects of Christian counseling into the local churches (Crabb, 1977, p. 13). The tenets outlined in the text apply sound Biblical doctrine in conjunction with advanced psychological techniques. The intent of this paper is to enable the reader to understand that “true healing” can only be experienced through a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, but also to parallel Biblical teaching with scientifically proven methods to counsel troubled individuals effectively. Individuals seek counseling for many reasons; they may be depressed, generally not happy with their status in life, or simply need to talk to with someone. One widely practiced form of psychotherapy that focuses in the humanistic approach of treatment is Roger’s Client-Centered Therapy (RCCT) is common among clients with the above listed issues. According to psychotherapists practicing RCCT, the desired end state or goal of every client is different so in addition to displaying a concern for that person, counselors...
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...Abstract This paper provides an overview of ‘discipleship counseling,’ a philosophy of counseling articulated by Neil T. Anderson in his 2003 book of the same name. In the field of Christian Counseling there is a need for mixing secular psychiatric science and theological teaching. The first point addresses in Dr Neil T. Anderson book is that Christians are hurting for their lack of understanding of who they are in Christ. In the second point in this paper addresses the organizational structure of discipleship counseling that must be met. Finally barriers the counselee must overcome to experience true freedom, which is only found in Christ. Introduction Religion and psychology have often been viewed as incompatible. However, Christian counseling attempts to integrate the two in a meaningful fashion, so that clients are healed from their personal traumas while they become spiritually reborn in their connection to Christ. According to Dr. Neil T. Anderson's (2003) Discipleship counseling, God is the unspoken presence within every counseling relationship. The counselor does not have to consciously and constantly invoke God, and may choose not to do so because of the immediate needs or personality of the patient. But the sense that there is a higher power that is bigger than the self is always present. The therapist must realize that he or she is not God and do the work of the creator; he is merely a facilitator...
Words: 1619 - Pages: 7
...End of life is an inevitable aspect of living. Frequently, the patient is ready for this before their family/friends. At this point, care for the terminally ill should focus not on a cure but on comfort and as much freedom from pain and other symptoms as possible. Death with dignity and as little pain as possible becomes our goal. This isn’t always an easy process for a medical professional. We have been taught to never give up, retain hope at all costs, to do something to “fix the problem”. We need to remember that first and foremost we are an advocate for our patient and their wishes, despite our own beliefs and value system. Assisting a patient and their support system through the realization that death is imminent is and can be very rewarding. Understanding the 5 stages of grief-denial/anger/bargaining/depression/acceptance-and realizing not only do the patients experience these stages but also their supporters do too. Progression through the stages isn’t linear and they could experience 2 stages at a time and may even revert back to a stage multiple times. (Such as anger) As a medical professional, it is our duty to remain supportive and an advocate for our patient-especially when what the patient has expressed as their final wishes are not being honored. (Having a trachea and feeding tube placed despite a living will that expressly states not to have done if quality of life will be poor) We must be able to put aside our own beliefs and prejudices to ensure our patient’s...
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...families and staff with emotional issues related to sickness, loss, trauma and grief. · I serve patients of all religious denominations as well as those with no religious affiliation or belief. I meet with patients, families or staff through visitation, crisis ministry, counseling and bereavement support. · I’m available daily during regular work hours as well as on - call to all the patient’s care units including the surgery, intensive care, cardiac critical/progressive care, Mother baby care, General medical/acute units, emergency waiting areas and other places as may needed to deliver spiritual care and assessment appropriate to critically ill or dying patient’s spirituality, culture, religious preference and health status. I attend to the spiritual and emotional needs of specific patient and family population. · I welcome meeting with patients and employees upon request for private counseling. Meet with discharged patients who have indicated the need for follow up. Act as a liaison between patient, family, and health care staff during periods of crisis especially during times of illness, dying or difficult surgery. Chart spiritual assessments and spiritual care interventions in the medical record. Interdisciplinary Group Membership (IDG) · I attend and participate in interdisciplinary...
Words: 356 - Pages: 2
...Code of Ethics Comparison Abstract This paper is a comparison between the codes of ethics of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). This paper aims to present the similarities and differences between the two codes of ethics. There are two main sections on this paper. The first section presents the general similarities and differences of the two codes of ethics. The second section presents the similarities and differences of the two codes of ethics on three specific areas: Confidentiality, Sexual Intimacies and Informed Consent. The author used the codes of ethics of both organizations in the process of comparing and contrasting. The general comparison reveals that the codes of ethics of the two organizations apply to the same profession but they differ in the foundation upon which their codes of ethics were crafted. The comparison on three specific areas reveals similarities in contents but differ in depth and details. Introduction The code of ethics is the heart and soul of any business or professional organization. This code of ethics sets the standard to which all business or professional activities of all of its members are measured. This code is the ultimate guide on how members of the organization should act in connection with the performance of their duties and obligations. Likewise, it is the basis upon which disputes can be settled or decisions are to be made. This is the protection of each member...
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...Knowing who we are, where we come from, what influences us, and what makes us who we are, these are just some of the questions that help us discover ourselves. I have spent a great deal of time and effort understanding who I am and what goes into that. As well as how the situations and people around me have made impressions on my life. Then beginning to dealing with the issues that have come up because of these things. At the end of the day, I believe a few things to be true: relationships mold our existence, our spiritual lives affect us, and a holistic view and self-awareness are keys to growth. As I have traced the steps of several theories, one sticks out as primary to who I am – Existential-Humanistic Theory. Taking the essence of this theory and combining it with aspects of Developmental Counseling Theory and Family Therapy, I hope to have a comprehensive fit to my personality as a budding counselor. Adaptable and Practical Being highly spiritual makes Existential-Humanistic Theory appealing to me. Their views of finding meaning in life coincides with my personal belief that we all have a need to be accepted, loved and have a purpose. Some key components of Existential-Humanistic include (Ivey et al., 2007): - Being in the world our task is to understand the meaning of this and where it’s derived from. - We discover who we are through our...
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