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Standard Deviation Research Paper

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Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion and Probability 7

Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion and Probability Distributions
Shiloh Yard
Arizona State University

Assignment 2
Article 1
1. What do standard deviations tell us about variables? Meaning, provide an explanation of standard deviation in your own words. [1pt]
Standard deviations tell us how far variables are from the mean. They can be used to tell whether variables are lumped close together around the mean or if they are farther away. In definition, standard deviation is a measure of how far or close to the mean values are.
2. Compare the means and standard deviations of the victimization scale …show more content…
The average victimization scores reported by males were 4.46 while that of females was 2.39. The average for males is higher than that of the females, which infers that the male students reported higher average victimization scores compared to females. Consequently, male students were more victimized than the female students. The standard deviation for the victimization measures of the male students was 7.68 while that of the female students was 5.46. The standard deviation for the male students? measures was higher than the deviation from the mean for the female students. This means that there were more numbers that greatly deviated from the mean. Both standard deviations are implying that the data may have many numbers that are far from the mean.
3. Compare the means and standard deviations of the poor academic performance scale for males and females in Table 2. What do these numbers tell us about the academic performance of each gender? [2pts]

Comparing poor academic performance among male and female students revealed that the mean for poor academic performance for females was higher than that of the male students at 2.51 and 2.48 respectively. The standard deviations from the means are not very different between the two groups, at 1.07 for the female group and 1.16 for the male group. This implies that the female students? academic performance was much worse than their male …show more content…
Looking at both Tables 4 and 5, do lesbians or gay males have higher average victimization scores? [1pt]
Gay male students? average victimization score was 4.07 while that of the lesbians was 5.40. Therefore, gay students have a higher average victimization score compared to lesbians.
6. Looking at Table 4, which female identity group has the highest average victimization score? [1pt]
Lesbians have the highest average victimization score with 5.40 when compared to bisexual (1.86), questioning (2.44) and SSB (1.23).
7. Looking at Table 5, which male identity group has the highest average victimization score? [1pt]
From Table 5, the male identity group who identify as ?questioning? have the highest average victimization scores of 5.38 compared to gay (4.07), bisexual (4.14) and SSB (4.00).
8. Now, simultaneously consider your answers in questions 2, 4-7. What conclusion can you draw based on your answers? In other words, how can we interpret these results as a whole? [2pts
Male students tend to experience victimization more than female students on average. However, various identity groups within genders suffer more victimization. For example, lesbians are more victimized than bisexual, questioning and SSB within the female group; however, those who are questioning are more victimized than gay, bisexual and SSB within the male group. Regardless of gender and based on the average scores only, the most victimized identity is ?questioning?

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