...Staphylococcus Kelly Wilson SCI/163 06/23/2014 Julie Valenzuela Staphylococcus, also known as staph for short, is a type of bacteria, and there are over 30 different types. The most common is called Staphylococcus Aureas, which is also the one that causes most staph infections. This bacteria is most often found on the skin or respiratory system. This bacteria can cause a skin infection, septic arthritis, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, food poisoning, or blood poisoning. Skin infections are the most common form of a staph infection and look like a pimple or a boil, can be antibiotic resistant, or a flesh eating infection. Around 25 % of people normally carry this bacteria in their nose, mouth, foot, genitals or anal area. Everyone is susceptible to getting a staph infection. There are several ways to become infected with the bacteria. The most common route of transmission is by a simple cut. Other ways are contact with surface or a person to person. Staph can live on pillows or towels, and can be transmitted to the next person just by touching. The foot can pick it up by stepping on. People can also carry the bacteria but never develop an infection. Those with weakened immune systems are more prone to developing and infection. Staph can also cause food poisoning when ingested and is one of the most common causes. Lack of hand washing is the cause of food poisoning from a staph infection. Symptom will usually happen within hours of eating the food contaminated with the bacteria...
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...it is my goal to educate you on MRSA. First, we need to understand what a super bug is or what does this term mean. It does, in reality, sound quite science fiction and quite scary doesn’t it? A “super bug” is defined as a strain of bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. Now, how many of you are familiar with the term staphyloccus aureus or “staph” for short. All of us have many microorganisms that live in harmony on our skin and for the most part, we don’t even know they are there. Staph is one of these microorganisms, or “bugs” that live on our skin. When we get a cut on our skin and it becomes infected, most of the time staph is the responsible party. Next, lets break down the big scarry words methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureaus. Methicillin is a drug. It is in the penicillin family and is most commonly used to treat infections caused by staph. So, if you combine the words methicillin resistant ……. It simply means it is a strain of staph infection that is resistant to the antibiotic most commonly used to treat staph infections. So, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureas simply means it is a staph infection resistant to the drug methicillin. It is also resistant to amoxicillin, oxacillin, penicillin, and many other antibiotics. Are there drugs available to treat MRSA? Of course, most commonly vancomicin or sometimes doctors will use a combination of 2 or more drugs but MRSA is very treatable. But, MRSA is a living bug and is constantly evolving...
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...(pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? Infectious agent (pathogen called Staphylococcus aureus. In medical literature it is abbreviated to staph or S.aureus, it is a bacterium that causes infections. Commonly found on the skin and mostly in the nose and throat of 25% of healthy animals and humans. Depending on the strain type, it can cause skin infections like boils, pimples, abscesses, and carbuncles. Also pneumonia, endocartitis, toxic shock syndrome, and meningitis are life threatening diseases that can be caused by staph. Some strains also cause food poisoning. Methicillin-resistant S.aureus (MARSA) has developed antibiotic resistance. A half of million people are treated medically each year due to staph infections. How is this infectious agent transmitted through food or water? This agent is not necessarily transmitted through food or water, more through direct person-to-person contact. It can be transmitted through food by improper food handling and poor hygiene of food handlers. Staph is a common hospital infection due to health care providers being carriers of the bacteria, can be easily contaminated by contact with nose. Skin-to-skin is the most significant mode of transmission. What is an example of a real life outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States? A real life outbreak of foodborne staph happened in north east Florida on September 27, 1997. Guests at a retirement party got staphylococcus intoxication from ham and rice pilaf that was...
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...REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES (RRL) Literature About the Malunggay Leaves Extract Against Staphylococcus Aureus Staphylococcus is a group of bacteria that can cause a number of diseases as a result of infection of various tissues of the body. Staphylococcus is more familiarly known as Staph (pronounced "staff"). Staph-related illness can range from mild and requiring no treatment to severe and potentially fatal. The name Staphylococcus comes from the Greek staphyle, meaning a bunch of grapes, andkokkos, meaning berry, and that is what Staph bacteria look like under the microscope, like a bunch of grapes or little round berries. (In technical terms, these are gram-positive, facultative anaerobic, usually unencapsulated cocci.) Over 30 different types of Staphylococci can infect humans, but most infections are caused byStaphylococcus aureus. Staphylococci can be found normally in the nose and on the skin (and less commonly in other locations) of 25%-30% of healthy adults. In the majority of cases, the bacteria do not cause disease. However, damage to the skin or other injury may allow the bacteria to overcome the natural protective mechanisms of the body, leading to infection. And one of the cures for staphylococcus aureus is vitamin c which is found in malunggay. Called "Malunggay" in the Philippines, "Sajina" in the Indian Subcontinent, and "Moringa" in English, it is a popular tree. Many Asians use the leaves of Malunggay (Sajina) like spinach and also the fruit...
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...Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a bacterium responsible for many of our hard to treat infections in humans. It is an bacteria that is hard to treat because it has become resistant to many of the commonly used antibiotics (web md). This bacteria can cause infection to many of the different parts of the human body. Staphylococcus aureus is also known as staph. Staph, can cause a range of skin infections, from small to large. These infections can be somrthind simple a common as a boil, or much more complex as being in the bloodstream on in wounds. Many people has staph bactreia that is found in the nose. Stach become a problem once it is transmitted into our bloodstream. Staph can be very harmful in a long term care facility. One to three million infections orrur every year in these type of facliticies. Many of the infections cause prolong hospitalizations and death. We want to protect and help our residents from acquiring Mrsa. In prevention of Staph infections there are simple thing we can do to help our community of elderly patients healthy. Hand washing is the most effective way to prevent staph infection. As Staff members we should always wash our hand prior to touching a resident. A resident that that may have any open wounds or cuts, or any type of infected drainage gloves should be used. Hand washing should consists of vigorlouly washing the whole hand and inbetween the fingers with soap for at least 25 minuntes. Hand washing should also be used when...
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...What Types of Bacteria are Found on Gas Pump Handles? BY: ANNIE LYONS Problem/Question: How much bacteria are on gas pump handles? Do the newer gas stations have less germs than the older ones? Do we need to sanitize our hands after we pump gas? Hypothesis: Gas pump handles contain bacteria that could cause harmful diseases. There will be a significant amount of staph bacteria on the handles. Control: Each gas pump handle will have some bacteria on it. There is not baseline because it has so many variables. Dependent Variables: Temperature, Weather, Age of the Gas Station, Type of Customers, Time of year, and Location. Independent Variables: Types of bacteria on the gas pump handles. Conclusion: The newer gas stations have 10x the amount of bacteria including Staphylococcus Aureus). There is enough bacteria on the handles of each gas station to make someone sick. Hand sanitizer should be used after pumping gas in your car to prevent illness. Constants: Swabs, Blood plates, temperature of the incubator, gas stations, gas handles, and the gas. Material List: Swabs, Culture, Lab, Incubator, plastic loops, differentiation disc, identification stickers, and blood culture plates. A. Swabs- Used to rub on the gas pump handle to catch germs. B. Culture Process- The process used to help bacteria grow. C. Lab- Certified place for...
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...precautions, and conduct reasonable care for safety of all (Appenzeller, 2012). I wanted to find out how these two fitness centers 24 Hour Fitness and the SCFC can and does operate 24-7 without any supervision. I did see that they both have security cameras and staff enter the building sometime throughout the day. These two center do not offer the programs like the WMCA. The local fitness center has a cleaning lady come in a couple times a week and does a good job. What about the days in between cleanings? Staph infection is a serious thing if equipment is not getting cleaned properly. According to one news article, “That doesn't give you another excuse to hit the snooze button rather than working out, however. Doctors say the benefits of exercise far outweigh the small chance of acquiring staph or another infection at the gym or in the course of your fitness routine.” (Hobson, 2008) The article gives several good preventions to use in order to remain safe from a staph infection: make sure equipment has been clean or clean it yourself, don’t share clothes or towels, shower after workout, wear shower shoes or flip flops, don’t ignore symptoms and if you have a scrape or open wound stay out of the hot tub (Hobson, 2008). What I thought I would find is several risk violation in each facility and they would be easily fixed. I thought I would find broken parts on machines. Equipment not store properly and hazards of some kind....
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...Running head:INFECTIOUS DISEASE 1 Infectious Disease Paper Brandie Evans University of Phoenix June 11, 2013 Sherrie Sheets INFECTIOUS DISEASE 2 Infectious Disease Introduction Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is produced by a strain of staph bacteria that's become resistant to the antibiotics generally used to treat normal staph infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was first discovered in 1961. Today In present time MRSA has turned out to be a dangerous health problem, Bacteria are always altering because of genetic reasons and the continustened change. Therefore, because of the change numerous bacteria begin to increase the resistant to a specific antibiotic. As soon as the less resistant and weaker bacteria come into contect with that identical antibiotic, and so they stop living. However, the resistant and more stronger bacteria remain before they disappear. If these more tougher and stronger bacteria happen to live then they can duplicate. The newly Once more the dublicated bacteria hold the same to the antibiotic and extra variations diffrenceces in their genetic influence refer that a large number of these off-spring bacteria will be even morestronger and tougher. As time goes on, the frequently change of bacteria genetics and the population favoring of one form of a medication over another has indicated to the more thougher and stronger types of Staphylococcus aurous. But normally...
Words: 1899 - Pages: 8
...can be prevented. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body. It's tougher to treat than most strains of staphylococcus aureus (staph) because it's resistant to some commonly used antibiotics. The symptoms of MRSA depend on where you're infected. Most often, it causes mild infections on the skin, like sores or boils. It can also cause more serious skin infections or infect surgical wounds, the bloodstream, the lungs, or the urinary tract. Though most MRSA infections aren't serious, some can be life-threatening.. Because it's hard to treat, MRSA is sometimes called a "super bug." Staph is a common bacteria that can live in our bodies. Plenty of healthy people carry staph without being infected by it, one-third of everybody has staph bacteria in their noses. Staph can be a problem if it manages to get into the body, often through a cut or leasion. Once there, it can cause an infection. Staph is one of the most common causes of skin infections in the United States. These are usually minor and don't need special treatment. Sometimes, staph can cause serious problems like infected wounds or pneumonia. Staph can usually be treated with antibiotics. But over the decades, some strains of staph, like MRSA, have become resistant to antibiotics that once destroyed it. MRSA was first discovered in 1961. It's now resistant to methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, and many other antibiotics. While...
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...------------------------------------------------- Name: Houry Elmayan ID: 20112959 Course : Bacteriology (Term paper) Instructor: Elie salem sokhn Date: June 6, 2014 Title: Staphylococcus aureus The staphylococci and non-motile, non-spore forming facultative anaerobes that grow by aerobic respiration or by fermentation. Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the familt staphylococcaceae , which are composed of 32 species and 8 sub species in the genus staphylococcus, The staphylococci and non-motile, non-spore forming facultative anaerobes that grow by aerobic respiration or by fermentation, staphylococci are gram positive bacteria with diameters 0.5 and 1.5 μm and characterized by individual cocci, which divide in more than one plane to form the grape-like clusters. The cell wall of S aureus has a tough protective coat which is relatively amorphous in appearance, about 20 to 40 nm thick. Underneath the cell wall is the cytoplasm that is enclosed by the cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoclycan is the basic component of the cell wall. Staphylococci distinguished from streptococci and catalase positive and oxidase negative also positive for nitrate reduction, whereas streptococci are catalase negative and have a different cell wall composition to staphylococci. Staphylococci are tolerant to high concentrations of salt and show resistance to heat. Pathogenic staphylococcus aureus has the ability to produce coagulase and thus clot blood. S. aureus affects all mammalian species...
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...Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an infection that results from a type of staph bacteria that has become resistant to the different antibiotics that are used to treat common staph infections1. MRSA infections happen to people who are in a hospital setting or other health care facilities including nursing homes. The staph skin infections that include MRSA generally begin as swollen, sore red bumps that normally appear as pimples and spider bites. The area that is affected can appear to be warm to the touch with excessive pus and can be accompanied by a fever. These symptoms can rapidly become extremely painful boils that need surgical draining. There are times that the bacteria remains confined to the patients skin, but they can also burrow deep into the patient’s body, and this can cause life-threatening infections in bones, joints, heart valves, surgical wounds, lungs, and bloodstream. Staph bacteria are usually found on the skin and nose of approximately a third of the population, and the bacteria is generally harmless, except when they penetrate the body through either a cut or wound, but it should be noted that they lead to minor skin...
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...important pathogen in humans is the Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria, which is also known as Staph. Staph was first discovered in the 1880s. It is a gram-positive bacterium that looks like grapelike clusters when looked at under a microscope. During that time staphylococcus aureus was known to cause painful skin, boils, impetigo. S.aureus could progress into serious forms of bacteria in the bloodstream and bacterial pneumonia, both of them could be fatal. This bacterium can cause diseases because of infection of many tissues. In fact, several people have some of this bacterium that live on your skin and can also be found in your nose, which can cause an infection on any part of the body, but in most cases it doesn’t cause a disease. Antibiotics are known to help fight off infections, the type of antibiotic you need depends of the sensitivity of the staphylococcal. Unfortunately, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics has made the microbes become resistant to the drugs that help treat the infections. This can be seen with a staph infection called Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, MRSA. The first case or report of MRSA was in 1968 in the United States. MRSA is a type of staphylococcus (staph) bacteria that is resistant to various antibiotics. MRSA is different than any other type of staph because it is not treatable with some types of antibiotics like methicillin. The only time that staph becomes a problem is when it causes an infection. Infections could become serious for...
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...om pain NUR 106 Clinical Worksheet Student Name: Clinical Week of Care: 2/9-2/13/15 Facility: Cottonwood Room #: A08 Pt. Initials: Pt. Age: 68 Pt. Gender :M Allergies: Adhesive, Amitriptyline, Hydromorphone, Zolpidem-tartrate, Clindamycin Ethnicity: Cauc. Religion: Protestant Social Support: Wife in Dgo, Education: Police academy Occupation: Retired police Admit Date: 01/26/15 Present Diagnosis: Rehabilitation procedure NEC, Orthopedic aftercare NEC, Depressive disorder, Chronic pain NEC, Hypertension NEC, Insomnia NOS, Alcohol cirrhosis liver. Stump is still draining, swollen (2/19) Code Status: I (full) Reason for admission to Facility: Rehab for AKA (Above the Knee Amputation) Past Medical History (from chart):Chronic pain, traumatic blindness right eye, COPD, Asthma, restless leg syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, AFIB, sick sinus syndrome, HTN, venous insufficiency, cirrhosis(liver),esophageal varices with bleed. Admitting/ Attending Physician: Dr Andreas/ Burnside Diet ordered:Regular Activity Ordered: Up as tolerated/PT Transfer Assistance: 1-person Toileting:Assist Isolation: No Oxygen: 3 L/min Finger Sticks: NA Vital Signs from Previous Shift: T:98.2f P:84 R:18 BP:129/83 Height: 6’1” Weight:232lbs. BMI:30.6 IV Site: none IV Fluids: none Last 24 hrs intake: na Output: na Patient Introduction (2-3 sentences):RM is a a 68 year old male. A former Los Angeles police...
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...MRSA, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Cris Lambdin HCA240 Deborah A. Branham June 29, 2012 MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA is a type of staph bacteria, a methicillin-resistant strain of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Meaning it is resistant to certain antibiotic medications such as methicillin, oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin, four of the more commonly used antibiotics. The Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, typically live in nasal passages and on the skin of healthy individuals, and enter the body through a cut, catheter or breathing tube during a stay in a hospital. Potentially life-threatening MRSA infections most often occur within health care settings (CDC, 2011). Septic shock (result of a severe infection) can occur as a result of the body’s inflammatory response to toxins released by the MRSA infection. The inflammatory response of MRSA can cause potentially fatal damage to organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, liver and intestines. Septic shock symptoms can include; hands and feet appearing pale and feel cool to the touch, because of the body’s redirection of blood flow away from the extremities, and to the internal organs. This body’s inflammatory response, septic shock, can result in cardiac or respiratory failure or death (CDC, 2011). Mild cases of MRSA infections may start with and look like a red rash or small red bumps similar to pimples, boils, or a spider bite, there could be a yellow, pus filled head...
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...Staphylococcus As per wiki encyclopedia Etymologically, Staphylococcus derives from the Greek word “Staphyle” meaning a bunch of grapes, and “kokkos” means berries. Those bacteria under the microscope appear like a branch of grapes or berries. 1. Staphylococcus aureus is the pathogen that causes this infection called staph infections. It resides on the skin, in the mouth, the genital, anus, and at the beginning of the nasal area. They multiply rapidly to form a colony, and they harmlessly occupied these areas of your body. As soon as the skin is torn or broken, they rush in to invade that surface, and if not quickly treated they causes significant damage through serious infections. The bacteria appear in many forms and are able to create multiple diseases at once. For example acne, boils, styes (infections of the eyelids) are the result of their action. They can be the cause of urinary track infections, and methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These Bacteria build up strength naturally, and they will not dissipate with the common antibiotics treatment such as penicillin, special medications are required. 2. Infectious agent evolve within food and water in many forms; for example, when leaving meals and beverages exposed out in the air after a few hours it releases a toxin that creates a colony of staphylococcus aureus. Unfortunately, they are too complex to see with naked eyes to pick them apart before eating. When cooking, use patience to complete the...
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