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Stephen King Research Paper

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Pig’s blood, killer clowns, children killing adults, are all elements that can be connected to one author and one author only; Stephen King, the king of horror. King combines science fiction, paranormal activity, and thrillers to convey various themes in his novels, he is one of today’s most best-selling authors. Born September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine; when he was young his parents Donald and Nellie King had split up leading to King moving back and forth from Indiana to Connecticut and finally Maine. Where he had graduated from Lisbon Falls High School in 1966 and then later attended the University of Maine at Orono. Having graduated from the University of Maine, he began teaching while simultaneously establishing a name in the writing world using a pseudonym, Richard Bachman, the name in which he wrote his first successful novel Carrie (1974). More popular novels soon followed, Children of the corn (1984), The Shining(1977), and It.(1986); in many of his works it is clear that he uses many biblical and religious concepts. While each of these novels focuses on a …show more content…
Lewis, author of “The Chronicles of Narnia,” and J.R.R. Tolkien, author of “The Lord of the Rings.” Both Lewis and Tolkien devout Christians who layered their fiction with Christian themes.“I’ve always tried to contrast that bright, white light of real goodness or Godliness against evil,” he said in a 1988 interview. “I’m not a proselytizer, and I hate organized religion. I think it’s one of the roots of real evil that’s in the world. If you really unmask Satan, you’ll probably find that he’s wearing a turnaround collar.” (The gospel of Stephen King, CNN Belief blog) The best way, to understand King’s faith is not through his words, but through his stories. There are at least three biblical themes that run through them; a child shall lead them; God can be cruel, and God chose the weak

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