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Identity And Social Security Essay

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The physical security or the living standards of members of a group are not the only causes of prejudice. A very potent avenue for prejudiced views can emanate from a threat to a group’s identity. According to Rupert Brown, “a crucial aspect of many cultural groups’ identity is bound up in the languages they speak” (2010, 179). Brown further goes on to explain that, “there are good reasons for supposing that social characterization and its byproducts of differentiation and stereotyping underlie much prejudiced thinking and judgment” (2010, 150). A person’s social identity is made up of his or her self-image which is the product of the social categories he or she belongs to. Shedding more light on this idea, Brown states that, “we invoke a part of our social identity whenever we think of ourselves as being of one gender, ethnicity, class, rather than another” (2010, 150). …show more content…
This self-esteem has two components which are our identity and numerous other social identities derived from our groups. In order to boost their self-esteem, people view their in-groups in a more favorable way than out-groups. People are quite sensitive of the status and integrity of their groups. Unfortunately, individuals’ religious beliefs, ethnicity, and racial background are a part of their social identity. Any threat or negative social comparison to their social characterization or social identification will result not only in hostility, but in a feeling of prejudice towards each other over time. Our opinions and behavior are strongly influenced by such factors as the attitudes of others around us or near to us, the norms of our group, and the relationships between our groups and others (Brown, 2010,

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