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Stereotypes Of Men Essay

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It can be seen in the news almost every day, “Man shoots into a crowd”, “Man steals a car”, or “Man brutal rapes young girl”. These newsworthy headlines come in constantly to the point where some people might already be desensitized to this information. Why do men act out in such violent and dangerous ways? However, these examples fall on the extreme side of the spectrum, what you won’t hear on the news is, “Man neglect to tell his son ‘I love you.’”, “Father never hugs his daughter.”, “Wife feels alone even when her husband is home.” Sad headlines like this will likely never show up on any local news station, but for countless families in the world, it is an inhospitable reality. Men of the 21st century are more often than not denying themselves the full experience of their God-given sexuality by repressing emotions; instead, men seek to be the prototypical male stereotype perpetuated in today’s society. From a young age boys are indoctrinated to be the ideal man strong, independent, handy and examples of the manliest of men are filled in today’s pop culture. heroes like the Hulk, Iron Man, Batman, John Wick, and James Bond or T.V., clothing ads or the Dos Equis mascot, the most interesting man in the world. These characters demonstrate to young boys and teen about what a “real man” acts like. Although each of these characters have a great potential to prompt imagination, creativity, and social justice they are also awful role models for what a man is supposed to look like. The Hulk shows …show more content…
Sexuality in an image can be portrayed in clothing, positioning, lighting, location, interaction, the body of the model, skin, actions, and sexual

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