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Elderly Interview Paper

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I was very tensed and nervous when the day came for me to interview an elderly. Interviewing a total stranger was nerve wracking. It was scary. I have never done anything like this before so it was really challenging on my part. I have to practice first what I was going to say when I approached someone. It was hard to look someone who was willing to spend at least half an hour of their time to interview them. My partner and I weighed if elderlies we passed by were friendly. We targeted for friendly elderlies because they are easy to talk to and are not frightening to approach. Our grandparents or any other older adults that were close to us were out of the list. We did not want to interview them. We already know so much about them and the lives …show more content…
T. L.”. I only put the initials of her name for the sake of keeping the information she shared confidential. M. T. L. was the eldest among five siblings. She had three daughters but her youngest one passed away when she was only sixteen years old due to brain aneurysm. She had five grandchildren from her two daughters. She grew up in Pangasinan but came to Manila in 1968 when she got married. She told us the struggle their family have gone through when her husband died because of stroke. Their family was really down at that point of their lives. They lost their sense of determination to go on. It was really hard for them to move on. But just what M. T. L. said, life must go on. They slowly picked up the pieces, eventually accepted what had happened and went back to their normal lives. I was really touched when she said that her family would always be her priority above anything. This was what she said, “Ang alagaan ang pamilya ko, yun lang ang desisyon ko. Wala nang …show more content…
To obey our parents is our duty as children. The food, shelter, clothing, education – all of these are given to us by them. They took care of us when were still infants and too young to do anything for ourselves. When we were feeling sick, they watched over us. They also taught us good morals and values, amusement always made available for us and protected us from the bad things around us. Showing our gratefulness towards them is by way of obeying them. She also reminded us not to be rebellious. Her advice was that, if you don’t like how you’re parents are treating you, talk to them calmly and properly. Issues like this should be discussed extensively not argued about.

What I realized in this activity was the importance of grandparents in our lives. I have observed something whenever I am told to count my blessings. Obvious things are what I am grateful for: food, a pleasant house to live in, education, loving friends, supportive family…etc. However, I have realized something I am tremendously thankful for that are most of the time can be taken for granted; my

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