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Strategic Vision


Submitted By wyliefox
Words 403
Pages 2
Vision Statement for Dynamic I.T Services
MGT 450: Strategic Planning for Organizations
Instructor: Carol Hooper-Boyd
13 January 2014

Vision Statement for Dynamic I.T Services Dynamic I.T services is the first corporate I.T service contractor and as such intends to establish an industry with itself seated at the top, encouraging others to enter the industry while still setting trends and being the standard which all other persons in the industry follow. Dynamic I.T services will effectively establish a corporate I.T services contracting agency offering various dedicated technical support services and establishing various offices housing call centers and deployable technicians in key north eastern cities that house the most concentrated corporate work centers. Within 10 years Dynamic I.T Services will have offices on a dynamic scale with detachment offices being offered to organizations with a higher need for readily available technicians. As new technologies emerge, Dynamic I.T Services will ensure that its technicians remain on the cutting edge by ensuring that training and education is readily available for its members ensuring that its customers still receive the best service while never hearing a technician say “I don’t know how to do that”. As Dynamic I.T Services introduces new technology and implements new business practices other organizations in the industry will follow suit, as Dynamic I.T Services intends to stay ahead of the curve and be the first to introduce any new trends to the environment. Through perseverance and innovation Dynamic I.T Services is establishing an industry that it intends to stay ahead of and continuously expand into for years to come. Any business now matter how large or small will eventually no longer have a need to hire its own I.T department, instead it can count on Dynamic I.T Services as a professionally trained I.T

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