...Strategies Strategies for improving customer relations and building customer loyalty range from simply opening up communications channels to implementing elaborate point systems that reward loyalty. Enhanced customer communications approaches include: Providing customer feedback forms • asking about customer needs in general when customers call with problems • Training call-center staff to handle disputes uniformly and constructively • responding directly to customer feedback • demonstrating how the company listens to its customers • encouraging a service culture throughout the organization. * Listening skills * Analytical and problem solving skills, team work. * Have to be able to communicate information to patients effectively. * Be able to effectively communicate leads to better understand of the patients and population. * a. Know how to determine issues better. * b. You need to know how to address, and handle issues better. Strategies Strategies for improving customer relations and building customer loyalty range from simply opening up communications channels to implementing elaborate point systems that reward loyalty. Enhanced customer communications approaches include: Providing customer feedback forms • asking about customer needs in general when customers call with problems • Training call-center staff to handle disputes uniformly and constructively • responding directly to customer feedback • demonstrating how the company listens to...
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...Strategies For Building Effective Relationship Tamekia Richardson LDR/300 November 25,2013 James Powell Strategies for Building Effective Relationship The company my uncle owns is in need of a need leader for the company. This is something that I have worked very hard for from the first day that I started working for the company. I will provide that I am ready to take on the full responsibility to lead this company in a positive way. The last leaders that was in charge did not stay around for varies of reasons. One the leader was not able to communicate with the team. Building effective relationships requires time and effort. The most effective relations take many forms and are fruitful, effective and satisfying. This only occurs when the parties involved cultivate a level of high trust in their relationships, also called inter-dependence. For this paper we will discuss the basic skills that a leader must possess in order to succeed in building effective relationships. We will also discuss some of the methods used to build effective relationships with superiors and peers. Finally we will look at the role of the leader in different participatory management methods. Basis Leadership Skills The number one basic leadership skill that is needed is to be able to communicate within the team itself. By doing this it will help to get to know each and every employee that works for the company. Communication is needed to also be able to deliver the product information...
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...reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT. (for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook) Student Declaration: This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission. 1.Abstract Classroom management is one of the most difficult challenges for teachers, especially for us as we are beginners. Learning can be affected negatively if there is no effective management of the classroom. However, every learning environment varies from the other, therefore classroom management strategies and problems are different in the UAE. Some teachers...
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...Strategies for Building Effective Relationships LDR/300 September 8, 2014 Silburn Pitter Strategies for Building Effective Relationships Building effective relationships requires time and effort. The most effective relations take many forms and are fruitful, effective and satisfying. This only occurs when the parties involved cultivate a level of high trust in their relationships, also called inter-dependence. For this paper we will discuss the basic skills that a leader must possess in order to succeed in building effective relationships. We will also discuss some of the methods used to build effective relationships with superiors and peers. Finally we will look at the role of the leader in different participatory management methods. Leader Skills These features not only facilitate a relationship to mature and deliver exceptional results, but just as importantly, they also preclude a relationship from unraveling under the weight of confusion and external stimuli – a vital aspect in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world Anyone coming up thru the ranks in the military and in the civilian sector knows that in order for a leader to be successful that they must possess certain leadership skills. Although not all inclusive, these skills will set up a leader to be successful. These skills include: organization and time management, selling skills, resource acquisition and management, technologically savvy, persuasive and negotiating skills, and ethics (Javitch, 2009)...
Words: 1962 - Pages: 8
... 1.1 Introduction 1.2 HR Profession Map Summary 1.3 Key area One; Strategy Insights and Solutions 1.4 Key area Two; Leading and managing HR 1.5 Summary of the Eight behaviours 1.6 Resourcing and Talent planning 1) 2) 2.1 Understanding customer’s needs 2.2 Communicating effectively 2.3 Building and maintain effective service 3. References 1.1Introduction I work as a HR administrator at Sphere Group, which operates in the recruitment sector. This report will outline the HR profession map, its two core areas and eight behaviours, before discussing the Professional area of Resourcing and talent planning. Part Two will discuss how an HR practitioner should ensure that the services they provide are timely and effective, commenting on understating the customers’ needs, effective communication methods and how to build and maintain effective service. Part One 1.2 My HR Profession Map summary The HR profession Map (HRPM) is key to helping HR practitioners understand what they are good at, what they can improve on and what they need to do to develop. The map is made up of ten professional areas that HR practitioners are involved in and need to know about, eight behaviours to demonstrate in these professional areas and four bands of professional competence. The ten professional areas are: Strategy, insights and solutions, leading and managing HR, organisation development, resourcing...
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...FORM B: COURSE PLAN |Course Code & Course Title: ABDT3243 Services Marketing |Programme(s): 2DMK, 2drm | | | | |Semester: [ ( ] May [ ] September [ ] January |Academic Year: 2015/2016 | |(please tick “(”) | | |Hours/Week: Lecture __2__ , Tutorial __1.5__ , Laboratory/Practical ___-____ | |Week | |Topics |Reference Material |Remarks* | | | | ...
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...Successful Corporate Strategy Global Business Strategy 1 - BUS-5024-0LA \ Table of Contents Introduction 3 Discussion of Chapter Readings and Theory 3 Chapter 5: International Trade Theories 3 Chapter 6: The Political Economy of International Trade 3 Chapter 7: Foreign Direct Investment 4 Chapter 11: Global Strategy 4 Chapter 12: Entering Foreign Markets 4 Introduction to the Case 5 Discussion of the Case 6 Definition of the Problem 6 Generation of Alternatives 6 Selection of Criteria 7 Choice of the Solution 7 Discussion of Implementation Plan 7 Strategy Implementation Assumptions 9 Strategy Directions Pursued By CRH 9 Corporate Parenting Roles Employed By CRH 9 CRH’s Acquisition Strategy and Its Contribution 10 How The Group’s Corporate Strategy Creates Value For CRH 10 Conclusion 10 References 13 Appendices 14 Appendix A 14 CRH plc: Dimensions of Successful Corporate Strategy Introduction Successful companies, these are companies that focus their efforts on strategic areas. To meet customer needs, the company must follow an overall organizational strategy. A good strategy helps to permanently preserve and strengthen the position of the target market, consistently meeting customer needs better than their competitors. The company's strategy, a way to focus on the target market segment, including that of their competitors. It is also an organization's plan, drawn up to gain a sustainable advantage over competitors. A strategy is a guide to...
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...market, there are three mainly cola brands, Coca cola, Pepsi and Future Cola, these three brand share almost 90% cola market, so that competition is omnipresent ,not only in the consumer market, but also very intensive in business to business market. Business-to-business brand building involves various aspects, for example, attributes of products and services, brand image, brand position, and B2B brand management, Wahaha Co., Ltd as a case company need to build brand image and find a solution on how to be a stronger brand in order to attract more potential customer. The theoretical context of this thesis lies in marketing management. The theoretical emphasis and framework is however in brand management: brand concepts, brand building and brand image. As the study is made in B2B environment the difference between B2B and consumer markets will be specified. The quantitative research method is used in the research for study; the data for empirical study was gathered through email. The questioner is based on the theoretical framework, related to product's attributes, brand image and communication and characteristics of brand, and relationship. The purpose of thesis is to finding a more effective method and strategy to be stronger brand, creating more ideas for company...
Words: 12735 - Pages: 51
...assumptions that is a relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people in an organizational context. It is a dynamic two-way process of leading and following that can affect both individual and organizational performance. For example ,a leader can influence the interpretation of events, the choice of objectives and strategies, the organization of work activities, the motivation of people to achieve the objectives, the maintenance of cooperative relationships, the development of skills and confidence by members and the enlistment of support and cooperation from the people outside the group or organisation Leadership in an organizational role involves: (1) Establishing a clear vision, (2) Sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, (3) Providing the information, knowledge, and methods to realize that vision, and (4) Coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders LEADERSHIP AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Leadeship is mostly connected with how the work should be done by the people and strategic management is mostly with what the work should be done by the people.when good leadership is combined with effective management,you can set a direction and be able to manage the resources the way you want,not only that you will arise to your destination the way you have planned and wanted it. The key to business success largely depends on two main factors, good leadership and effective management....
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...Behaviors That Challenge Children and Adults The Teaching Pyramid A Model for Supporting Social Competence and Preventing Challenging Behavior in Young Children Lise Fox, Glen Dunlap, Mary Louise Hemmeter, Gail E. Joseph, and Phillip S. Strain Lise Fox, Ph.D., is a research professor with Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute at the University of South Florida in Tampa. She conducts research and training and develops support programs focused on young children with challenging behavior. Glen Dunlap, Ph.D., is a professor of child and family studies and director of the Division of Applied Research and Educational Support at the Florida Mental Health Institute. Mary Louise Hemmeter, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Illinois in UrbanaChampaign and the principal investigator of a five-year project to enhance the capacity of Head Start and child care providers to address the social and emotional needs of young children. Gail E. Joseph, Ph.D., assistant research professor at the University of Colorado at Denver, has been engaged in several national projects focused on professionals working with children with challenging behaviors. Phillip S. Strain, Ph.D., professor in educational psychology at the University of Colorado at Denver, has designed comprehensive early intervention programs for children with autism or severe problem behaviors. Development of this article was supported...
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...responsibilities of a leader, if not the most important, is becoming the lead learner. (Green, 2013) This will demonstrate to the staff the value the leader has for learning. It will also assist the leader in staying current on current strategies and practices in the educational field. | 1. Administrators already know all there is to know about education.The field of education is constantly changing. A leader needs to stay up to date with the current strategies. By having knowledge of current strategies, student learning will benefit. Some one once told me, it is what you learn after you already know it all that really matters. | 2. Leaders must develop positive relationships with their followers.By building positive relationships with followers, leaders will be more effective in leading an organization. To effectively lead an organization, relationships must be developed between the leader and the followers. (Green, 2013) These positive relationships will assist in building a relationship of trust between the leader and the followers. | 2. There is no need to develop positive relationships with followers.Making others feel welcomed and wanted is the heart, head, and hand of leadership. (Green 2013) Without developing these positive relationships, you will not have the trust of your followers. | 3. Leaders must use distributive leadership.Just because a leader holds the title of leader, doesn’t mean they can’t delegate some of the responsibility of leading the organization...
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...Logistical Strategies within the Supply Chain La’Trice L. Watson American Military University Abstract Logisticians continually make strategic level decisions in order to manage uncertainty, customer service and cost. Clients such as manufacturers, raw materials suppliers, distributors, retailers and shippers are provided a service by logistic service providers within the supply chain which makes it necessary to formulate strategies (Davenport, Jarvenpa, & Beers, 1996). Logistics is a part of the supply chain, which plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption to meet the clients’ needs (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004). A number of logistical strategies exist from company to company, each claiming to be more efficient, faster, and better than their competitors. Any logistical strategy should contain some common components that supports the company’s overall logistics strategy (Waters, 2003). An effective strategy can be established for any logistical situation utilizing these four components: Agile logistics, lean management, a good relationship with vendors and effective technology systems. Logistical Strategies within the Supply Chain Because supply chain strategy depends on the type of supply chain a company uses, the type of functional strategies chosen should complement the type of...
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...marketing, biomedicine, or manufacturing – are becoming so complex that no single firm or department is going to be able to master them alone” (Birchfield, 2008). This quote can initiate one simple theory, that leaders are unable to be successful without the support of their employees and/or supporters. Nonetheless, they can only collaborate in an operational direction by having an unrestrained form of communication. It is imperative that all forms of leadership seek and fulfill communication strategies to create happy employees or supporters. Additionally, while seeking effective communication strategies, leaders must learn how to overcome the barriers that can diminish communication. These almost create a sort of cause and effect feeling with one another. Above all, leaders cannot expect to create a successful business or entity by only leading themselves; a leader must consistently seek self-growth all the while encouraging empowerment and growth among them. Communication Strategies To begin, good communication is a “bridge to worker loyalty” (Mayfield, 2002). Creating worker loyalty produces motivation, dedication, better performances, and a strong support team that will stand behind a leader. Predominantly obtaining employee commitment contributes to the overall views of the business or entity, without these factors a business will not succeed because they are acting alone like Thomas Friedman mentions in his quote. According to Cascio (1998), Commitment also explains...
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...Team Strategy and Conflict Management Plans Kimberly Faagata, Carrie Firman, Dan Lyle, Stephen Nelson, and Dera Tennelle MGT 311 June 10, 2013 Penny Thomas Part I The purpose of this paper is to discuss different strategies for team building which helps is overcoming conflicts in a working environment. Based on current strategies available on subject, it tries to figure out some leading challenges to addressed, and extracting the best strategy for team building. It covers analysis of factors and measures for building up a successful team, which serves as a common ground for a progress in evaluation of best strategy for the particular purpose. Introduction Every organizational environment has teams, which refer to different members, who are working as one. Every team is usually built on a base that acquaintances or secures the members collectively in every action to promote growth within the unit, and it is known as team building. Team building concerns to a range of activities and program, which are used by different organizations, for instance businesses, sports, academic institutions, religious and non-profit grouping with an intention of boosting up team performance. The activities manifest using a choice of methods and advancement approches, ranging from a plain bonding action to an exigent simulations, used for planned team building outings and recoils intents to build up everyone. Strategies Available to Build Teams There are many strategies available to...
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...Personal Selling & The Marketing Concept Personal Selling - A Definition and a Philosophy Personal Selling is a process of developing relationships; discovering needs; matching the appropriate products with these needs; and communicating benefits through informing, reminding, or persuading. The development of a personal selling philosophy for the information age involves three prescriptions: 1) Adopt marketing concept. 2) Value personal selling. 3) Assume the role of a problem solver or partner in helping customers make buying decisions. Personal Selling as an Extension of the Marketing Concept When a business firm moves from a product orientation to consumer orientation, we say that it has adopted the marketing concept. This concept springs from the belief that the firm should dedicate all of its policies, planning, and operation to the satisfaction of the customer. Promotion can be further subdivided into advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling. Personal selling is the major promotional method used in business. Evolution of Consultative Selling Consultative selling emphasizes need identification, which is achieved through effective communication between the salesperson and the customer. The salesperson establishes two-way communication by asking appropriate questions and listening carefully to the customer's responses. The salesperson assumes the role of consultant and offers well-considered recommendations...
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