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Student Council Speech


Submitted By celcel
Words 439
Pages 2
Good Morning (afternoon) teachers and fellow students. My name is ________ and I am in grade 8. I have been a student at St. Luke’s for 10 years. St. Luke’s is a great school. The teachers are always there for us and the students are the best. When I started at this school, I was four and I couldn’t read or write and didn’t know what to expect. Now I want to give something back to our school. We are lucky to be students at St.Luke’s.
While at St. Luke’s, I have participated in many school activities. These include sport teams such as volleyball, basketball and intramural soccer. I have also been a member of the Green team for _____years, and I attend church regularly at St. Luke’s Parish. I am a very strong, committed and dedicated student. I am very well organized and work hard at everything I do. I am very proud to be a student at St. Luke’s and would like to become more involved. So, why do I want to be a part of Student Council? First of all, I want to make a difference. I want to help make kids look forward to coming to school by planning some fun events for all of us so that our memories at St. Luke’s will be great. I would also like to make St. Luke’s more environmentally friendly. Some ideas would be to have more litter-less lunch days and also to plant more trees or even a garden at our school. We could even make announcements to remind the students of how to save the environment even at home. I also think it would be a great idea to have more intramural sports, so that more kids can be involved, especially the ones who aren’t on the school teams. The students at St. Luke’s should be more involved in the fundraising activities by being able to suggest ideas to raise money at the school. We need to help with fundraising because it is a big job but it helps to support our school with new things and cuts down the cost of trips too. The

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