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Student Success Strategy


Submitted By greygandolf
Words 266
Pages 2
The assignment for this discussion board is to research at least one credible internet source on my future career, summarize the information I found, share what I found to be helpful from the internet source, and how will it help me in my future career as an Information Technology.

The website I have chosen to utilize is Career One Stop. Career One Stop is a fantastic resource for looking at any potential career. You can search for any career by name, education and training is needed to be the career of your choice, what the job outlook is, pay, resumes, and resources. It has everything you need to make an informed decision about what you want to be when you grow up.

The part of Career One Stop, , I have found the most interesting section is under the student tab entitled Get Work Experience. In this section there are many different avenues of gaining needed job experience. For example: internships and student job boards. One or both of these resources offer the option to gain real-life experience working at your chosen profession.

Academically, Career One Stop shows a cross section of what is needed to do the job. This will help me ensure I am right on track with my education. Additionally, being able to find opportunities for an internship will be extremely helpful for me in my career. It is always good to have job experience as it adds to my overall experience. Being as rounded as possible is essential to doing the best I can at my

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