... Are too many people going to college? This question has been contemplated over for years. The increased cost of college throughout the years has caused the question to become even more relevant. Charles Murray, an author from the American Enterprise Institute, wrote the essay entitled “Are Too Many People Going to College?” Murray’s essay sought ought to explain that universities are being filled with students who are either not prepared for higher education or who are compelled into attending college and are unable to succeed because the lack of inherent abilities. While Murray makes many pertinent points about America’s infatuation with the B.A as a standard into a class of intellectual elite the essay does not take into consideration the individual influences that may lead to a student’s success. This essay will analyze and critique Murray’s view of why the pursuit of a B.A can lead to more harm than good. Murray’s main argument throughout his essay is that the perceived reward of a college degree disseminates to those seeking higher education and inevitably does more harm than good. He argues that many students do not have the ability to enjoy and finish a four year degree. This leads the student to being stigmatized and in debt due to his or her failure. Murray further establishes his argument by saying that more people continue to go to college because they are programmed into believing, regardless of their abilities, to pursue college as an essential development into...
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... Registration Test Prep Scores College Planning Financial Aid Career Planning FAQ Home/ Writing/ Sample Essays/ Sample Essay (Score = 2) Writing Test About the Test FAQs Scores Prepare Test-taking tips Practice writing skills Build writing skills Sample essays Sample Essay (Score = 2) Page 1 Begin WRITING TEST Here. If you ever ask a highschool student whether they would want to go one more year very few would say yes. I would, not because I like school, not because I enjoy spending six hours cooped up inside, but because I could use one more year to just be sure I am completely prepared for college. Along with this I feel that because we are required to take tenth grade graduation test and most of our tenth grade year is spent preparing for this test. Highschool students today are highly prepared for the world, but that one extra year in high school could possibly be spent taking time on preparatory courses in college type setting. Students get thrown into the college setting which is a major shock to them due to the major differences. Maybe doing this our freshmen's first quarter wouldn't be as much of a change. Because we have to take the graduation test in tenth grade we don't learn anything that year. We need another year due to that, so we should go one more year to make sure we are ready. Scoring Explanation This essay demonstrates inconsistent skill in responding to...
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...Schools all over the world may agree or disagree with the thought of AP classes in highschool. In Issues & Controversies, the question was asked: do Advanced Placement (AP) classes benefit U.S students? Opponents argue that they do not while in CQ Researcher, John Bishop, and Associate Professor of Human Resource Studies at Cornell University agreed with the topic of the AP classes. Below, both sides are analyzed. Opponents argue that students that are taking AP classes are not prepared and will fail their courses. In addition, it is stated that “AP classes rush students through material on which they should spend more time.” Some of the strengths that the opposers affirmed is the diagram that shows whether students who took AP classes and...
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...Begin WRITING TEST Here. If you ever ask a highschool student whether they would want to go one more year very few would say yes. I would, not because I like school, not because I enjoy spending six hours cooped up inside, but because I could use one more year to just be sure I am completely prepared for college. Along with this I feel that because we are required to take tenth grade graduation test and most of our tenth grade year is spent preparing for this test. Highschool students today are highly prepared for the world, but that one extra year in high school could possibly be spent taking time on preparatory courses in college type setting. Students get thrown into the college setting which is a major shock to them due to the major differences. Maybe doing this our freshmen's first quarter wouldn't be as much of a change. Because we have to take the graduation test in tenth grade we don't learn anything that year. We need another year due to that, so we should go one more year to make sure we are ready. Scoring Explanation This essay demonstrates inconsistent skill in responding to the task. The writer takes a position but displays no recognition of a counter-argument to that position. Development of ideas is thin with general statements to explain the first idea (Students get thrown into the college setting which is a major shock to them due to the major differences) and very little explanation of the second idea (Because we have to take the graduation test...
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...Style Argument Essay | Task: | Suggested Engagement Scenario: In order to be well-prepared for the SAT that you will take this year, it is important to practice the essay component of the exam. That is what you will do today.Part 1: Compose a 25- minute timed SAT style argument essay. Use the rubric to guide your response to this prompt: Is the American Dream possible for all people? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your position on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.Part 2: Review anchor papers with rubric, then determine your own score. (This does not replace teacher evaluation)Part 3: (optional follow-up) Compose a diary entry focused on the American Dream from the perspective of a Colonial Era immigrant. (W.# Narrative Task) | Standards: | RI.11.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information in order to address a question or solve a problem.W.11.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.L.11.3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. | Materials: | Teacher Materials: * Teacher directions * Rubric | Student Materials: * SAT Style Essay prompt sheet * Rubric | General Notes: | Students will already...
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...I was pretty nervous being a fairly new college student going into my second semester of college and taking my second English class. I had many different thoughts going through my mind of what to expect. I was apprehensive, but I was ready to take on the challenge. I knew that I needed to strengthen my English skills, and was hoping this class would help. It is okay if you are feeling nervous and scared, it’s normal. College is a very scary thing, especially if you feel you are not prepared for the courses. I feel as if English is one of my worst subjects because I have trouble comprehending and writing grammatically correct. I feel as if my high school English classes may have not prepared me enough for college. College English classes are not extremely hard if you stay on top of your work at all times. I did not have trouble writing my essays; however, I did have trouble when it came to proofreading my work. Now that I have successfully completed English 101 and 102 I feel that I have learned how to improve my writing skills, research skills, and I feel confident in any future writings....
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...Adrienne Lewis College 100 American Public University Lori Miller How to Prepare and Take a Test When preparing and taking test most people have a difficult time taking a test. The definition of a test is a procedure for critical evaluation. Most people are nervous and scared when told that they have to take a test or prepare for a test. A teacher gives test because they would like to see how much the student knows about the information that was talked about in class. Whenever it is time to take the test the teacher give notes so that the student can prepare for the test. Every student learns in different ways but in order for the student to learn the material the student has to prepare for the test. Tests are not easy preparing for and students have to have patience and not study all the material at once. College students have the tendency to procrastinate on studying. Tests are a fact of life for kids in school, including those with learning disabilities. “Tests help teachers gauge progress, measure skills, and determine grades. They can also be pointers to areas where kids need extra help. The good news is that there are some common sense approaches to studying and test taking that can reduce anxiety and improve test performance. You can help your child learn test-taking strategies she'll use throughout her entire education.”(Firchow, 2013) There are different types of test like multiple choice/objective, true/false, short essay, and essay test. “Multiple...
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...People say that college is different than high school and you will see the difference when you get there, you do not get a heads up that every class time could be your last class. A professor has the right to drop pretty much for any reason, in high school the teacher is stuck with you and they have to deal with it. But from these difference I realized that I was by no means ready for college and what it had in store for me this semester. We as students are expected to know this stuff before class has even started, but the teachers in the past they said they are making us ready for college that is there goal for us as their students, but they are just holding are hand and walking us through high school and across the stage for graduation....
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...understanding, finding and correcting grammatical errors. It also prepares students for English 125. Students must satisfactorily complete all course work to receive credit for the class. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Write short out-of-class and in-class compositions which limit subjects and unify content by common purposes or main ideas and that identify, compare, analyze and generate the various rhetorical patterns through the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing). 2. Compare, evaluate, analyze and diagnose a variety of writings by both peers and published writers. 3. Identify, correct and avoid extensive errors in grammar, usage and mechanics. Required Texts and Materials: · Hogan, Gina. Building Better Essays. 1st ed. Cengage Advantage, 2012. Print. ISBN: 978-0-495-90517-2 · A two pocket folder for submitting essays with drafts and process work. · A notebook/binder to keep notes, handouts, and assignments. Note: You will need to bring paper, pens, and your textbook to each class. Coursework: Essays: You will be writing four out of class essays for this class. Essays written outside of class need to be typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins all around. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. For each essay that you write, there will be in class pre-writing activities (process work), and a workshop draft. When the essay is due, you will turn your folder in with all pre-writing and workshop...
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...Writing an Essay: The College Way One of the many tasks expected of college students is to know how to write well organized and developed essays. Writing an essay is not simply going about a certain topic. There are particular rules a student must apply when writing in order to submit an acceptable essay, which if they are not met, the student may face strict consequences that could even lead to expulsion. Students will learn the different techniques of writing a professional essay, like the differences between quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. In an essay, the student must use the correct types of citation required and know the importance of citing sources properly and the consequences of citing improperly. Many of the courses at the college level require students to write an essay at one point or another. In the process of writing these essays, students will often use quotations to reinforce the argument or position presented in the essay. Quotations must be worded exactly as extracted from its source, and credit must always be given where it’s due. However, sometimes students may use paraphrasing as another way to support an idea. Paraphrasing is basically taking the information from a chosen source and expressing it in one’s own words instead of just repeating it word by word. On another note, summarizing will also be used whilst writing an essay. Instead of including an entire article to back up one’s position, a student can summarize that article by stating the most...
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...College Struggle for the Poor Throughout society, it is typical for graduated students from high school to move on to college to continue education. Poverty stricken students don’t always have the chance to move on to college. In Eleanor J. Bader’s essay “Homeless on Campus,” describes the effects of poverty on the less fortunate, and how they are trying to acquire an education. Eleanor J. Bader’s essay is reinforced by two contemporary articles, and how poverty effects people getting the proper education needed for them to help them to reach their personal requirements for financial and social needs. There is many reasons poverty stricken students are not able to attend college. In Eleanor J. Bader’s essay, she explains that people are not...
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...and Gerald Graff, of Illinois, discuss the problems college students face today in America. Though similar in slight variations, both professors view the problem in different regards and prepare solutions that solve what they feel to be the heart of this academic problem. Mike Rose, author of The Politics of Remediation, explains that “linguistic exclusion'; is the barrier that prevents many new college students from excelling in the academics at any given university. Gerald Graff, on the other hand, feels that the problem comes from the lack of communication between professors, and that many of the times the students are taught the same concepts but through opposite understandings and in a bias fashion. Mike Rose met many struggling students at UCLA’s Tutorial Center, the Writing Research Project, and the school’s Summer program. He first describes the loneliness students feel upon arriving at college, and that as they try to find themselves, they all to often lose themselves because they are bombarded with ideas that are so foreign to them. He introduces his audiences to Andrea, a bright young girl out of high school who, despite hours of memorizing in her textbook, could not obtain a passing grade on her Chemistry mid-term. How is this possible if she spent so much time studding? Rose explains that she failed because in college, and in this course in particular, it is not enough for a student to know the material, but rather, to be able to apply...
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...Walking into high school and into college are two very different things. The atmosphere is different, students are different, and teachers are different. Many things are different in college. Professors are not scared to use profanity. Class styles are all different. Students are not babied in college. College is a time in a student's life to realize their dreams. However, first, they must pass basic courses. One of these basic courses includes English 101. Some students struggle with this course because they believe they are not good writers. But bad writing can be fixed, laziness cannot. As a student who has taken English 101 twice now, I have a few helpful tips for incoming freshmen on how to succeed at this course. Students who wish to end their English 101 class with a bang should avoid procrastination, correct essay mistakes, and celebrate successes and failures....
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...College Don’t Make Sense By: Marion Walker Alcaro Questions: 1. Research on the background information of the author, and state your answers in bullet form. * Marion Walker Alcaro, 97, passed away on Dec. 13, 2009 in Holland, Mich * She graduated from Sweet Briar College in 1935 * During the ensuing forty years she raised three sons, managed her husband’s medical office and authored numerous articles for Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and The New Yorker magazines. * Later, at the age of 64, Marion decided to return to the academic world. At age 68 she received a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. At age 72 she received her second master’s degree from Drew University, and three years later, at the age of 75, received her Ph.D., also from Drew University. * At age 79, she authored and published a scholarly biography entitled “Walt Whitman’s Mrs. G” which, to this day, is widely recognizes and cited as a respected authority within the Walt Whitman segment of the academic community. * Over the ensuing fourteen years, Dr. Marion Alcaro, as a Walt Whitman Fellow, presented numerous courses and lectures at various colleges, universities and literary gatherings. 2. Has the life of the author influenced her in writing the literary piece? Give examples. Yes, the life of the author influenced her. The writer being a housewife and a married affects her insights about college. She realized all of those things when she became mature...
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...W. P. Carey MBA Admissions Essay Questions – Evening MBA and Online MBA MBA Applicants are required to submit answers to essay questions during the online application process. Essays may be typed in the document below, saved and uploaded in one document when requested during the online application. Responses to each essay question should be no more than two pages using 1.5 line spacing. Please begin each question on a new page. Essay Question #1 Explain how your past accomplishments have prepared you for the W. P. Carey MBA. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” A famous saying from the movie Forrest Gump pretty much describes my situation. In my earlier life, I never thought I would come to US for my master of engineering, work as an electrical engineer at Force10networks (it was acquired by DELL recently), and now pursue an MBA. My past accomplishments that have prepared me for the W.P. Carey MBA include teaching mathematics in Taiwan, coming to US to improve myself, earning my engineering masters at the University of Arizona, and working as electrical design engineer at force10networks. Before I came to US, I had taught mathematics from high school level to college calculus for seven years. The reason that I like teaching is I like to sense students’ issues of learning mathematics. I like to communicate with them, and to help them succeed in achieving...
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