...Go anywhere from here. JAPAN Princeton Economics AustrAliA TOEFL iBT Tips ® United StateS PURDUE U POLITECNICO dI MILANO HONG KONG LAW How to prepare for the TOEFL iBT. www.ets.org/toefl UCLA CANADA ENGINEERING ART FRANCE Teaching YALE Germany MEDICINE U of British ColUmBia MCGILL SINGAPORE UK U OF TOKYO KOREA TOEFL® iBT Tips TOEFL iBT Tips—from ETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Open More Doors with TOEFL® iBT, the Key to Academic Success . . . 4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The TOEFL® Test—The Key to Academic Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TOEFL Scores Open More Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The New TOEFL iBT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 What’s New About the TOEFL iBT? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Why Were Changes Made to the TOEFL Test? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About the TOEFL iBT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Format . . . . . . . ...
Words: 20457 - Pages: 82
...English 11 EN 981 = Semester One / EN 991 = Semester Two COURSE DESCRIPTION The central purpose of this course is to extend students’ growth in all communication arts. Reading, writing, listening, discussing, speaking, using language, understanding media, using technology, and employing research skills will be applied to help students enhance their abilities to become creative and critical thinkers. Language Arts B.11/12.1 B.11/12.2 B.11/12.3 C.11/12.1 C.11/12.2 C.11/12.3 D.11/12.1 D.11/12.2 E.11/12.1 E.11/12.2 E.11/12.3 E.11/12.4 E.11/12.5 F.11/12.1 Key Learning Targets Create substantial pieces of proficient writing to effectively communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes, including literary analyses. Apply the writing process to create and critique writing composed in a variety of situations. Edit and critique writing for clarity and effectiveness. Use advanced presentation skills on self-selected and assigned topics. Evaluate oral messages for accuracy, logic and usefulness. Summarize and evaluate the validity and relevance of ideas, arguments, hypotheses and evidence presented in a discussion. Identify and analyze the history, origin and usage of English words and phrases. Compare and analyze the use of symbol systems and expressions in other cultures’ languages. Use advanced computer skills to assist in the acquisition, organization, analysis and communication of information. Develop and apply criteria to evaluate various...
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...Management of Soft Skills @ Campus Placement ABSTRACT Every student pursuing a professional career in engineering/management or any other stream has an ambition to obtain a challenging job in a company of repute (a brand name) and make a successful career. The eligibility of any student for campus placement although decides on the basis of his current and past academic performance (i.e. 10th and 12th marks) but his success in the interview is mainly depend on the technical knowledge and mostly on presentation / communication skill/general awareness. This implies the importance of soft skill knowledge at this stage. Basic campus placement activities conduct in three phases. 1. Technical or subject Test 2. Group discussion 3. Personal Interview A group discussion or GD conducted to test following skill of the candidates. • Interpersonal skill-listening, speaking, receptiveness, team spirit etc. • Clarity of thoughts-knowledge and ability to link known fact • Communication skill- coherence And the interview process to evaluate the candidate on various aspects such as goal, attitude, and motivational level ability to react the situation etc. This also helps company to assess the cultural fit between the company and students. This paper will elaborate on exact soft skill required for the students who are ready for placement i.e. final or pre final year students of the college based on four important factors...
Words: 2717 - Pages: 11
...EFFECTS OF STUDY HABITS IN THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCES OF FIRST YEAR CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENT IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES SY: 2014-2015 A Research Paper Presented to the Department of College of Arts Technological Institute of the Philippines In Partial Fulfilment of the Course English 002 Submitted by: Denicha Leuise L. Javier Gesandro B. Yude Giorgina Ocubillo James Keannel A. Leop Kristoffer Lian Felix Mechel P. Abancio Ulysses Brandi F. Dela Pena January 2015 APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfilment of the requirements in English 002, this research paper entitled: Effects of the Study Habits in the Academic Performances of First Year Civil Engineering Students in Technological Institute of the Philippines (QC) SY: 2014-2015 is prepared by the researchers from CE12KB2 which includes: Leop, James Keannel Yude, Gesandro Dela Pe CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Background of the Study Research about the effect of study habits in the academic performances of students in Technological Institute Of The Philippines (TIP) received the attention from the researchers. Study habits are learning tendencies that enable students work privately. Study habits are defined as those technique such as summarizing, note taking, outlining or locating material which learners employ to assist themselves in the efficient learning of the material which material at hand. The term...
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...Krashen. Computer-Assisted Language Learning or CALL for short has become an ever expanding. CALL was created to help people learn different languages with the use of computers. It came about in the 1960's before much was known about how we learn different languages. I think this seemed like a good idea at the time, but the creator just did not have enough data on how humans learn new languages. Now fifty years later different methods and practices of it have helped more people to better understand languages that are new to them. When CALL was first created it used a method that like I said seemed a good idea, but did not help people grasp languages that were new to them. The method that was used was more of a read and repeat method. We now know that while this method may have aided in language learning, it did not contribute to language acquisition. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines acquisition as "the act of getting or acquiring something: such as the act or process of gaining skill, knowledge, etc". This means that you can read and repeat all you want, but you are not gaining the skill or full knowledge of this new language. When learning a new language we also need understanding. According to Krashen, 2003, 2001, "we acquire language and develop literacy primarily from understanding what we read and hear, that is , when we obtain comprehensible input". With all the new technological advances CALL as advanced as well. We now have the internet and everything that comes...
Words: 836 - Pages: 4
...well as online or distance education options. As more adults return to school, more services and resources become available to assist with this challenging but worthwhile endeavor. Ultimately, adult learners face a very unique set of challenges when deciding to enter or re-enter the educational sphere. In my case, I am facing some challenges since I started classes at ITT. I will talk about three of them, because they are the biggest ones for me. * Taking classes at not my first language is the biggest challenge for me. * Due the difficulty level, the stress that going back to school brings, is the second one on my list, * It is been more than ten years since the last time I took classes. So I have forgotten the techniques of study. Taking Classes in Second Language. Learning a second language is a real challenge, especially when you are an adult. Your first language is so entrenched in you by years and years of listening, writing, reading and talking your native language. This fact sometimes makes hard learning a second language because your brain is used to thinking in another language. The challenge is bigger is you want to go to school, because there is another challenge coming, to...
Words: 1422 - Pages: 6
...1996 LLB 428 SAH Sahanaya, Wendy IELTS. Preparation and Practice. Reading and Writing . Academic Module Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001 LLB 428 SAH Sahanaya, Wendy IELTS Preparation and Practice. Listening and Speaking Oxford University Press Melbourne, 2001 ENG Exams - IELTS CAM* IELTS with answer 3: (1b+2c) Cambridge : Cambridge Univerity Press, 2003 Summary: It containes: four complete tests for Academic candidates LLB 428 SAH* Sahanaya, Wendy IELTS preparation and practice: Listening and Speaking (1b+2c) Oxford : Oxford Univeristy Press, 2006 LLB 428 JAK* Jakeman, Vanessa Inside into IELTS extra with answers Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003 Summary: This book offers comprehensive preparation for the International English Language Testing System, known as IELTS....
Words: 3379 - Pages: 14
...Adamson University San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Manila Efficient and Effective Ways on How to Pass the CPA Licensure Examination In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English Communication 2 Presented by: Dela Cruz, Mark Kelvin M. Sumbo, Sherelyn T. Presented to: Prof. Mariedith B. Garcia March 17, 2014 Chapter 1 Introduction CPA board exam is an examination administered to graduates of Accountancy course who wish to become a Certified Public Accountant. Certified Public Accountant is a statutory title given to the qualified accountants and those who have met additional education and experience requirements for certification as CPA. They are also the one who has an adept knowledge in providing public attestation and opinions on financial statements. Every accountant who finished their bachelor’s degree must take the CPA board exam if they want to bring up their profession in another level. The CPA examination is designed to test the entry-level knowledge and skills necessary to protect the public interest. This examination is one of many screening devices to assure the competence of those licensed to perform the attest function and to render professional accounting services. Passing the CPA examination or being a Certified Public Accountant means you are in the forefront of your profession. You are capable enough to render professional service in any of the major fields of work in a business like an auditor, tax consultant, controller and the like. A CPA serves...
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...Calendar for College 100 Week |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday | | Week 1 |Read 13 rules every college student needs to know |6 tips for veterans to succeed in college (Personal) |Week 1: Who am I Assignment 1- Honor Code |Quiz 1-Scavenger Hunt |Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 2 |Read:http://www.apus.edu/ctl/students/skills-development/test-taking.htm Assignment #2 - Topic for Final Paper |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.usnews.com_edu20130220131239-1.URL Week 2: Making the most of your time. Forum (Personal) |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.elearners.com_20130220131239.URL Quiz #2 - Policies and Procedures Quiz |Read:https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/group/arts-and-humanities-common/COLL100/Readings%20Links/Wk2/www.elearners.com_20130220131239-1.URL Assignment #3 - Managing Time - Creating your own Personal Calendar |Read:http://www.studygs.net/timman.htm Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 3 |Academic skills Test Taking |4 Time Management Tips for Online Learners (Personal) |How to avoid Feeling Isolated in your Online Classes Week 3:What is my style |Time Management for Online Learners |Response to two classmates |(Personal) |(Personal) | | Week 4 |Assignment 5 Annotated Bibliography The Writing...
Words: 447 - Pages: 2
...How to improve communication skills? Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation, enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish. As simple as communication seems, many of us experience difficulties connecting successfully with others Being fluent in English is important, considering it is the universal language of business communication. For those looking to improve their skills, here are a few tips. 1: Listen 2: Read 3: Improve Your vocabulary 4: Prepare for small talk 5: Make mistakes 1: Listen Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others. We listen to obtain information. We listen to understand. We listen for enjoyment. We listen to learn. Given all this listening we do, you would think we'd be good at it! In fact most of us are not. Depending on the study being quoted, we remember between 25% and 50% of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. This is dismal! Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren't hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured...
Words: 1284 - Pages: 6
...she will soon endure and do not possess the study skills and time management needed to succeed as undergraduates. This dilemma is not prejudice nor is it unique; scholars of all ages are being challenged by an onset of low test scores as the result of poor study skills. This paper is intended to help students master the techniques needed to study efficiently and educate individuals on how to properly prepare for tests and exams. Study Skills: Preparing for, and Taking Tests For a student to enhance his or her study skills, proper learning conditions should be established. There has been much written to help ensure the proper learning climate is adapted. First, students should create a workspace that is free of clutter, has adequate lighting, and in an area with minimal distractions. It is also a good idea to collect necessary study aids such as laptop, pen or pencil, paper, etc… prior to the scheduled study time as well as a glass of water for hydration. Once the proper workspace has been developed, students can begin to establish a routine schedule for studying developing into study habits. Successful students develop study habits by staying motivated and creating a study schedule. In order to become more efficient in our behavior, we develop routine ways of reacting to accomplish the things we do. These are called habits, and they cause us to function more smoothly (Blai, 1993). Developing and maintaining effective study habits, will allow the scholar to substantially...
Words: 1976 - Pages: 8
...CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING I. Introduction Teachers are the authorities inside the classroom. They are the one who facilitates the students for them to be able to learn. Every teacher differs from one another when it comes to pedagogical skills. Because of the modernization of the current generation, system of education was also affected. Major changes were made due to what professionals/critics noticed about the students’ performance in the school. They observed that nowadays, traditional education system may not be that still effective like before. In this kind of system, the teacher is the main source of information and the students act as the audience. Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to curriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur (Novak, 1998). Before, students here in the Philippines were exposed to IBE or Input Based Education in which it was a teacher-centred learning process. Now, it was transformed to OBE or Outcomes-Based Education. It was introduced in the Philippines last July 2012 by the CHED or Commission on Higher Education. OBE has become a focal point for critics...
Words: 10240 - Pages: 41
...text, as the reference list is sorted alphabetically according to the authors’ surnames or the titles of the publications (in cases where no author is available). Van Dyk & Coetzee, 2009: 9 Tips Organisation ➢ Make sure that your bibliography is strictly alphabetical. Don’t create separate lists for books, journals and electronic sources; all of the references should appear in one alphabetically organised list. ➢ If you use two different texts published by the same author during one year, you need to distinguish between these sources by placing an alphabetical letter next to the year of publication. For example: • Van Wyk 2012a • Van Wyk 2012b • Van Wyk 2012c ➢ Each in text reference must be listed in the bibliography. Layout ➢ All punctuation marks used for the Harvard method has a specific function and cannot be used interchangeably. ➢ If the year of publication is unknown you need to use the abbreviation n.d. which stands for no date. General ➢ Not all electronic sources are reliable; websites that end with a .com is usually not very reliable. Sites that end with .edu or .org usually give very reliable information. ➢ Google and Yahoo! are search engines, they are not references. You use these sites to search for other websites that contain the information you need. How to reference a book with one author In text reference Roberts (2012: 83) describes Portsmouth Football Club as a successful Premier League team who did not attract much attention or excitement...
Words: 571 - Pages: 3
...Volume 3, number 2 What is critical appraisal? Sponsored by an educational grant from AVENTIS Pharma Alison Hill BSC FFPHM FRCP Director, and Claire Spittlehouse BSc Business Manager, Critical Appraisal Skills Programme, Institute of Health Sciences, Oxford q Critical appraisal is the process of systematically examining research evidence to assess its validity, results and relevance before using it to inform a decision. q Critical appraisal is an essential part of evidence-based clinical practice that includes the process of systematically finding, appraising and acting on evidence of effectiveness. q Critical appraisal allows us to make sense of research evidence and thus begins to close the gap between research and practice. q Randomised controlled trials can minimise bias and use the most appropriate design for studying the effectiveness of a specific intervention or treatment. q Systematic reviews are particularly useful because they usually contain an explicit statement of the objectives, materials and methods, and should be conducted according to explicit and reproducible methodology. q Randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews are not automatically of good quality and should be appraised critically. www.evidence-based-medicine.co.uk Prescribing information is on page 8 1 What is critical appraisal What is critical appraisal? Critical appraisal is one step in the process of evidence-based clinical practice. Evidencebased clinical practice...
Words: 4659 - Pages: 19
...is to know how this new digital tool operates in order that everybody can efficiently benefit the fruitful use that affects classroom environment. Specifically, instructors and learners want to know how to use the technology to live and communicate with each other appropriately as well as enhancing the value of the educational development. Technology is changing the way teachers and learners used to act and conduct during class in educational institutions. Not only does technology transform access to technology but also the skills required to fully interact with it. Members of the learning- teaching process are asking these questions: * What is the important role played by technology in facilitating teaching and learning process? * What are the types of technology used in the classroom? * How can it be used to improve and develop the levels of learners and educators? * How can technology reinforce the skills needed to succeed in teaching learning process? * How does technology facilitate teaching and learning? * How will the technology affect the future career for both teachers and learners? * What are the steps needed to strengthen the academic staff at the educational institution? * How will technology help students become better learners and users of Information and Communication Technology? * What are the appropriate teaching and learning styles that enhance educational distinction and school performance? * How does the immersion...
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