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Sugar Man Anthropology

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Examining the world from a uniquely anthropological perspective, it is clear that societies diverse in culture, wealth, and perspective are interconnected like never before. Through this class, I have started to develop a new appreciation for examining the world from ways I would have never considered before. By way of academic research, ethnography, economics, and various other platforms, the inner cogs that make todays truly globalized society turn are seen in full effect. Paired with developing my own research project, focusing on the assimilation of immigrants in Italian communities using third places related to sports, it was enlightening to examine how topics such as the reinterpretation of ideas, the rise of corporate power, and the …show more content…
Analyzing the reinterpretation of ideas and its effects on cultures in an evolving world is the spark that peaked my interest in using this class as a vessel to further my learning and establish the parameters of my research project. Initially beginning with the viewing of Sugar Man, a documentary on the mysterious American signer Rodriguez and his even more mysterious popularity in South Africa, I was able to connect how different cultures could latch onto something so unconnected from their own and turn it into a staple of their society. Specifically, as seen in Sugar Man when apartheid protestors utilized his songs as unabashed anthems against the norms of their society and were taught through his lyrics that it was okay to protest the government, I thought it would be interesting to take this idea and apply it to other cultures. While initially …show more content…
Arguably most problematic is the cutthroat approach of capitalist, corporate kingpins and their drive to maximize profit. As it is now absurdly cheaper for large corporations to invest in production in East Asia, instead of Western countries, as well as outsource jobs all over the world for a fraction of the costs, the negative effects globalization poses are obvious as well. As covered in China Blue, urban centers across China are now effectively havens for Western companies to establish factories unhindered by regulations that are normally faced in the United States. This blatant disregard for the lives of these factory workers in favor of efficiency shows the problematic relationship globalization can breed between countries. Since the United States is now so tied to China, and vice versa, the inhumane acts they commit in favor of capitalist ideals, effectively dehumanizing and exploiting millions of workers, demonstrates the obvious need for facets of our globalizing world to be

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