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Submitted By suge
Words 2099
Pages 9
Primary and Secondary Research Assignment
“Ever Lasting Laptop”
Suge Meenadchisundaralinkam.
Monday November 23rd 2015

Table Of Contents



Procedure And Research Methods…………………………………………...5

Secondary Research (stats Can)…………………………………………….…6

Analysis of Secondary Research……………………………………………….7

Description of Primary Research……………………………………………...9

Good copy of Survey……………………………………………………………....10

Findings and Conclusions……………………………………………………….12

Interpretation of analysis……………………………………………………….16



The innovated product that my company has created and launched is the Ever Lasting laptop. Since, this is the first product that I have launched a general survey will be needed to get a general sense of the population. A marketing survey is a great way to help your team to grow and also for consumers to know that your product is going to be launched. This marketing survey will be needed to find out what consumers want in their laptops and generally where they buy their laptops. To add on, my survey will also give me information on the general income that the population has. The ever-lasting laptop with 10-year battery that I am releasing is generally for teens and adults. This is because; teens need computers to help them function in school and adults need laptops to make-work easier and quicker for them. The price that I will be selling my product for is $599.99.

Procedures and Research Methods

Secondary Research (Stats Can) City | Age/Group(15-64) | Size(Square ft.) | Education | Income | Employ-ment | Household(Total number of persons in private household) | City A(brampton | M=177,595F=184,510 | 266.34 | No education=17.2%High school Diploma=26.4%Post

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