...common patterns, for instance, are impulsiveness, procrastination, and indulgence (Perkins in Sternberg, 2002). These behaviors fall into the categories of mistuning and undermanagement. A study on the correlation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and suicide found higher rates of ADHD diagnoses than depression for adolescents entering emergency rooms for attempted suicide. This is thought to be due to impulsivity and other personality related issues (Manor et al., 2010). Another study comparing procrastination and suicidal ideation amongst college students showed a significant correlation between the two. Additionally, the study found that teaching males at a young age to hide...
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...Foxconn Technology Group. Within the paper the reader will gain a little insight on the cultural issue that affected the organization. The issue will be defined and an overview will be provided on how the issue became an issue in the organization. Also an analysis of the ethical and social responsibility issues Foxconn dealt with as a result of being global. Lastly the paper will identify the ethical perspectives, compare the perspectives across cultures involved, and describe a viable solution for the issue that was deemed acceptable to all stakeholders. Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., trading as Foxconn Technology Group (forbes.com) is an electronic company based in Taiwan was founded in 1974. It is the world's largest electronics contractor manufacturer, and the third-largest information technology company. Foxconn is predominantly a contract manufacturer who is also known as a made to order manufacturer. Their clients include American, European and Japanese electronics and information technology companies. Products invented by this company are BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, Kindle, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Wii. The cultural issue that affected Foxconn’s interactions outside of the United States is the controversies that plagued the company in concern to how it manages employees in China. There has been a history of suicides in its factories blamed on working conditions. In January 2012, about 150 Foxconn employees threatened to commit mass-suicide in protest...
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...TERM PAPER Topic: - PEST analysis of Pakistan Submitted by Mohd. Asif ROLL NUMBER – AUD0637 BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION- 3C AMITY UNIVERSITY DUBAI CAMPUS MARCH 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Mrs.Priyanka Chandanani for her advice and guidance. I appreciate their effort of providing necessary information regarding the paper & also for their support in completing the paper. I would also like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their encouragement and support. Lastly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those at Amity University Dubai who have willingly helped me out with their abilities. PEST Analysis of Pakistan Political If we observe the political situation of Pakistan, much of the politics is based on different ethnic groups. It’s fair to say that the current political situation of Pakistan is in dire need of substantial changes if we compare it to the political systems of leading nations in the world. Pakistan...
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...A Case Study Analysis of Foxconn: Perspective of a manufacturing sweatshop in China Boyao Zhang R/W Grad VI University of Delaware English Language Institute May 29th, 2016 A Case Study Analysis of Foxconn: Perspective of a manufacturing sweatshop in China An irreversible trend of economic globalization presents opportunities and challenges in China. Overall, foreign direct investment (FDI) and open trade, two major elements of commercial globalization, have played a crucial role in the international business market in the last thirty years (Lessmann, 2013). To avoid shortcomings, numerous developed countries have established their manufacturing industries in developing countries. Due to the advantages of lower labor cost and abundant resources, China has become the first choice of international manufacturing processing enterprises; therefore, as far as China's economy is concerned, the manufacturing processing industry is a vital element of national income and a crucial part of China's economic structure (Chan, 2013). Nevertheless, although it is indisputable that FDI and open trade have positive effects on the Chinese economy and the development of technology, in recent years, Chinese economic and environmental issues are undeniably caused by economic globalization. (Chen & Ge, 2010; Lessmann, 2013). Foxconn, a representative company of manufacturing industry in China, is a beneficiary and victim of FDI and open trade (Guo, 2012). This case analyzes the labor...
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...Analysis of Foxconn Introduction Foxconn, or Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, was founded 37 years ago in Taiwan by Terry Gou. The company initially started as a local computer component manufacturer. Over the past decades, Foxconn had been continuously growing to become the world’s largest electronic components manufacturers with the consolidated revenue of 59.32 billion US dollars in 2010. As the largest electronic manufactures, Foxconn provides electronic components to major electronic devices manufacturers across the world. Its clients include Apple, Amazon, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Dell and HP. Broad Environment Sociocultural: In the past year, Foxconn’s image has been tarnished by reports of labor protests and employee suicides. These were the result of harsh working conditions, unfair wages and a lack of communication with the media. The sociocultural trend has driven Foxconn to improve its working surroundings and its impeccable image in society. In addition, Foxconn has remained highly confidential on its internal information. Today’s society has required the company to communicate frequently with external stakeholders. This foreseeable trend will require Foxconn to become a more transparent company in the future. Political: Foxconn’s manufacture sites are located in developing countries. These countries have the trend to change in laws and regulations frequently. For example, China has changed its labor regulations in recent years. In addition, Foxconn...
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...to the parents and or coach. Although not as controversial as assisted suicide it poses significant risks and eyebrow raises in the sports world. Doctors, nurses, and various medical personal have a harder role. They wager people’s lives and future and decide in some countries whether or not to permit such an act. In this essay we will explore the facts on Euthanasia: Assisted Suicide, my view, the world view and its progress. Before I begin, however, let me note what I will not try to do. I will not try to show you that Physician Assisted Suicide is a fully justifiable course of action what I will do is give you facts and statistics of this rapidly growing controversial issue.. What I will show you is the compatibility to the commitment to good end-of-life care. One of the most important public policy debates today surrounds the issues of euthanasia and assisted suicide. The outcome of that debate to whether or not it should be made available will profoundly affect family relationships, interaction between doctors and patients, and concepts of basic ethical behavior. Although not accepted widespread, the thought and ease of relocation to a place where it is available is an option many people are considering. By definition Physician-Assisted Suicide is defined as a physician providing medications or other interventions to a patient with understanding that the patient intends to use them to commit suicide. In contrast to Euthanasia defined as, intentionally administering medications...
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...External and Internal Analysis of Foxconn Introduction Foxconn, or Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, was founded 37 years ago in Taiwan by Terry Gou. The company initially started as a local computer component manufacturer. Over the past decades, Foxconn had been continuously growing to become the world’s largest electronic components manufacturers with the consolidated revenue of 59.32 billion US dollars in 2010. As the largest electronic manufactures, Foxconn provides electronic components to major electronic devices manufacturers across the world. Its clients include Apple, Amazon, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Dell and HP. Since 2011, Foxconn has been expanding its operations in Brazil to increase its supply of Apple products. It has also announced that the company will increase the wage of employees working at the Apple manufacturing sites in China by 16 to 25 percent and opened itself up for further inspection. Broad Environment Sociocultural: During the course of a society transition in developing countries, the current working class will grow and evolve into the middle class. Those workers who, once forced by circumstance to stand for fourteen hours a day, are the workers that no longer need or want what seemly meager financial benefits employer has to offer. In the past year, Foxconn’s image has been tarnished by reports of labor protests and employee suicides. These were the result of harsh working conditions, unfair wages and a lack of communication with the media...
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...1.0 Introduction Foxconn Technology Group is a multinational company for electronics manufacturing where the company headquarter is located in Tucheng, New Taipei, Taiwan. During the thirty years of development, the Foxconn scope of product has expanded and has formed series of electronic products manufacturing such as Card Readers Graphics Cards, LCD Monitors, and Power Supplies. They have become one of the largest electronic contract manufacturers working with many technology companies around the world. Even though Foxconn is one of the largest manufacturers, they are not really well-known as its size. However, in the recent years, the name of company became more aware of due to their issues on labour practices. This aspect of the company will be explored for this analysis. 2.0 The company’s background Foxcoon was established in 1974, also known as Hon Hai by Terry Geo as a manufacturer to produce plastic parts for television sets. As they started to grow larger, they have started to produce console Joystick controller through receiving orders from Atari. In 1985, Hon Hai established United States offices and successfully branded “FOXCONN”. At the same year, Foxconn entered the top 1000 companies of Taiwan. (Foxconn, 2014) In 1988, Terry Gou made a significant decision, which was to establish first factory in Shanghai China. This strategy proved to be so successful that Foxconn began to grow its business at an unbelievable speed. By 2001, Foxconn became the biggest company...
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...Organizational Structure Paper Egla Rodriguez MGT/230 May 15, 2012 Robin Sully Organizational Structure Paper In 1962, in Roger, Arkansas, Sam Walton had this brilliant idea that American consumers needed a different type of store so he opened Wal-Mart on the other hand in the same year, Dayton Hudson corporation opened “The first Target store in 1962 in the Minneapolis suburb of Roseville, Minn., with a focus on convenient shopping at competitive discount prices. Today, Target remains committed to providing a one-stop shopping experience for guests by delivering differentiated merchandise and outstanding value with its Expect More. Target currently is the second largest general merchandise retailer in America, with Target.com consistently being banked as one of the most-visited retail Web sites. Organizational Structure is a way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that it can be executed and its goals and objectives can be met. Wal-Mart was constructed into a three product divisional structure. The successful world retailer’s business categories include Wal-Mart Stores, Sam's Club, and International stores. Wal-Mart was built on three beliefs such as great customer service, striving for excellence, and respecting other individual. Like Wal-Mart, Target also strives on customer satisfaction. Targets objective is to make themselves the preferred shopping destination for their guests by giving them vale, innovation, and an outstanding experience. Wal-Mart...
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...validity of their ideas based on observations. Objectivity plays the role of a reality check while subjectivity makes us set our priorities for research. The sociological approach to improving human welfare is based on the idea that the relations we have with other people create opportunities for us to think and act but also set limits on our thoughts and actions. Accordingly, we can better understand that what we are and what we can become by studying the social relations that help shape us. FOR EXAMPLE: even the most personal issues can be studied using a sociological approach Suicide could have been seen as an anti-social act caused by psychological distress but Durkheim studied it from a sociological perspective correlating it to “social solidarity”, how frequently people interact with others and share their beliefs, values and morals. Social forces then determine the likelihood to commit suicide. Sociologists use the sociological approach to identify: 1) A behavior that they are interested in 2) Social forces that influence that behavior 3) The larger institutional, political, etc – changes that improve human welfare with respect to that behavior CHAPTERS TO READ: * SIQ (Society in Question) Chapter 1 * Chapter 1 in NS (New Society) FOCUS ON THESE SECTIONS IN CHAPTER 1 OF NS * The...
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...Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma, Impact of Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia Luellen Lawler, Soma Philip, Annamma Anto, and Janice Haddock Team Green, Grand Canyon University Ethical Decision Making in Health Care 437 V Dr. Ann Leslie Claesson September 01, 2012 Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma, Impact of Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia There are several topics in the field of biomedical ethics that are controversial and by nature require careful examination of one’s own values and viewpoints. The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of voluntary or assisted euthanasia and the ethical implications it entails in relation to the profession of nursing. Nurses have the responsibility to act in their patient’s best interests. However, that may become difficult in the event that a patient asks for help in the task of ending his or her own life. There were two case scenarios provided for review concerning the topic of voluntary or assisted euthanasia. The common ethical implication among nurses involved in these particular cases seems to be the ambivalence they experience in relation to their level of involvement. Although nurses worldwide are confronted with euthanasia requests from patients, the views of nurses on their level of involvement in euthanasia remains unclear (Dierkx de Casterle, Verpoort, De Bal, & Gastmans, 2006). It stands to reason that palliative care nurses in particular, would have the highest frequency of experience with patients who are...
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...patients have been pressed to the walls by their ailments. This has compelled them seek for suicide assistance in form of prescriptions for lethal drugs to help them terminate their lives. Such patients have undergone extreme pain that they are left with no options rather to beg to die. This is an illusion to some critics who preach about the sanctity of life. This paper intends to explore on legalizing Physician Assisted Suicide for terminally ill patients with certain guidelines. Introduction According to Birnbacher (2008), the question of legalizing physician assisted suicide still generates great debate. These two scholars have added their voice to the debate by stressing that physician assisted suicide should be permissible medical caregivers. This should only be possible under certain and considerable conditions. Manning (1998) also argued that some diseases are quite traumatizing. The patients tend to face extreme suffering that even doctors can seldom extend their olive branch. For instance, when an individual is suffering from incurable syndromes that press them to the extreme throughout their life, then euthanasia should be allowed (Snyder, 2002). This showed that physician assisted suicide could relieve such patients from the suffering. Based on the debate on physical assisted suicide, the proponents of the debate have appealed for legalizing physical assisted suicide. Their arguments have basically been founded on principle of autonomy (Birnbacher, 2008)...
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...as the Internet. The Internet has provided mankind with luxuries such as; remote banking, distant learning for students, shopping for household goods and clothes, and countless other amenities. Therefore, just considering the technology of the Internet upon its own merits, the Internet demonstrates an evasive technology that is not only a luxury to some areas of industry it is an economic necessity. Also, considering the advent of social media vehicles such as; Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, technology enables anyone to have the potential to access to platforms for sharing their opinions. When one has access to a platform opinions and comments are created that can be both powerful and scathing for the good or bad. In extreme instances, becoming more commonplace, options and comments expressed can turn into threating harassment. In turn, many are experiencing a continuous pattern of “digital harassment” called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is determined to be a new cause of fear in our society, especially in younger generations and adolescents. The narrative of this paper will discuss cyberbullying, its negative influence through the use of modern technology, and the ethical/social implications of that negative influence. How the technology of the Internet and social media use by adolescents causes mental health issues through cyberbullying, a negative and evasive ethical and social implication of technological use. Cyberbullying The term cyberbullying has been...
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...THE LAW ON ASSISTED SUICIDE On July 26, 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld decisions in New York and Washington state that criminalized assisted suicide. These decisions overturned rulings in the 2nd and 9th Circuit Courts of Appeal which struck down state statutes banning physician-assisted suicide. Those courts had found that the statutes, which prohibited doctors from prescribing lethal medication to competent, terminally ill adults, violated the 14th Amendment. In striking the appellate decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court found that there was no constitutional "right to die," but left it to individual states to enact legislation permitting or prohibiting physician-assisted suicide. (The full text of these decisions, plus reports and commentary, can be found at the Washinton Post web site.) As of April 1999, physician-assisted suicide is illegal in all but a handful of states. Over thirty states have enacted statutes prohibiting assisted suicide, and of those that do not have statutes, a number of them arguably prohibit it through common law. In Michigan, Jack Kevorkian was initially charged with violating the state statute, in addition to first-degree murder and delivering a controlled substance without a license. The assisted suicide charge was dropped, however, and he was eventually convicted of second degree murder and delivering a controlled substance without a license. Only one state, Oregon, has legalized assisted suicide. The Oregon statute...
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...ETHICS BEHIND APPLE AND FOXCONN RELATIONSHIP 1 Ethics Behind Apple and Foxconn Relationship Maryana Didovych The College of Westchester ETHICS BEHIND APPLE AND FOXCONN RELATIONSHIP 2 Abstract This paper examines Apple, Inc.’s relationship with one of its biggest suppliers, Foxconn Technology Group. Recent growth in suicide incidents at Foxconn factories again caught media’s attention. Whether Apple’s decision to stay in business with Foxconn despite these incidents is ethical or not is examined using Traditional 5-Question approach. Contradictory evidence is also examined. Based on the result of 5-Question approach and reviewed evidence it can be concluded that Apple’s decision may indeed be unethical. Recently published evidence suggests Apple and Foxconn are addressing several issues, but close monitoring of the improvement process is required to ensure success. ETHICS BEHIND APPLE AND FOXCONN RELATIONSHIP 3 Ethics Behind Apple and Foxconn Relationship One of the biggest suppliers and manufacturers of Apple Inc’s (Apple) products recently has been involved in scandals concerning working conditions of its factory workers. This company is called Foxconn Technology Group (Foxconn). It operates in more than 40 research and development centers as well as manufacturing facilities in Asia, Russia, Europe and the Americas. According to Pratap, Radhakrishnan and Dutta (2012), Foxconn is “the world’s biggest contract electronics manufacturer, taking in over 50%...
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