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Summary of Statistic Analysis


Submitted By IMmaCoOLJ
Words 609
Pages 3
Statistical is an explanation type in social science trough credible causal mechanisms such as quantitative reasoning, statistical analysis and comparative, and statistic explanation et cetera. Basic of statistical explanation, there are two points which are understanding of concept and second is questions. In terms of statistical analysis, researcher needs the collection, summarization, manipulation, and interpretation of quantitative data to discover its underlying causes, patterns relationships and trends.
In the quantitative reasoning in social science, the data set is involved into the structure. Data which involve might be a time-series data set for study to a time sequence or complex data which researcher has to extract from it. Beside, the null hypothesis is used as a tool for a condition which is different from the absolute probability of the event by using for considering to economic growth and political stability.
Strength Weakness
Enables the research and description of social structures and processes that are not directly observable. -Simplifies and ”compresses” the complex reality: abstract and constrained perspective
Well-suited for quantitative description, comparisons between groups, areas etc. - Only applicable for measurable (quantifiable) phenomena
Analysis and explanation of (causal) dependencies between social phenomena. -Only applicable for measurable (quantifiable) phenomena.
-Presumes relatively extensive knowledge on the subject matter in order to be able to ask “correct” questions.
-Presumes relatively extensive knowledge on the subject matter in order to be able to ask “correct” questions.
Correlation and Regression
Correlation is a statistical tool which is relationship between two variables and involves various methods and techniques used for measuring. There are two important types of correlation.

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