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Summary Of The Story 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been'

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It is said that 1 in 5 women – or nearly 22 million – have been raped in their lifetimes.* (Roger Williams This is an estimate, because only 1 in 10 sexual assaults gets reported, and a result of this, sexual assault is not a largely publicised topic, and so this unacceptable problem is left untreated. Oates wanted to shed light on this predicament, so in her story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”, A 15 year old self absorbed girl who sees a boy at a drive in restaurant and leads him on is visited by that same boy while she is home alone. This young girl named Connie soon realizes that this boy is not a boy at all, and is actually a man trying to get her into his car. By the end of their conversation the man, Arnold,

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