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Summary: Should We Eliminate The Juvenile Justice System

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Should We Eliminate the Special System of Juvenile Justice? Juveniles are considered children under the age of eighteen (18) or sixteen (16) in some states. During adolescence years, children are still trying figure out what is physically happening to their bodies, cope with peer pressure as well as their own emotions. Preteens and teenagers are dependent upon their parents or guardians for direction in teaching them about not handling something that is dangerous or getting them to understand that our actions have consequences, whether good or bad. For reason of juveniles lacking the mental capacity of an adult, they are still developing physically, and they should not be penalized forever for their actions; therefore, we should not eliminate the Special System of Juvenile Justice. …show more content…
Furthermore, if the Juvenile Justice System is eliminated youth would be treated as adults. Early forms of the Juvenile Justice System can be traced back to English custom and poor laws. During this time, destitute or neglected children were placed with families who trained them in agriculture, trade, or domestic services (Siegel & Worrall, 2013). According to Siegel & Worrall, 2013, in 1899 an independent court was established to handle criminal law violations committed by children. By 1925, most states had a form of Juvenile Court. As time evolved, reform schools were instituted to provide redirection of wayward juveniles through hard work and discipline. Furthermore, psychological treatment and therapy was later introduced to the Juvenile Justice System in the 1950’s (Siegel & Worrall,

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