...1 .Antebellum Period summary: The Antebellum Period in American history is generally considered to be the period before the civil war and after the War of 1812, although some historians expand it to all the years from the adoption of the Constitution in 1789 to the beginning of the Civil War. It was characterized by the rise of abolition and the gradual polarization of the country between abolitionists and supporters of slavery. During this same time, the country’s economy began shifting in the north to manufacturing as the Industrial Revolution began, while in the south, a cotton boom made plantations the center of the economy. The annexation of new territory and western expansion saw the reinforcement of American individualism and of Manifest...
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...& 13 Guided Reading Tentative Due date: 11/17/2015 Big Picture Questions (must be answered to receive full credit): To what extent did individualism, new religious sects, abolitionism, and women’s rights change American culture during the antebellum period (1820-1860)? Chapter 11: Religion and Reform 1800-1860 Individualism: The Ethic of the Middle Class Discuss the differing opinions on the lack of rigid class structures in America: Alexis de Tocqueville: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Transcendentalism: How did Second Great Awakening preachers like Finney adopt portion of Emerson’s philosophies regarding man? How did the main teachings of Transcendentalism differ from the teachings of most Protestant faiths of the time? Emerson’s Literary Influence (For each author describe their main literary focus and delineate between fiction or nonfiction) Henry David Thoreau: Margaret Fuller: Walt Whitman: Nathaniel Hawthorne: Herman Melville: Rural Communalism and Urban Popular Culture Utopias: Communalists: Shakers: marriage? Socialism: property ownership? Humphrey Noyes and Oneida: perfectionism: marriage? Joseph Smith: Mormonism: What was summary of Book of Mormon? How were Mormons accepted by those outside of their faith and what did this lead them to do? Brigham Young: Abolitionism -Skip (We will cover this in class) The Women’s Rights Movement Women became involved in what...
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...articles states the following: “We believe in being hones, true, chaste, benevolent, and in doing good to all men. Indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.[i] It regard to the treatment of Americans of African descent, it is no secret that the nation, at large, treated individuals with great contempt. The question is whether or not this new faith group was any different. How did treatment of African Americans among the Saints differ from that of the general population of the United States during the period from 1830, the church’s founding, to the end of the century? What was the LDS church’s position on slavery and did practice follow policy among members of a church founded on the principles of “faith, hope, and charity”?[ii] And, how was the view towards and treatment of free colored persons different that that toward slaves? The Contemporary view The treatments of African Americans in the United States varied throughout the general population. From the slave states of the south, where cruel masters held little hesitation in inflicting whippings, lashings, food deprivations, and other inhumane treatment, to the...
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...bring about any large changes in the German economy. Germany had spent six years preparing for war, and a large portion of the economy was already devoted to military production. During the war, as Germany acquired new territories (either by direct annexation or by installing puppet governments in defeated countries), these new territories were forced to sell raw materials and agricultural products to German buyers at extremely low prices. Fiction as Reconstruction of History: Narratives of the Civil War in American Literature by Reinhard Isensee Even after more than 140 years the American Civil War continues to serve as a major source of inspiration for a plethora of literature in various genres. While only amounting to a brief period in American history in terms of years, this war has proved to be one of the central moments for defining the American nation since the second half of the nineteenth century. The facets of the Civil War, its protagonists, places, events, and political, social and cultural underpinnings seem to hold an ongoing fascination for both academic studies and fictional representations. Thus, it has been considered by many the most written-about war in the United States. The War That Never Goes Away: The Significance of the Civil War for the Cultural Imagination in the United States Despite the overwhelming body of academic work on the Civil War produced in the United States (and beyond) most of the American public (as well as the international...
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...Brief History of the Gold Standard in the United States Craig K. Elwell Specialist in Macroeconomic Policy June 23, 2011 Congressional Research Service 7-5700 www.crs.gov R41887 CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress Brief History of the Gold Standard in the United States Summary The U.S. monetary system is based on paper money backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. The currency is neither valued in, backed by, nor officially convertible into gold or silver. Through much of its history, however, the United States was on a metallic standard of one sort or another. On occasion, there are calls for Congress to return to such a system. Such calls are usually accompanied by claims that gold or silver backing has provided considerable economic benefits in the past. This report briefly reviews the history of the gold standard in the United States. It is intended to clarify the dates during which the standard was used, the type of gold standard in operation at the various times, and the statutory changes used to alter the standard and eventually end it. It is not a discussion of the merits of such a system. The United States began with a bimetallic standard in which the dollar was defined in terms of both gold or silver at weights and fineness such that gold and silver were set in value to each other at a ratio of 15 to 1. Because world markets valued them at a 15½ to 1 ratio, much of the gold left the country and...
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...Barbara Jeanne Fields Slavery, Race and Ideology in the United States of America Two years ago, a sports announcer in the United States lost his job because he enlarged indiscreetly—that is, before a television audience—upon his views about ‘racial’ differences. Asked why there are so few black coaches in basketball, Jimmy ‘the Greek’ Snyder remarked that black athletes already hold an advantage as basketball players because they have longer thighs than white athletes, their ancestors having been deliberately bred that way during slavery. ‘This goes all the way to the Civil War,’ Jimmy the Greek explained, ‘when during the slave trading . . . the owner, the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so he could have a big black kid, you see.’ Astonishing though it may seem, Snyder intended his remark as a compliment to black athletes. If black men became coaches, he said, there would be nothing left for white men to do in basketball at all. Embarrassed by such rank and open expression of racism in the most ignorant form, the network fired Jimmy the Greek from his job. Any fool, the network must have decided, should know that such things may be spoken in the privacy of the 95 locker-room in an all-white club, but not into a microphone and before a camera. Of course, Jimmy the Greek lays no claim to being educated or well informed. Before he was hired to keep audiences entertained during the slack moments of televised sports events, he was...
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...Marketing Plan For “The Royal Bed & Breakfast” Introduction to the Company Executive Summary: At the heart of our company is a commitment to providing a quality bed and breakfast experience to all visitors in the NijhumDwip- St. Martin’s Island. With the availability of color tours in the fall and a spectacular season of fun and sun in the summer, Nijhumdwip is a year-round tourist destination for thousands of travelers. The Royal Bed & Breakfastis to capitalize on that tourist traffic and focus on providing a popular stop for those exploring the region. This plan serves to illustrate the profit potential that can be obtained through the renovation of an existing structure that serves a specialty clientele. If done with flair and a sense of style, it is our belief that we can turn Fantasy into a reality. COMPANY DESCRIPTION The Royal Bed & Breakfastis aiming to be one of the most exclusive and upscale establishment of its kind in the St. Martin’s Island area. The Royal Bed & Breakfastwill take a solid hospitality approach to the bed and breakfast industry and carve out a specialty niche in the marketplace. The charm of The Royal Bed & Breakfast will come from its unique perspective in selling romance and escapism to a popular demographic pool of urban professionals in the St. Martin’s area. The specifics of this plan are illustrated below. Building Description The structure selected for The Royal Bed & Breakfast is both prominent and...
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...Southwest Airlines Research Report Tommy Best - Jessica Johnson - Adam McCormick Laura Monday - Evvan Tolly - Jessica Wirth Mary Wrenn ADV 340 - Dr. Childers - Fall 2009 Table of Contents Industry Overview Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 History............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Size of Industry.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2-3 Stage in Product Life Cycle.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-4 Seasonality......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Growth Potential/Forecasts..........................................................................................................
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...South Carolina Social Studies Academic Standards Mick Zais, Ph.D. State Superintendent of Education South Carolina Department of Education Columbia, South Carolina State Board Approved Document – August 18, 2011 Contents Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................................... iii Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1 Social Studies Standards Page Format .............................................................................................5 Grade-Level Standards for Social Studies Grades K–3 Kindergarten. Foundations of Social Studies: Children as Citizens ...............................................7 Grade 1. Foundations of Social Studies: Families........................................................................12 Grade 2. Foundations of Social Studies: Communities ................................................................17 Grade 3. South Carolina Studies ..................................................................................................22 Grades 4–5 Grade 4. United States Studies to 1865 ........................................................................................29 Grade 5. United States Studies: 1865 to the Present ....................................................................36 Grades 6–8 Grade 6. Early Cultures to 1600...
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...4 Main Idea • • • • • What is a main idea? What is a topic? How do you recognize the difference between general and specific ideas? What is a stated main idea? What is an unstated main idea? Everyday Reading Skills: Selecting a Book Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc. 118 CHAPTER 4 Main Idea What Is a Main Idea? The main idea of a passage is the core of the material, the particular point the author is trying to convey. The main idea of a passage can be stated in one sentence that condenses specific ideas or details in the passage into a general, allinclusive statement of the author’s message. In classroom discussions, all of the following words are sometimes used to help students understand the meaning of the main idea. thesis main point central focus gist controlling idea central thought Whether you read a single paragraph, a chapter, or an entire book, many experts agree that your most important single task is to understand the main idea of what you read. Topic Main Idea Major Detail Major Detail Major Detail Minor Detail Minor Detail Minor Detail Minor Detail Minor Detail Recognize General and Specific Words The first step in determining the main idea of a selection is to look at the specific ideas presented in the sentences and try to decide on a general topic or subject under which you can group these ideas. Before tackling sentences, begin with words. Pretend that the sentence ideas in a selection have been reduced...
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...Unlock your verbal edge for success Dr. J. Michael Bennett with Paul R. Scheele Million Dollar Vocabulary Million Dollar Vocabulary Playbook The course manual is for your personal use only and is to be used with the six audio recordings from the Million Dollar Vocabulary Personal Learning Course. All worldwide rights are reserved and exclusively owned by Learning Strategies Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Learning Strategies Corporation. Copyright 1999 by Learning Strategies Corporation “Paraliminal,” “Natural Brilliance,” “PhotoReading,” “EasyLearn,” “Personal Celebration,” and “Accelements” are exclusive trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation worldwide. “Spring Forest Qigong” is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin. “Diamond Feng Shui” and the Diamond Feng Shui Diamond are trademarks of Marie Vyncke-Diamond. ISBN 13: 978-0-925480-64-4 ISBN 10: 0-925480-64-9 FIRST EDITION June 1999 Printed in the United States of America For coaching and additional support, visit our online Discussion Forum at www.LearningStrategies.com Learning Strategies Corporation Innovating ways for you to experience your potential 2000 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA Toll-Free 1-888-800-2688 • 1-952-767-9800 Fax 1-952-475-2373 Mail@LearningStrategies.com www.LearningStrategies.com v042507 ...
Words: 32269 - Pages: 130
...First edition 2000 Second edition 2001 Third edition 2002 Fourth edition 2007 Published by EnglishforResearch.com The Whole World Company Press, Cambridge, CB7 5EQ, England © Stephen Howe and Kristina Henriksson 2000–2007 Printed by Biddles Limited, King’s Lynn, England The authors hereby assert their moral rights to be identified as the authors of the PhraseBook. You may not remove or alter the authors’ names, publisher’s name, copyright notice, disclaimers or, from the digital version, the End User Licence Agreement. All rights reserved worldwide Copyright is reserved in English and all other languages and countries of the world. PhraseBook for Writing, EnglishforResearch.com, EnglishforStudents.com and EnglishforSchool.com are worldwide trademarks and/or service marks of The Whole World Company Limited. Microsoft and Microsoft Word are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. Do not make illegal, unauthorized copies of the PhraseBook. The PhraseBook and digital version are protected by copyright law and international treaties. The publisher and authors have striven to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the PhraseBook; however, they can accept no responsibility for any loss or inconvenience as a consequence of use, information or advice contained in the PhraseBook. PhraseBook versions ISBN 978-1-903384-02-2...
Words: 48522 - Pages: 195
...THE GREAT RECESSION Since publication of Robert L. Hetzel’s he Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve (Cambridge University Press, 2008), the intellectual consensus that had characterized macroeconomics has disappeared. hat consensus emphasized eicient markets, rational expectations, and the eicacy of the price system in assuring macroeconomic stability. he 2008–2009 recession not only destroyed the professional consensus about the kinds of models required to understand cyclical luctuations but also revived the credit-cycle or asset-bubble explanations of recession that dominated thinking in the nineteenth century and irst half of the twentieth century. hese “market-disorder” views emphasize excessive risk taking in inancial markets and the need for government regulation. he present book argues for the alternative “monetary-disorder” view of recessions. A review of cyclical instability over the last two centuries places the 2008–2009 recession in the monetary-disorder tradition, which focuses on the monetary instability created by central banks rather than on a boom-bust cycle in inancial markets. Robert L. Hetzel is Senior Economist and Research Advisor in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, where he participates in debates over monetary policy and prepares the bank’s president for meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee. Dr. Hetzel’s research on monetary policy and the history of central banking has appeared in publications...
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...[pic] FIRST ARMY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REPRESENTATIVE COURSE STUDENT GUIDE TO CULTURAL AWARENESS INDEX LESSON TITLE PAGE 1 Philosophical Aspects of Culture SG- 3 C1 Native American Experience SG- 4 C2 White American Experience SG- 23 C3 Arab American Experience SG- 43 C4 Hispanic American Experience SG- 53 C5 Black American Experience SG- 76 C6 Asian American Experience SG-109 C7 Jewish American Experience SG-126 C8 Women in the Military SG-150 C9 Extremist Organizations/Gangs SG-167 STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING FAMILIARIZED WITH ALL CLASS MATERIAL PRIOR TO CLASS. INFORMATION PAPER ON THE PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCE Developed by Edwin J. Nichols, Ph.D. |Ethnic Groups/ |Axiology |Epistemology |Logic |Process | |World Views | | | | | |European |Member-Object |Cognitive |Dichotomous |Technology | |Euro-American |The highest value lies in the object |One knows through counting |Either/Or...
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...J.B.M. Vol. 17 No. 1 Journal of Business and Management Editors Cristina M. Giannantonio, Ph.D. Amy E. Hurley-Hanson, Ph.D. Published by Chapman University’s Argyros School of Business and Economics Sponsored by the Western Decision Sciences Institute WDSI WDSI WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE The Western Decision Sciences Institute is a regional division of the Decision Sciences Institute. WDSI serves its interdisciplinary academic and business members primarily through the organization of an annual conference and the publication of the Journal of Business and Management. The conference and journal allow academicians and business professionals from all over the world to share information and research with respect to all aspects of education, business, and organizational decisions. PRESIDENT Mahyar Amouzegar California State University, Long Beach PRESIDENT-ELECT Nafisseh Heiat Montana State University-Billings PROGRAM CHAIR/VICE PRESIDENT FOR PROGRAMS/PROCEEDINGS EDITOR John Davies Victoria University of Wellington VICE PRESIDENT FOR PROGRAMS-ELECT Sheldon R. Smith Utah Valley State College VICE PRESIDENT FOR MEMBER SERVICES David Yen Miami University of Ohio SECRETARY/TREASURER Richard L. Jenson Utah State University DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Abbas Heiat Montana State University - Billings IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT G. Keong Leong University of Nevada, Las Vegas REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Vijay Kannan Utah State University Journal of Business...
Words: 52229 - Pages: 209