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Summary: The Benefits Of School Vouchers

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An article by Natalie Hopkinson outlines the competition side of school choice. With all schools struggling for student enrollment, school choice would help eliminate the bad ones. When schools are depleted of students, they close. Unfortunately, this leads to restricted space at the successful schools (Hopkinson). A likely result of conflict between schools due to school choice could be the elimination of small town, public schools and limited enrollment in large, private schools. This could possibly have another effect on private schools as well. “With more schools vying for tuition money, the quality of private schooling may suffer in the process, leaving some parents actually paying out of pocket for a lesser education than they would …show more content…
Another argument is that school vouchers do not benefit every student. Private schools have the authority to decide which students enroll in their schools; this makes them ripe for discrimination accusations or actual discrimination (Chen). Other reasons such as this exist as to why school choice is not all good. School choice programs do have their benefits, but the bottom line is that while they are a good idea in theory, they are not ready to be implemented. A lot of chinks need to be worked out before a nationwide school choice program is put in place; this program is not something that should be given funding yet. The money intended for school choice in Trump’s 2018 budget proposal should go toward 21st Century Community Learning Centers. The funds currently allocated toward school choice is more than enough money to rescue 21st CCLC. This afterschool program is too important to be …show more content…
LEAP has led to better test scores, grades, and attendance. It has also increased parent involvement. Eldon sees “many families at afterschool engagement nights that do not attend other school events.” Joyce Miller, author of the Lake News article, provided many facts and quotes from those at Camdenton and Eldon schools. Miller then proclaimed, “Districts are hoping Congressional members focus on what the programs provide across the county. Districts could not continue the programs without the funding.” Many parents and voters believe in the importance of afterschool

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