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Summary: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Throughout my 15 years, I have been taught many lessons. In the summer of 2015, my mom had quit her job. After a falling out with my grandfather and a very extensive argument, she said she would never return. In January of 2017 my mom was asked if she would consider coming back to fill the position she had previously had. After some time, my mom accepted her position as a waitress and line cook. A short time later my family took a trip to the restaurant to be reunited after not talking or seeing each other for about two years. The car ride there was very nerve racking because it had been so long since I had seen my grandparents. During the visit I realized that being reunited is what my mom really needed. Laughter filled the room above all the other …show more content…
The theme of hatred is introduced when Eddie meets Ruby. This is the point in the story where Ruby tells Eddie outside the diner that he should forgive his dad even if that meant now. Ruby stated, “Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that it is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves” (Albom 141). Clearly, the author was trying to show the reader that Eddie and his father holding grudges against each other didn’t help anyone. This lesson is being taught to Eddie to show him that he if he would have forgiven his father while he was still alive, then they would have a different relationship. This could also show Eddie that the bond that him and he dad had could have been different if they just talked. Maybe Eddie and his dad felt that by not speaking one of them was hurting the other. In reality they were both hurting each other without each others presence. The theme of hatred is clearly shown through Eddie and his father’s relationship being that they didn't seem to have a desire to fix their

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