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American Slang

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Slang has been around for quite a while in the Americas and has become an integral part of our society. We rely on colloquialisms for the sake of simplicity; it is the heart of each generation’s culture as it lays the basic foundation of language for each succeeding one. Slang truly is the way youth rebel and it helps establish an “emblem of tribe identity” within certain groups. Adult authorities have the power to pick and choose what children can wear or style themselves with. However, what is out of their control is kids’ use of slang words or listening to music containing slang even though they are allowed to because it is natural for them to become exposed to reality and to express their thoughts and feelings in a unique manner. Slang is indeed the “core element of youth culture” that disregards universal regulation. …show more content…
Instances of this are often seen through the exchange of text messages between teenagers and such include the use of the words “BRB (Be Right Back),” “LOL (Laughing Out Loud),” or “2moro (Tomorrow).” This is the reason why parents do not understand the terms their teenagers use. Jargon like this develops for their own convenience because when it is used between those of the same “tribe” an immediate understanding is sparked, thus making the formal language much more of a burden to communicate with. This is all for the sole purpose of making groups separate so they could be distinct in their own individual way. You show that you are part of that inner circle by using these slang expressions to better connect with similar-minded people that are able to comprehend what you

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