...Running Head: DEPRESSION IN THE ADOLESCENT ONCOLOGY PATIENT 1 Depression in the Adolescent Oncology Patient: A Multidisciplinary Concept Analysis Joliette Tiffany Grice University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of N5327 Section 400 Analysis of Theories in Nursing Ronda Mintz-Binder, DNP, RN June 10th, 2012 Depression in the Adolescent Oncology Patient: A Multidisciplinary Concept Analysis We all go through up and downs in our mood, sadness is a normal reaction to life’s trials and tribulations. Many people use the word depression to explain these feelings, but depression is much more than just a feeling of sadness. According to Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary (2002), depression is an abnormal emotional state characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, melancholy, dejection, worthlessness, emptiness, and hopelessness that are inappropriate and out of proportion to reality. Depression may be expressed in a wide spectrum of affective, physiologic, cognitive, and behavioral manifestations. A depressed teenager may be hostile, grumpy, or may easily lose his or her temper. Unexplained aches and pains are also common symptoms of depression in young people. The adolescent oncology patient may suffer from all of these symptoms due to the life altering circumstances that a cancer diagnosis brings. However, due to side effects of treatment...
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...Executive Summary Campaign Definition * “Bridgepointe to Success” campaign is aimed to build partnerships with local higher education institutions, to offer students life skills training and college preparation advice. Research * Research into life skills training and college preparatory institutions revealed that Bridgepointe is unique in its mission to bridge cultural gaps through education. Kick-off Event * The campaign kick-off will take place at the Open House event on February 1, 2013. Event Participants * Four universities and colleges will be present at the event to introduce Bridgepointe students to their programs. Program Details * Participating programs will cover architecture design, arts, business, engineering, and nursing fields. * Personnel from the admissions offices of the respective colleges will be involved in this initiative and offer advice and information packets at the event. Program Enrollment * The life skills training program will be offered to a limited number of students at first. * After the evaluation of the success of this training program, the life skills classes can be offered to all interested children participating in Bridgepointe programs. Vision for the Future * Our vision for the future is that Bridgepointe will build additional partnerships with other local universities and colleges to expand this program further. Table of Contents MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN...
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...Healthcare Risk Control Risk and Quality Management Strategies 4 Executive Summary VOLUME 2 July 2009 Key Recommendations Assess current activities in risk management and quality improvement to evaluate their effectiveness in addressing overlap. Establish a structure to ensure that patient care activities are addressed in a coordinated manner involving risk management and quality improvement functions. Seek legal counsel to ensure that the structure for risk management and quality improvement activities maximizes legal protections granted by state and federal statutes while allowing for the flow of information. Align risk management and quality improvement plans with the strategic goals of the organization. Educate stakeholders on the role of risk management and quality improvement functions. Design systems to coordinate and streamline data collection, analysis, monitoring, and evaluation. Risk Management, Quality Improvement, and Patient Safety In the past, the risk management and quality improvement functions often operated separately in healthcare organizations and individuals responsible for each function had different lines of reporting—an organizational structure that further divided risk management and quality improvement. Today, risk management and quality improvement efforts in healthcare organizations are rallying behind patient safety and finding ways to work together more effectively and efficiently to ensure that their organizations deliver...
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...Developing an Effective Health Care Workforce Planning Model Contents Executive Summary...................................................................................................................1 Getting Started with a Workforce Planning Model .................................................................2 Data – Collecting, Understanding, and Using ........................................................................3 Strategy – Understanding and Addressing the Business Need .............................................9 Planning – How to be Prepared for the Future .....................................................................12 Evaluation – Understanding Success ..................................................................................21 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................23 Literature Review ....................................................................................................................24 Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................26 Executive Summary is aging at a rapid rate; health care reform is expected to bring millions more patients into the system; and there are anticipated shortages in numbers of trained health care professionals to care for these patients. Therefore, the need to start now to develop more effective and efficient...
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...buyers face? 3. Who participates in the business-to-business buying process? 4. How do business buyers make their decisions? 5. How can companies build strong relationships with business customers? 6. How do institutional buyers and government agencies do their buying? CHAPTER SUMMARY 1. Organizational buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services, then identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers. The business market consists of all the organizations that acquire goods and services used in the production of other products or services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. 2. Compared to consumer markets, business markets generally have fewer and larger buyers, a closer customer supplier relationship, and more geographically concentrated buyers. Demand in the business market is derived from demand in the consumer market and fluctuates with the business cycle. Nonetheless, the total demand for many business goods and services is quite price inelastic. Business marketers need to be aware of the role of professional purchasers and their influencers, the need for multiple sales calls, and the importance of direct purchasing, reciprocity, and leasing. 3. The buying center is the decision-making unit of a buying organization. It consists of initiators, users, influencers, deciders, approvers, buyers, and gatekeepers. To influence these parties, marketers must be aware of environmental...
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...international cooperation between developed and developing countries were retained for further analysis. Of 227 articles retained through initial screening, 65 were included in the final analysis. The results were two-fold: some articles pointed to intangible benefits accrued by developed country partners, but the majority of information pointed to developing country innovations that can potentially inform health systems in developed countries. This information spanned all six WHO health system components. Ten key health areas where developed countries have the most to learn from the developing world were identified and include, rural health service delivery; skills substitution; decentralisation of management; creative problem-solving; education in communicable disease control; innovation in mobile phone use; low technology simulation training; local product manufacture; health financing; and social entrepreneurship. While there are no guarantees that innovations from developing country experiences can effectively transfer to developed countries, combined developed-developing country learning processes can potentially generate effective solutions for global health systems. However, the global pool of knowledge in this area is virgin and further work needs to be undertaken to advance understanding of health innovation diffusion. Even more urgently, a standardized method for reporting partnership benefits is needed—this is perhaps the single most immediate need...
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...Ofsted safeguarding policy and procedures |This document outlines Ofsted’s policy on responding to concerns regarding the safeguarding and protection of children and young people | |aged under 18 years. This policy, combined with the associated procedures, provides guidance to all staff who may come across concerns of| |this nature within the context of their work for Ofsted. | Age group: All Published: September 2010 Reference no: 100183 Contents Part 1. Safeguarding children and young people policy 4 Purpose of this document 4 The definition of safeguarding 5 Aims and objectives of the policy 6 Ofsted’s responsibilities 6 Future action 8 Part 2. Procedures for responding to specific child protection concerns about children at risk of significant harm 8 Section 1. Scope of the procedure 8 Section 2. Immediate action to take if, as a member of Ofsted staff, you observe abuse while it is taking place 10 Section 3. Immediate action to take if you receive an allegation of possible significant harm to a child or young person 11 Section 4. Identification of level of concern and next steps 13 Section 5. Subsequent action in all cases 14 Section 6. National Business Unit, CIE staff, and the Ofsted complaints team 15 Section 7. Allegations about a member of Ofsted staff 16 Section 8. Concerns arising during registration 16 Part 3. Safeguarding...
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...Business Plan Background Jane and John had a good idea, a good sense of their market, and a good location. They were great salespeople, and yet they were not making a profit. The reason was that they did not plan their business all the way through. When you are serious about your business or when a lot of money of your own or someone else's is at stake, creating a business plan is perhaps the most critical activity you can undertake. The plan is important, but what is even more important is the understanding you get from the planning process. The following pages will help you understand the thinking behind business plans and how to make and present your own. A business plan is a document designed to detail the major characteristics of a firm--its product or service, its industry, its market, its manner of operating (production, marketing, management), and its financial outcomes with an emphasis on the firm's present and future. There are two circumstances under which creating a business plan is absolutely necessary. One is when outsiders expect it. This is called external legitimacy. Creating a business plan is the acknowledged best way to build external legitimacy for your firm. When you are seeking outside support--whether financial or expert--you do a business plan to signal your professionalism and how serious you are about the business. Investors, whether they are venture capitalists, informal investors (called angels), bankers, or your two great aunts, are going to expect...
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...5 Classifying PPPs 10 3.6 Challenges in Partnership 11 3.7 Characteristics of Partnership 12 3.8 Scope and types of partnership 13 3.9 The Study for Research paper 15 3.10.1 Analysis and Discussion 16 3.10.2 Overview of the Case Studies 16 3.10.3 Enabling Conditions 17 3.10.4 Equity and Accessibility 19 3.10 Private partner selection and obligations of the Partners 19 3.11 Performance Specifications 20 3.12 Resource implications 20 3.13 Autonomy 21 3.14 Technical and managerial capacity 22 3.15 Quality of services 23 3.16 Stakeholder Perspectives 23 4. Summary and Conclusion 24 5. References 26 6. Annexure 29 1. List of Abbreviations PPP Public Private Partnership HSR Health Sector Reform ADBI Asian Development Bank Institute NRHM National Rural Health Mission FRU First Referral Unit MMVs Mobile Medical Unit CHC Community Health centre PHC Primary Health centre SC Sub centre MBA Master of Business Administration WHO World Health Organization NGO Non Government Organization NFP Not for Profit MOHFW The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare R & D Research and Development ICT Information and Communications Technology 2. Abstract Deficiencies in...
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...BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY Jackson, Mississippi A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES FOUNDED IN 1883 CATALOGUE 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2014 Directory of Communication Mailing Address: Belhaven University 1500 Peachtree St. Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 535 Chestnut St. Suite 100 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Belhaven University 7111 South Crest Parkway Southaven, MS 38671 Belhaven University – LeFleur 4780 I-55 North Suite 125 Jackson, MS 39211 Belhaven University 15115 Park Row Suite 175 Houston, TX 77084 Belhaven University Online 1500 Peachtree St. Box 279 Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 1790 Kirby Parkway Suite 100 Memphis, TN 38138 Belhaven University 4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. Suite 130 Atlanta, GA 30319 Belhaven University 5200 Vineland Rd. Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32811 Traditional Admission Adult and Graduate Studies Admission – Jackson Atlanta Chattanooga Desoto Houston Memphis Orlando Alumni Relations/Development Belhaven Fax Business Office Campus Operations Integrated Marketing Registrar Student Life Security Student Financial Planning Student Development Online Admission Online Student Services (601) 968-5940 or (800) 960-5940 (601) 968-5988 or Fax (601) 352-7640 (404) 425-5590 or Fax (404) 425-5869 (423) 265-7784 or Fax (423) 265-2703 (622) 469-5387 (281) 579-9977 or Fax (281) 579-0275 (901) 896-0184 or Fax (901) 888-0771 (407) 804-1424 or Fax (407) 367-3333 (601) 968-5980 (601) 968-9998 (601) 968-5901 (601) 968-5904 (601) 968-5930 (601) 968-5922...
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...A Sigma Medical Technologies Offering TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 3 Problem Statement 4 Introduction 6 Analysis of the Facts 8 Expeditionary Marketing Tools 19 Summary of the Facts 27 Alternatives 30 Recommendations 35 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Founded in 2015, Sigma Medical Technologies (SIGMA) is located in the SE region of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the Sandia Industrial Park area east of Kirtland Air Force Base on Eubank Blvd. SIGMA, owned by Dr. Remy and Mr. Bob Sachs (of TEAM Technologies), serves as the patent holder and developer of “Ozone”. UNM Anderson has been contracted to provide an expeditionary marketing study. Ozone offers an invasive, defined space; gas based delivery system (generated by the product) to kill all living organisms in a room. It provides an affordable elimination and sterilization system for use by the Medical industry. It provides an additional layer of security against concealed germs, bacteria, and viral threats (pathogens). It may even be the cost effective solution to deliver solution based field units to disease hot spots that are engineered for quick and easy “Ozone” sterilization. The technology offers a “whole room” elimination solution (fills available defined space and kills pathogens) as opposed to standard “surface” based elimination systems (based on chemical wipe down style cleaning). Dr. Remy and his supportive team have a...
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...Transforming Lives Communities The Nation …One Student at a Time Disclaimer Academic programmes, requirements, courses, tuition, and fee schedules listed in this catalogue are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Management and Board of Trustees of the College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT). The COSTAATT Catalogue is the authoritative source for information on the College’s policies, programmes and services. Programme information in this catalogue is effective from September 2010. Students who commenced studies at the College prior to this date, are to be guided by programme requirements as stipulated by the relevant department. Updates on the schedule of classes and changes in academic policies, degree requirements, fees, new course offerings, and other information will be issued by the Office of the Registrar. Students are advised to consult with their departmental academic advisors at least once per semester, regarding their course of study. The policies, rules and regulations of the College are informed by the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. iii Table of Contents PG 9 PG 9 PG 10 PG 11 PG 11 PG 12 PG 12 PG 13 PG 14 PG 14 PG 14 PG 14 PG 15 PG 17 PG 18 PG 20 PG 20 PG 20 PG 21 PG 22 PG 22 PG 22 PG 23 PG 23 PG 23 PG 23 PG 24 PG 24 PG 24 PG 24 PG 25 PG 25 PG 25 PG 26 PG 26 PG 26 PG 26 PG 26 PG 26 PG 27 PG 27 PG 27 PG 27 PG 27 PG 27 PG 28 PG 28 PG 28 PG 28 PG 28 PG 33 PG 37 Vision Mission President’s...
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...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Cost management information consists of financial information about costs and revenues, and nonfinancial information about customer retention, productivity, quality, and other key success factors for the organization. Cost management is the development and use of cost management information. A strategic understanding of cost management is so important that many senior financial managers are coming back to school to learn more about strategy, competitive analysis, and new cost management techniques. Knowing how to do the accounting alone, no matter how well you do it, is by itself no longer sufficient. 1.2 Purpose of Writing The general purpose of writing is to complete the final task of the subject of Cost Management—module assignment—in the fifth semester. It shows how well and how far we have understood this subject. 1.3 Methodology * The method used in the process of completing this module assignment report is qualitative methods: analysis and assumption. I directly received the information from the annual report and website of Dell Inc. * I also used the theory from the text book of Cost Management – A Strategic Emphasis Sixth Edition by Blocher. Then, I compare the information that Ireceived with the theory that I know from the text book. 1.4 Systemization The format of our module assignment is as follows: * Chapter I is Introduction which consists of four major sub-chapters: Background, Purpose of Writing...
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...Running head: PARENTS AND STUDENTS READING A Proposal to study Effects of Parental Involvement with Reading levels Alexis Leonard Research Proposal Wayne State University December 08, 2013 Table of Contents Abstract 4 Chapter I: Introduction 5 Problem Statement 5 Purpose 5 Description of Community 5 Description of Work Setting 6 Writer’s Role 7 Chapter II: Study of the Problem 8 Problem Description 8 Problem Documentation 10 Literature Review 13 Causative Analysis 21 Chapter III: Outcomes and Analysis 23 Goals and Expectations 23 Expected Outcomes 24 Measurement of Outcomes 25 Analysis of Results 25 Chapter IV: Solution Strategy 26 Statement of Problem 26 Discussion 26 Selected Solutions 29 Chapter V: Results and Recommendations 30 Problem Statement 30 Goals 30 Results 30 Discussion 31 Recommendations and Plans for Dissemination 33 References 36 Appendix A Calendar 40 Appendix B1 Teacher Survey 42 Appendix B2 Parent Survey 43 Appendix C Graph Results 44 Abstract The ARP is intended towards advancing schools achievement rate for children within comprehensive the setting for middle schools who have lack of parental involvement. Middle schools have many problems dealing with parental involvement. The quantity for increasing parent teacher conferences is the goal for all middle schools. Middle schools would have a better percentage of parents being involved with teacher conferences, once the percentage of parents...
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...• Research questions • Methodology outline • Significance of the research • Structure of the research • Summary 1.2 Background to the research Infrastructure has become important in supporting a nation’s...
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