...Running head: - TITLE The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy Claudette E. Washington Professor Dr. Michael Simms POL 300 – International Problems May 5, 2016 Summarize a situation that required U.S diplomatic efforts during the president’s time in office. The patronizing presidency for Jimmy Carter obligated a one-term governor of a southern state with no coast-to-coast or global involvement. His individual foreign policy goals were understood in the statute of law as well as global matters and in the belief of independence for all people. Furthermore, he required the United States to yield the main indorsing surrounding widespread human rights. Mr. Carter said that the American power must be trained sparingly and that the United States would avoid military involvements as much as possible. Through my research Carter opinions were to help the American families, during the eras of the Soviet Union and to undergo recovery of two state financially control settlements that would relax Cold War strains. Carter's supporters requested his desired of the govern in a diverse way, he wanted not to appoint the Washington insiders to top overseas program locations. After the election Carter accepted the needs of professionals nearby him to deportment for his foreign policy. Carter was impressed with professor Zbigniew Brzezinski of Columbia University, asked him to be his national security adviser and...
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...Can There Be a Kurdistan The Kurdish people of southwest Asia represent one of the largest ethnic groups in the world with no sovereign state to call their own. With the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the desire to create an independent Kurdish state has intensified and created conflicts between the Kurds and the modern states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. The Kurds’ aspiration of creating a new ethnic state in the Middle East has only served to further destabilize an already unstable region. But to prevent future turmoil, the creation of a new nation-state could be a necessary precaution. The dream of a Kurdish homeland is an old one, but after thousands of years, whether or not it can be achieved remains far from certain. The Kurdish people represent a distinct ethnic population within the Middle East. Unlike most of their surrounding neighbors, they are of neither of Turkic nor Arabic descent (Global Security, “Kurdish Conflict”). They are ethnically and linguistically distant relatives of the neighboring Persians, but have for millennia have maintained a unique cultural identity inhabiting a area from the Zagros Mountains to the eastern Taurus Mountains and part of the Mesopotamian plain (Black). Though they can trace their origins in the region back over 25 centuries to the Empire of the Medes, the Kurds can claim only brief and scattered moments of independence (Global Security, “Kurdish Conflict”). One such moment occurred relatively...
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...2LITERATURE REVIEW 3METHOD 7 RESULTS 8 Circumstances Surrounding Traditional MediaExplanation of Social Media and Social JournalismSocial Media ToolsMySpaceDiggFacebook TwitterCurrent Event Case StudiesMumbai attacks (2008)Bozeman, Mont., explosion (2009)Iran Protests (2009)Fort Hood shootings (2009)Ethics, Journalism and Social Media The Future of Journalism: Social Media‟s Continuing Effects on News CONCLUSIONS 20 WORKS CITED 22 APPENDIX 26 Interview Transcript ABSTRACT The purpose of this senior capstone research project is to report on how the social mediarevolution has changed and will continue to change journalism. By examining news and broadcastorganizations, a researcher can obtain a clear view into how the so-called social media revolution came about and what‟s in store for the journalism‟s future. This report focuses on one central, simple question: What impact has social media had on journalism, and how will this impact affect the future of news andinformation? Anyone in communications knows how quickly the field is changing. As more people becomeinvolved with social media, journalists and media professionals need to understand not only what socialnetworking Web sites are, but also how news audiences use them to obtain information fromorganizations and from friends, how these organizations can —and should— leverage these sites and,finally, what the news media will probably look like in the future once it has fully grasped the somewhatfreshly concocted concept of social...
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...economic problems will exist in countries around the world. Let us have a look into a real example of this with the history in world oil market: In 1979 and 1980, events in Iran and Iraq led to round of crude oil price increases (Williams, 2009). It resulted in the loss of 2 to 2.5 million barrels per day of oil production between November 1978 and June 1979 in Iran. At one point, production almost stopped the progress. The Iranian uprising was the immediate cause of what would become the highest price in World War Two. However, its impact on prices would have been limited and of relatively short duration had it not been for subsequent events. Shortly after the revolution, production was up to 4 million barrels per day. In September 1980, Iran already weakened by the revolution invaded by Iraq. By November, the combined production of both countries was only a million barrels per day and 6.5 million barrels per day less than a year before. Consequently worldwide crude oil production was 10 percent lower than in 1979. The combination of the Iranian revolution and the Iraq-Iran War cause crude oil prices to more than double increasing from $14 in 1978 to $35 per barrel in 1981. The oil price rose to $20.45. In 1985, the price of oil (Saudi Arabian Light) was $27.53 per barrel (yearly average) (Hance, 2010). The price of oil during this period was falling, in which in 1986, the Saudi’s dumped the swing producer role because they had the largest reserves of oil and capacity utilization...
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...Abstract Literature relating to business culture focuses on a regional view rather than a situational one. Business habits are considered to be driven by local culture. The researcher was motivated to question this assumption by considering the attitudes of business managers in starkly different environments but similar business constraints. Does a mid-sized business in USA think very differently from a mid-sized business in a developing country? Are the process and human resource management orientations similar or different? Developing countries are rife with low infrastructure capability, lack of government support and competitive market while developed countries can lobby for support in their bid to capture large markets. A democratic business owner in a fundamental environment will bow down to local needs at the time of recruitment but allow freedom within the workplace for ideas to flow. By the same token, a highly democratic country may have businesses that demand blind faith in the management among the employees. The researcher proceeded to conduct a survey of similar sized firms operating in USA and Iran. One country stands for freedom of expression while the other is known for religious fundamental beliefs. A survey of managers was carried out in a bid to understand attitudes with respect to strategy, communication, technology and human resource management. The finding was that while local culture creates a certain competitive environment, the running...
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...Latin and Old Persian had all descended from an original speech. His observation has proved correct; and, since his time, most learned philological opinion has accepted that, in terms of language classifications, the common source of these tongues was what is now called proto-Indo-European. Its geographical focus was presumed to be the area around the Caspian Sea. It is also generally accepted that the eastern branch of the Indo-European family of languages is known as the Indo-Iranian whose first speakers called themselves Aryans. Whether the Aryans, speaking some variety of Indo-European languages, invaded or migrated into Iran and India from their original trans-Caspian homeland or had actually originated in India and moved outwards to Iran and lands further west is a subject of continuing controversy.[iii] The purpose of this paper is three-fold: firstly, to provide a background to the historical Aryans by summarizing the main conclusions of philological scholarship on their role in Indo-Iranian history in general; secondly, to examine how the Aryans became both...
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...The Trend of Global Capitalism Qiudong Wang All sovereign societies on earth can be put roughly into two categories: developed and under-developed countries. The developed countries, including the United States, Canada, most of west Europe countries, Japan and Australia, are all free capitalist society with a well functioned democratic government and a free market economic system. The under-developed countries, including Russia and east Europe countries, India, China, Mexico, South America and Africa, are relative poor, where capitalism has not yet developed into a healthy form. In Middle East, Israel belongs to welldeveloped camp but the rest goes to under-developed category. In this essay I will discuss the history, the present and the future trend of politic and economic relationship between developed and under-developed countries. My purpose is to develop an intellectual framework, through which one could acquire a comprehensive understanding on basic characteristics of various human societies and their interaction in today’s world: where they were from; where they are now; and where they are likely heading to in future. I will illustrate that there are three different systems in under developed world: the under-developed capitalism, the totalitarian capitalism and the military imperialism of developed countries in Middle East. Developed countries, in dealing with under developed world, are in a very much favored position. They are with full strategic initiatives in the on-going...
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...PREFACE As a part of the course curriculum, the second year MBA students are required to undertake a study on macro analysis of a particular industry and thereby, prepare a project report on the chosen industry. The objective behind preparing this project report is to relate the management subjects taught in the classroom to their practical application and to get insight into practical situation. Petroleum Industry is considered to be the back bone of an economy because this is the main source of energy till date. Any economy around the world would fail to advance a single step in the absence of Petroleum Industry. The Petroleum Industry is divided into two segments namely Upstream Sector consisting of Exploration and Production of crude oil while the Downstream Sector consists of Refining, Processing, Storing, Marketing and Distribution of petroleum products. The most important part of the Petroleum Industry is the Petroleum Refining Industry which refines the crude oil to convert it to the usable fuel. It also derives many derivative products out of the crude petroleum like natural gas, naphtha, etc which can be used in various ways. Hence, for these reasons, we have chosen the Downstream Sector of the Indian Petroleum Industry for our Macro Analysis project. As this is a Macro Analysis project, we have concentrated on the Indian Petroleum Industry and that too focusing on the Downstream Sector for our study and not gone into the in depth analysis of the various...
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...INTRUCTION With modern international marketing being more prosperous , the majority of firms are eager to globalize their productions in order to be more competitive ,therefore, advertisement design is increasingly significant for business.Advertising is a favorable representation of product to make consumers, customers and general public acquainting of the product. It enables the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands, their goods and services.(Hassam ,2004),so the firms will have a superb reputation. When the companies put an emphasis on advertising and globalizing merchandises, one of the primary projects which cooperations must implement is to improve the advertising to their productions.However, international advertising entails dissemination of a commercial message to target audiences in more than one country, target audiences differ from country to country in terms of how they perceive or interpret symbols or stimuli, respond to humor or emotional appeals, as well as in levels of literacy and languages spoken. How the advertising function is organized also varies.Therefore,companies decentralize their budgets and placed in the hands of local subsidiaries, resulting in greater use of local advertising agencies.(Susan P. Douglas and C. Samuel Craig New York University).As the result of local advertising agencies, the advertising strategies are different for the multiple cultures and diverse religious believe to some extent...
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...Saleem Khan, London Metropolitan University, Religious Nationalism and Sectarianism in Pakistan Introduction Since the American occupation of Iraq, intra-Muslim violence has become daily news but prior to 2003, Pakistan not Iraq was the global centre for violent conflict between different Muslim sects. In 1947, British India was divided on religious lines and two nation-states India and Pakistan emerged. The British educated founding fathers of Pakistan perceived a united India as being detrimental to Muslims because as a minority Muslims would be not be recognized as equals by the Hindu majority state which would also suppress their rights so the concept of Pakistan was formulated as a nation-state where some aspects of liberal democracy would be implanted so that fairness and non-interference would be the norm. In the 1970s partly because of violent challenges to the state by ethno-nationalist movements partly inspired by uneven economic development and the upheavals in the international arena due to the Cold War, there was a major shift away from pluralistic politics and a move towards greater Islamisation beginning with the narrowing of the definition of a Muslim by the state in which the state gave up its neutrality. Additional government legislation imposing uniform religious taxes widen sectarian differences between the Sunni majority and Shia minority. By not initially accommodating Shia collective demands the state had alienated many of them. The subsequent and...
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...Project: CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Economics is the management of scarce resources. Scarcity is a universal phenomenon. It is the scarcity which is basic economic problem not the shortage. Shortage could be overcome by taking different short run and long run measures, but scarcity is a permanent phenomenon. All countries in the world are facing this problem and in less developed countries the situation is specially worsen because of the availability of limited resources. There are so many problem faced by developing countries like poverty and unemployment, which puts negative impact on GDP and on the masses. Why are these problems visible in a country like Kenya? Because so many other problem are putting multiplier times negative impact on GDP and other macro economic variables such as inflation. Oil and other petroleum products are scarce commodities in the world. Like prices of other commodities the price of crude oil experiences wide price swings in times of shortage or oversupply. The crude oil price cycle may extend over several years responding to changes in demand as well as OPEC and non-OPEC supply. Throughout much of the twentieth century, the price of U.S. petroleum was heavily regulated through production or price controls. In the post World War II era, U.S. oil prices at the wellhead averaged $28.52 per barrel adjusted for inflation to 2010 dollars. In the absence of price controls, the U.S. price would have tracked the world price averaging...
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...International Security Lecture 1 March 30th, 2015 The politics of security knowledge What is international security? We could start thinking about the security council of the UN But also about the invasion of Afghanistan (chapter 7 UN in order to secure the international security) We can also think about security in terms of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This was a unilateral act of war, but sure it can also mean other things We can think of the national security agency, the agency in charge of spying all the signals and communications to a certain extent. What’s interesting about the NSA, it is seen as a threat to the security of the privacy. Lately, with the reports of the UN development programme, we start talking about HUMAN security (not military security, but rather the security of individuals, having a livelihood that’s acceptable). Whether security is international or not, it can be a rather confusing word The protection of values we hold dear. We search for it, we pursue it, we achieve it, we deny it to others. * what is to be secured? Is it the security of states? Or individuals? * What is the actual threat that we’re facing? Primarily to be dealing with military threats, or are there other types of threats we are facing. Essentially contested concept A concept that ‘inevitably’ involves endless disputes about their proper uses on the part of their users – Walter Gallie There can be ambiguity (one persons freedom-fighter is the other’s...
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...Executive Summary: The fundamental problem that Twitter is currently facing is whether the current projection of future revenues and profits justify the current stock market valuation. The following analysis takes into consideration underlying factors in Twitter’s environment and provides recommendations for marketing-based solution. Company: Founded by Evan Williams in early 2006, Twitter was initially started as a status update project for Odeo Inc. Podcasting. Odeo was a podcasting form which aimed to successfully create a system that would make it possible to produce podcasts with as little as a mobile phone. However, as major competitors with bigger budgets, such as Apple Inc., entered the market, the board of directors for Odeo asked the company to strategize their business in a new light. The result was an internal project, Twttr Beta, which allowed staff to update each other through the service. In October 2006, newly re-named “Twitter” was acquired by Obvious Corp., a company set up by Williams, Jack Dorsey and Christopher Stone to allow the group to focus on the project. Today, with 140 characters or less, subscribers of Twitter can update their followers with a “tweet” in real time. Twitter, a micro blogging service, is built on open service and allows its’ over 200 million active users to broadcast over 500 million tweets per day. Currently, it is one of the most popular social media tools after Facebook and Google. Product: Twitter is essentially text based, which...
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...Chapter 13 Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Nations, States, and Nation-States A. Logistics Students’ Time Requirements Activity 1: The Rise of Nationalism and the Fall of Yugoslavia Readings 60-90 minutes Fill in the blanks 75-90 minutes Activity 2: Iraqaphobia Readings 60-90 minutes Fill in the blanks 75-90 minutes The fill-in-the-blanks activity works very well as an in-class group project. It helps for students to be able to discuss the questions and readings with other students. If so, it is absolutely essential that students read the assigned articles in advance of the discussion. They will need to consult the readings to find pertinent passages, but if they are reading it for the first time during group work, they will either not finish or not contribute. I remind my students of this fact several times in the days leading up to the project. If students don’t finish during class, they can finish at home. If done in groups in class, you may wish to suggest that a different student act as recorder for each block of questions. Also, assign a different student to be the discussion leader/gatekeeper to keep the discussion on track and prevent any single individual from dominating the discussion. A third student could function as timekeeper. See Chapter 11 and 14 role-playing activities for further discussion of these tasks. Remind students that Balkan and Middle East politics are always changing and can get...
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...International Business Plan Starbucks India Proposal by Vrushali Paunikar 1 Table of Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………...…………….p.3 II. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….……………p.4 III. ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SITUATION……………………...p.6 IV. PLANNED OPERATION OF THE PROPOSED BUSINESS/PRODUCT/SERVICE….. p.11 V. PLANNED FINANCING……………………………………………………………….…..p.16 VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………..…p.17 VII. APPENDIX………………………………………………………………….………….…p.18 2 I. Executive Summary In 1991, the Indian economy experienced a rebirth after the liberalization policies of the new prime minister. Thirteen years later, India has become one of the most exciting economies in the world with a huge increase in foreign investment and consumers who are willing to “spend, spend, spend!” Due to massive outsourcing on the part of foreign companies especially from the United States, educated Indians are now presented with exciting career opportunities, excellent pay, and the confidence to spend more money. Time magazine reports that these new consumers command $10.5 billion in cash to burn. There couldn’t be a more opportune time for the Starbucks Coffee Company to open its shops in the exotic land of India. The following is a proposal to open two new locations of Starbucks in India: one in Mumbai, a highly populated cosmopolitan business city, and the other in the nation’s capital, New Delhi. These locations were strategically picked to ensure success...
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