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Summer Scholars Program Research Paper

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I have often dreamed about what it would be like to attend The University of Miami, especially when my dad and I would drive pass the campus on his way to work. So when I heard about the Summer Scholars Program I knew applying and getting accepted into the program would be the first step toward the fulfillment of my dream. I thoroughly believe participating in this program will grant me the opportunity to enrich my education and social skills in several ways. First and foremost, it will familiarize me with college life and curriculum. I am excited that not only can I receive college credits for undergraduate course work over the summer, but I can also live on the campus. This head start in college credits will greatly benefit me during my succeeding years …show more content…
Also the rigorous program demand will enable me to cultivate commitment in the areas I am pursuing. As the world becomes more progressive with technology, I also want to be progressive in my learning and better equipped to work with computers. I believe the Summer Scholars program provides fine computer and engineering literacy education and increases the likelihood that I am successful in my field. Participating in this summer program can serve as a stepladder that leads to my future career goal which is to become an outstanding sound engineer, as well as a valuable commodity to society’s workforce. Finally participating in the program in a sense, forces me away from home, and out of my comfort zone. This is beneficial because it requires me to become independent and not to rely on my parents and family members all of the time. I feel the everyday decisions I must make while living on the campus are lessons that invite me to grow wiser as I mature. Overall, I firmly believe the Summer Scholars Program will prove to be a valuable life experience as I pursue my path towards college and in becoming a sound engineer. This program will provide me with a cursory view of a full college experience and allow me to explore and do what I love

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