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Cover letter
Ghazala Sattar
C/o Faisal Rehman Flat No. 7-A, Block 34-A, Street No.10 Sector G-8/1, Islamabad

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I believe that with a strong academic background in Psychology Business Administration and some professional experience in those areas I can demonstrate excellent knowledge and skills. Also well aware of customer confronting roles.

I possess strong communication skills, great deal of commitment to task given, ability to work under pressuring situations and work independently, ability to perform complex tasks and excellent problem solving skills.

I want to choose a plate form to achieve growth in my career. I will feel honor, if the chance would be given to me to prove myself.

Yours faithfully,

Ghazala Sattar
Resume attached

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Name: Ghazala Sattar
Contact # 0335-6969271

Objective: To achieve the goals in my career in order to have a discriminating entity in the society and to be an integral part of organization with the help of my skills and experience.


• M.S.C, (Psychology): BISE, Bahawalpur • B-Ed: Allama Iqbal Open University • B.A: IUB, Bahawalpur • F.A: IUB, Bahawalpur • Matriculation: BISE, Bahawalpur

Personal profile

Nationality: Pakistani

Residential Address: C/o Faisal Rehman Flat No. 07, Block 34-A, Street No. 10, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad

CNIC No: 31103-7153975-6

Marital status: Single.

Language Known: English, Urdu, Punjabi,

Internships & Certifications

• Internship in Psychology & Behavioral Sciences
Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur.

• Computer Basic certification
Modern Computer Center G-9 Markaz Islamabad

• English Language Course
AIPS House Bahawalpur • Internship in Psychology & Behavioral Sciences
Al-Maroof International Hospital, Islamabad (6 months)

• Internship in Clinical Psychology (Continue)
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad.


• Having 1 year experience as psychologist in Islamia College Bahawalpur

Computer Skills

• Installing Operation And Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows 98,2000,Xp • MS Office 97,2000, 2003, 2007 & 2010 • Internet Applications • Adobe Photoshop


• Graphic Designing • Still Photography. • Team working. • Traveling. • Exploration • Pencil Drawing

Academic Background



I hereby declare that the above-mentioned details are true to the best of my knowledge.

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Assignment: Current Events

...Current Events By using the Atlantic's​ photo essay called, “Photos of the Week,” ​choose one photograph​ and complete the following assignment: I. Where in the World? 1. Which nation or US state was the photo taken? This photo was taken in Indonesia. 2. Which countries or states share its borders? This country is bordered by Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. 3. What specific geographic features mark the nation or state? Indonesia has is an archipelago, and is the largest country made up of islands. It straddles the equator, and as previously stated has several islands, such as the Sunda, Halmahera, and Sulawesi Island. It also has several...

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...CHAPTER 14 Untuk kasus KFC ini, reference group yang selalu dijadikan acuan para konsumen dalam melakukan keputusan pembelian adalah "primary reference group". Reference group ini biasanya terdiri dari anggota keluarga atau teman-teman dari si konsumen tersebut. Peranan anggota keluarga dalam pengambilan keputusan pembelian KFC, dalam analisa yang kami buat, diasumsikan bahwa sebuah keluarga terdiri dari ayah, ibu, dan dua orang anak (kakak perempuan berumur 17 tahun dan adik laki-laki berumur 9 tahun) sedang jalan-jalan di mall saat weekend: 1. Inisiator = Adik laki-laki tertarik ingin makan di KFC pada saat mereka melewati gerai KFC di mall tersebut. Ketertarikan itu muncul setelah dia melihat ada promo gift mainan dari paket "Chaki" di gerai tersebut. 2. Influencer = Kakak perempuan memberi saran sebaiknya melihat-lihat terlebih dahulu restoran apa saja yang ada di mall tersebut yang mungkin menyajikan menu makanan lebih sehat dan menarik. 3. Gatekeeper = Ibu menyebutkan setidaknya ada 3 alternatif restoran yang menarik untuk dicoba selain KFC. Selain itu dia mengingatkan kedua anaknya untuk tidak sering memakan "junk-food" demi alasan kesehatan. 4. Decider = Sang ayah memutuskan untuk membeli KFC saja dengan pertimbangan untuk menyenangkan hati anak bungsunya dan KFC dipandang lebih cepat penyajiannya dan secara ekonomis harga yang ditawarkan cukup masuk akal. 5. Buyer = Keluarga ini masuk kedalam gerai KFC, melakukan pemesanan dan melakukan transaksi pembelian...

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