...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind follows the relationship of Joel and Clementine. From both recently breaking up together, Joel in an attempt to win her back finds out that she has had her memory erased of him. She does so by a company called Lacuna, which is able to select memories of people or a time and erase them. Joel ends up doing the same thing and while his memories are erased of her, he realizes what a huge mistake it was. During this film, there are interweaving story lines that all weave within Joel’s sleeping state while his memory is being erased. The main character Joel’s moral decision he makes during the film is to have his memory erased of Clementine like he did of her. While Joel is hurt at the realization that Clementine has done this, he decides to have the procedure done as well so that they both are not hurt when they see each other ever again. Joel as well believes this is the best option as in the film, it seems she has already moved on with someone new and believes he should do the same for himself. This idea of erasing his own memory as well leads to him following the Utilitarianism view. Utilitarianism says that one should always choose the action which consequences yield the largest net gain of happiness over pain, for everyone (Turetzky, 2013). Joel believes as he does not want to feel the pain of loss for Clementine anymore. As well as the Doctor who gives the procedure likens the experience...
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...Parenting Movie Analysis The movie “Little Miss Sunshine” is about a 7 year old girl named Olive Hoover whose dream is to be entered into a pageant called Little Miss Sunshine.The movie includes an extended family including their uncle and grandparent. Moreover, when she discovers that she’s been entered her family face many difficulties. Though they do want Olive to achieve her dream they are so burdened with their own quirks and problems that they can barely make it through a day without some disaster occurring. This movie relates to the Caregiver Identity Theory because the Caregiver Identity theory is the theory “Multidimensional roles caregivers play when they are both a loved one of the patient and the caregivers”. This relates to...
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...The movie Little Miss Sunshine is a fantastic movie to watch for teens and adults. In Little Miss Sunshine, the directors (Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris) on the film have done an extraordinary job in producing the movie. The elements that were included throughout the film are soundtrack and dialogue. LMS displays lots of important qualities to the movie which made watching this movie enjoyable to watch. Overall, it seems to have the elements directly connected to the movie. The beginning of the movie, shows a girl named Olive (Abigail Breslin), who is part of the Hoover family, finding out that she had successfully been nominated for the Little Miss Sunshine competition. She tells her parents about how she should go to the competition...
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...Morgan Cross Final Project Spivey April 28, 2014 Little Miss Sunshine Movies are very beneficial in understanding sociology. Films are a mirror image of society and they perceive the social and family movements during a lifetime. Little Miss Sunshine, released in 2006 and written by Mark Arndt, is a startling and revealing comedy about a bizarre family in New Mexico. This movie shows signs of deviance in assorted ways from drug abuse, suicide, and sexuality with signs of social interaction. Social interaction is how we act toward and react to other people around us. Deviance is traits or behaviors that violate society’s expected rules or norms. Olive, the little girl in the Hoover family, has been nominated to compete in the Little Miss Sunshine Pageant in California. If she wants to participate in the pageant, the whole family must travel together to California. The experiences and life lessons that they have are out of the ordinary and shocking. The viewer sees the grandfather locking himself in the bathroom doing drugs. Drugs are deviant because they are illegal. The viewer might look at the grandfather badly because in real life people doing drugs are shunned. This is a way of social construction. On the way to California, they stop at a hotel for the night where the grandfather dies in his sleep after taking the drugs. The family retrieved his dead body from the hospital morgue to take with them to get to the pageant in time. Common sense says this is a criminal act because...
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...positive view may enhance their sense of belonging, whereas, a negative view may limit their ability to do so. Through an individual’s inability to express their positive attitudes towards others, can often be the reason why one may reject the ideas of belonging through acts such as rebellion and self-alienation. This perception can be explored within Peter Skrzynecki’s poem St Patricks College, as it portrays the characters partial experiences of belonging through his relationships with others which lead to his self-alienation and rebellion. In contrast with this is Peter Skrzynecki’s poem 10 Mary Street which explores the positive attitudes of belonging through the relationships of family as well as culture. Similarly the film Little Miss Sunshine directed by Jonathan Dayton has incorporated both positive and negative attitudes of belonging and has incorporated the physical, emotional and social factors of belonging within a community and family. The negative attitudes and views within a group or community has reiterated a limited sense of belonging within Peter skrzynecki’s poem St Patricks College. The persona within the poem recalls his schooling years of sadness whilst using a dull tone to demonstrate his isolation from the school community. This is portrayed metaphorically within the description of the personas schooling years being “overshadowed by clouds” portraying a sense of darkness, which is ironic as the school motto is “Luceat Lux Vesta”, which translates to “let...
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...THA 2301 001 Assignment 1 The Explicit Meaning of Little Miss Sunshine In the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, a family embarks on a journey from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Redondo Beach, California, in order to help the main character, a 9-year old girl named Olive, pursue her dream of winning a pageant. Richard and Cheryl, Olive’s parents, decide that it is necessary to take the entire household, which consists of Dwayne, Olive’s teenage half-brother who has taken a vow of silence until he is accepted into the Air Force, Edwin (Grandpa), Richard’s heroin-addicted father, and Frank, Sheryl’s gay brother, who comes to live with them after a suicide attempt. The family climbs into an old Volkswagen bus to make their way to the pageant. At the beginning of the road trip, the clutch goes out on the bus, and because of time restraints, they do not have time to have the bus repaired. Thus, they decide to push-start the bus for the remainder of the trip. Later on, the horn on the bus becomes stuck and the passengers have to deal with an incessant honking for the rest of the journey. Throughout the trip, several devastating things happen. Richard receives news that his business venture has failed, Frank has an encounter with the student who broke his heart, Grandpa dies of a heroin overdose, and Dwayne discovers that he is color-blind. Despite these unhappy situations, the family soldiers on, desperately trying to give Olive her opportunity at happiness. The...
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...Little Miss Sunshine directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valarie Faris, is a family drama about a young girl wanting to go after her dream. Along the way, family members go through conflicts that change him or her and help them grow and mature as a character. Jason Reitman, the director of Juno, also brings up this issue, where the main character goes through a series of conflicts that ‘forces’ her to mature. Both these films show the representation of family and youth and the theme of maturing by the use of language and cinematic conventions. Both these films show two protagonists affected by the issue of having to grow up early and family support. Throughout a person’s life, they will go through changes that will help them mature and grow as a person. Young Olive in Little Miss Sunshine realises that her dream of being a beauty pageant winner is out of her reach but soon realises winning doesn’t matter and overcomes her loss. Similarly, Juno is faced with being pregnant which is unplanned but she is almost forced to deal with it. She decides to give the baby up for adoption, the same as Olive is giving up her dream. Each film uses a variety of cinematic conventions to bring forward the specific issues. For example, in Little Miss Sunshine, several scenes use camera angles such as a close up of Olive with her family blurred out in the background, symbolising that she feels alone and separated yet is determined for them to be an ideal ‘happy’ family, this helps position the viewers...
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...The movie Little Miss Sunshine premiered in the year 2006 and is arguably the most successful indie movie of all time. The movie features an array of characters all with their own internal issues and it is evident of the disfunctionality of this family very early on in the script and also the movie. While the movie is filled with many negative events, in the end the family is brought together and it did bring a tear to my eye as this past week was in fact the first time I have ever seen this movie. Little Miss Sunshine qualifies as an ensemble film as all six characters within their Hoover family all have their own role within the film and each characters story is critical to the story line throughout. These six characters work together...
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...little red pill” (215), or as I like to call it “drug”, was created by Memory Pharmaceutical based off of Eric Kandel’s experiments and discoveries that he made. Memory Pharmaceutical makes a new class of drugs that help people forget memories and help us remember little things that we might have thought were long gone. Even though people have gone through some tough and horrific memories, memory-altering drugs can ultimately cause further damage because not only we will lose our memories and forget, but also we will never learn from our mistakes and repeat them over again which can consequently make us unhappy. Deleting memories can severely alter our brains and cause future problems that we may consequently regret. In the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Joel and Clementine meet at a train, but what they do not know is that in the past they were in a relationship and ended up quite badly to the point that they had each other’s memories erased. Clementine is the first that decides to...
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...M.A. Digital Culture and Technology Digital Effect Dissertation Proposal Introduction The aim of this dissertation is to question the nature of digital cinema and its relationship to analogue filmmaking. I would like to argue that “pure” digital or analogue cinema does not exist anymore. Even films which are shot and edited using digital technology, in most cases, eventually will be printed onto film in order to be projected. I am interested in the transformation of storytelling and narration caused by digital revolution. I will analyse the shift that occurred in cinema after 1997, when the video techniques became more popular. I would like to avoid simplifying or dismissive statements about the aesthetics developed by digital techniques. It is a very rare occurrence for a film to be entirely analogue or digital. Therefore, I intend to talk about the intersection of digital and analogue techniques and the effect that digital practices have upon the tradition of storytelling. In their analysis of new media, Anna Everett and John T. Caldwell describe this intersection of analogue and digital with a term “digitextuality”. This fusion of “digital” and “intertextuality” illustrates the process in which old media acquire new shape and form: M.A. Digital Culture and Technology New digital media technologies make meaning not only by building a new text through absorption and transformation of other texts, but also by embedding the entirety of other texts (analogue and digital)...
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...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a movie released in 2004 and directed by Michael Gondry. It is a 21-century example of the genre called “comedy of remarriage,” which is a subgenre of American comedy films of the 1930s and 1940s. Comedies of remarriage usually display a characteristic view of the reconciliation of troubled relationships. The plot of the movie revolves around the idea of erasing selected memories from people’s minds. In the film, the two main characters – Joel and Clementine – with the aid of Dr. Mierzwiak and his peculiar technology, decide to undergo a process by which they have the memories of each other erased. The idea of altering memories is controversial and it has led to many doubts and questions about morality and possible consequences of such procedures. First, there is the ethical aspect of erasing someone’s memories. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind raises the question: are there ethical reasons to try to stick to certain memories? Analyzing the movie, we can conclude that the answer is “yes.” Accodring to Professor of Philosophy Avishai Margalit, human relations are divided into thick and thin ones. The idea is that memory serves to connect us to others, and is necessary for thick relations. Trying to hold on to these thick relations and certain memories is one basic requirement of human flourishing. Although the movie justifies the decision to erase memories, as its aim is to lessen the pain those memories cause, the act of deliberate...
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...Doctor Mogford English 15 8 April 2012 Internal Sunshine of the Indecisive Mind Were you ever in a situation where you did not know what you wanted; and that you were so indecisive that you made the wrong decision but could not take it back? Well throughout Michael Goundry’s 2004 Film “Internal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, Joel Barish the main character was indecisive throughout the entire movie. One of the many themes that were pointed out was indecisiveness by not only Joel, but the other main character Clementine Kruczynski. To be indecisive one has to lack the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. From the moment the two characters met the viewers could see that both characters were never really sure what they wanted. “Every day people make decisions. Some are small.... Others are more important, affecting people’s lives, livelihoods, and well-being. Inevitably, we make mistakes along the way.” People make decisions that they regret every day, wishing they could take back whatever they did back. During the movie when Joel realized he had made a mistake by having Clementine erased from his memory it was already too late. Moreover, nobody is perfect and making a bad choice can happen but always making decisions that leave a person uneasy is not good, it is better to go with a gut feeling then to always second guessing something; indecisive people flat out do not trust themselves and are always asking other people for advice and verification even though...
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...On March 23th, 7:30pm, I watched the thought provoking southern circuit film screening: Embers direct by Clare Carré in Williams hall. After watching this movie, I only have one word to say, mind-blowing. This film is based on a world that was devastated by a global neurological epidemic that wiped out the majority of human population, and those who survived had lost their memory. In short, there is no past for these people. In addition, I found out that there are five intertwined stories which delineates five different aspects of life, which are: love, family, morality, learning and freedom. For the first element of life presented in the movie: love, we see the story of Guy and Girl. Both Guy and Girl do not know their own name everyday they wake up, but they are aware that they are couple and are meant to be together. We can see that both of them go through the ritual of bafflement and questioning every morning they wake up, and the only thing they definitely know and appreciate is that they have each other. Mrs. Carré showed us the concept of love by portraying their unyielding love to stay with each other although they don’t have the sense of identity, and it is love that ties the human race together. In short, the guy and girl present the challenge of sustaining love without memory The second group of elements are family and learning. For the learning section, the professor is continuously seeking the cure of this virus, and we can clearly see that the professor leaves...
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...Mary and Dr. Mierzwiak have had a relationship that she did not remember. Mary had decided to have her memories erased meaning that she would be able to live her life without remembering that she almost broke up a marriage. However between 1:18:34 and 1:21:23 in the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry) Mary finds out what has occurred since she is reliving the past without knowing it and Alice Mierzwiak lets her know that she can have her husband since she doesn’t desire him anymore. This scene takes place before sunrise meaning it is extremely dark which is what everyone's minds would be as if they didn’t have memories to look back on. Throughout the movie, whenever Joel is having a memory taken away from him they start...
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...The poem “Eloisa to Abelard” was written in 1717 by Alexander Pope, the main characters are Peter Abelard, a wealthy scholar and Eloisa, Abelard’s mistress. Abelard and Eloisa fall in love and get married; Eloisa’s family is not in favor of this and castrates Abelard. After the assault, even though Eloisa and Abelard had a child, they decided to go to monasteries. Eloisa is tortured by the separation and is constantly contemplating weather to live the simple happy life and follow God, or to follow her heart and pursue Abelard. The movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is a romantic fantasy about Joel and Clementine who both have procedures to have their memory of each other erased but meet each other again and fall in love again, the movie ending says that they hear tapes of what happened in the past and they learn from their mistakes and live happily ever after. The relationship between art and happiness is that the art and happiness are more effective when Eloisa and Abelard remember each other and choose a life together. In the poem, Eloisa says “Not on the Cross my eyes were fix'd, but you: Not grace, or zeal, love only was my call, And if I lose thy love, I lose my all.” Eloisa marries Abelard because she is truly in live with him and wants the life that is natural to every human. Wanting to find someone to spend the rest of your life with is part of human genetics, healthy human genetics. She says that her eyes were not fixed on the cross, but her eyes were...
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