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Super Soldier Research Paper

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The Super Soldier Super soldiers are often written about in fiction,but what if I told you….THEY ARE REAL?!! They are,by wikipedia definition,The supersoldier (or super soldier) is a concept soldier, often fictional, capable of operating beyond normal human limits or abilities.But they ARE real.From ancient Sparta, all the way to present day america,these people tried to create the unstoppable.

In ancient Sparta,they tried to make killers. The Spartans would start training at just two days old.TWO DAYS!!! Any who didn't pass the training regimen would be left in the mountains to die. But the cruelty didn't end there. Spartan warriors were often subjected to sexual abuse, harsh weather, and little sleep. It seems that evan back in the days of old,we were trying to perfect humanity. …show more content…
They would “breed” people with blue eyes,blond hair,and fair skin.These people were known as the Aryan race.The Nazis also made a drug known as DX-2, which was very addictive,gave strength,stamina,and speed.Though the Nazis weren't the only one in WW2 to try to make “Super soldiers”. Joseph Stalin though if he bread humanity with the apes,he could make a solider who cares little of where it sleeps and what it eats. These are only a few of the horrendous ways they tried to make living war machines. Evan today we are trying to do the unthinkable. Drugs are common in warfare these days,though we don't use DX-2.(I think,but it's probably classified(this is a joke)).The American government is also working on building an Exo suit which can lift 10x the normal human.There is also a rumor of the government genetically modifying humans, such as soldiers that can run faster than a olympic runner, become stronger, and focus better.It seems that humanity will never stop this qweast.

Super soldiers aren't mere fiction.No,they are real as you and

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