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Supra-Nationalism In The Media

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Media is a major determinant of how nationalism is socialized. Therefore, the media must report the truth. If the participants within the country are going to be informed of the government’s actions and decide if they are democratic or not, the media must inform the citizens about everything. The media should also refrain from spreading propaganda against a group of people because of their religion or their race. Media socialization allows for a fast-paced nationalist movement to spread. If the nationalist movement incites hate speech, propaganda, or violence against a racial or ethnic group, the conflict can escalate to the highest level; mass genocide.
Supra-nationalism is the other solution for minimizing the effects of poor nationalistic practices. Supra-nationalism places the weight of …show more content…
One of the supra-national solutions to these problems is the Kantian Triangle. Immanuel Kant was a philosopher who wished to examine the existing wars and how the nations can become peaceful, thus creating the Kantian Triangle; international Organizations, democracy, and interdependence (both cultural and economic) among the nations of the world. International organizations such as the United Nations aim to create a collective security for the world. This includes security against invasion, violence, economic hardship, and other problems such as hunger or lack of clean water. All those deprivations lead countries to have conflict both internally and externally. Solving or minimizing the devastating effects of these problems can create or maintain peace and harmony throughout the world. Interdependence on an international level helps nations become less ethnocentric and more cooperative seeing each other on the same level. “Economic interdependence means that the material costs of international conflict are so great that warfare become s virtually unthinkable.. bringing order to an otherwise lawless

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