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Survey Paper


Submitted By izaiaz
Words 994
Pages 4
Survey Paper The amount of experience, skills and the amount of success a player has in baseball may determine each player's salary in the major league baseball. This survey will help determine whether a players skills along with the team's consistency to win has an effect on being offered a higher salary versus the other teams in the MLB. This survey will be used as a tool that is designed to have survey-takers contribute opinions and suggestions so that a collection of data can be reviewed to determine whether the survey-takers are in agreement with the factors mentioned above is the result to higher salaries in the MLB. Specific variables will be used in the survey questions and the results will show how effective each question within the survey is. There will also be ethically constructed questions to assure there is a good quality survey.
The Purpose The main purpose of the survey is to increase knowledge in whether higher paid salaries in the MLB correlates and has a relationship with a player's skills and the number of wins accomplished by the team. Arrangement and structure of the survey will provide a vast amount of information for survey takers as well as for the surver creator. The survey creator will gather knowledge along with important information on the survey takers opinions on this matter as well as ways to improve the effectiveness of the survey.
This survey will contain 10 questions to help the creator of the survey, have a better understanding on how the survey takers think about the MLB players and games. The first question will introduce the baseball game, followed by a question on the importance of the game, and the third question will ask the survey taker how important is fairness on the salaries offered to the players. Question four will ask if the survey taker is available to attend a game, then the fifth question will ask

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