...SYNOPSIS TITLE OF THE PROJECT HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROBLEM STATEMENT This project needs to create the Hostel Management System (HMS) to organize the rooms, mess, student’s record and the other information about the students. All hostels without HMS are managed manually by the hostel office. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the problem which occur when carried manually. INTRODUCTION In hostels without a HMS all the things have to be done manually. The Registration form verification to the different data processing are done manually. Thus there are a lot of repetitions which can be easily avoided. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. Hostel management gives on idea about how the students details, room allocation, mess expenditure are maintained in the particular concern. The hostel management system also includes some special features like How many students can live in a room, and the students of the hostel can be recognized from their ID number. The administration has the unique identity for each members as well as students details. The stock management...
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...Project Synopsis Presentation (SMU GHANA) Course: BSCIT Semester:3 Student Name: DAVIES OMOYEMI ABDUL-WAHAB Student Reg. No.: 1304000487 Project Title : ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Supervisor Name: MR ERIC TWUMASI Aims & Objectives of the Project: The aim of this project is to: 1. To design an online hostel management system where each user’s activity is in a computerized way rather than the usual manual process which appears to be time consuming. 2. To upgrade the hostel booking system from manual hand book registration to an online registration. The objective of the entire activity is to automate the process of day to day activities of the hostel. For example: 1. Admission of a new customer, 2. Assign a room according to customer’s demand, 3. Checkout of a costumer and releasing the room 4. Packages available. 5. Feedbacks and to create a standard compliance website that will demonstrate the following qualities; 1. Proper organization. 2. Very informative. 3. User friendly. 4. Data Integrity 5. Students can store his or her information Literature Survey and overview of the project: Manual hostel management system is a very tedious process, this is because it involves work load and time comsumption. This new system is to create an easy way to manage the hostel details, room details, student records, mess expenditure, easy way of room allocation and hostel attendance. Thus a lot of repetition can be easily evaded...
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...SESSION: MARCH 2011-SEPTEMBER 2011 NIPS COLLEGE OF IT AND MANAGEMENT ALL AHABAD [Synopsis and Project Guidelines] MCA-6th Semester BCA-6th Semester PGDCA-2nd Semester And MBA-4th Semester IMPORTANT DATE S ynopsis Approval Last Date Project S ubmission Date MBA S ynopsis Approval Last Date MBA Project S ubmission Date : : : : 20/05/2011 27/07/2011 30/05/2011 10/08/2011 IMPORTANT INFORMATION MCA-6th S em Project Coordinator PGDCA-2nd S em Project Coordinator BCA-6th Sem Project Coordinator MBA- 4th S em Project Coordinator : Mrs Seema S rivastava : Mr.Gangesh Kumar :Mr.Deepak Mishra Ph:9451686685 :Mr. Jitendra Kumar Keswani Ph: 8081313153 SYNOPSIS GUIDELINE SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT GUIDELINES MCA- BCA- PGDCAMCA -6 BCA-6 & PGDCA -2 Synopsis Format 1. Introduction Of Project 2. Objective Of The Project 3. Scope Of The Project 4. Project Plan 5. The Existing System 6. Background Of The Organization 7. Current Problems 8. Areas For Improvement 9. Proposed System 10. Input/Output Requirement 11. Hardware And Software Requirement 12. Database Requirement 13. System Design 14. Tables And Fields For Database 15. Database Dictionary 16. E-R Diagram 17. ‘0’ Level DFD 18. ‘1’ Level DFD 19. Security Control 20. Future Scope Of The Project 21. Conclusion NIPS COLLEGE OF IT & MANAGEMENT ALLAHABAD Ph: 0532-3291133 th th nd 1 SYNOPSIS AND PROJECT GUIDELINES 22. Reference Or Bibliography Some Suggested Project Title 1. Bank Transactions Management 2. Hotel...
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...to: vikashclkumar@gmail.com the request may also be forwarded to: vijayjanyani@gmail.com and manojfozdar@rediffmail.com Such candidates should submit self-attested scanned copies of relevant documents through email (Subject of email should carry Application Reference No.). Candidates with PhD status (not completed) should bring documents to support: a. Month and year of registration b. Institute of registration c. Name of the supervisors(s) d. Official address of the supervisor e. Type of registration [Part Time / Full Time (scholarship)/ Full Time (without scholarship)/ Full Time (Sponsored)] f. Number and names of the courses completed g. Month and year of clearing comprehensive examination (Written and Oral) h. Month and year of Pre Synopsis seminar given: i. Month and year of thesis submission (if submitted) Please read all the information and instructions provided along with the online application portal requirement for the documents/certificates, check list and Performa in the advertisement carefully. The short listing of the candidates has been done on the basis of claims made by candidate in the online application form submitted by him/her pending physical verification. Any mismatch between the claim and the original certificate shall lead to rejection of the...
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...1 Energy Engineering Synopsis 1. Name of student: Onkar Singh 2. PTU Registration No. 100379383114 3. Present Official Address: Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar 4. E-Mail: onkar.singh@lpu.co.in 5. Telephone No: 01832710594 / 08427600370 6. Branch : Energy Engineering ( Part Time) 7. Year of Admission: 2010 8. Number of subjects passed till date: 09 9. Experiment on Biogas production for Lovely University Hostel mess using food wastage (starch and sugar) along with Algi from nearby marshy area. 2 ABSTRACT There has been many successful efforts in the past to produce biogas from cow dung slurry. Thousands of biogas plants have been installed in India and possibly abroad to say no to conventional energy resources. Afterwards there were experiments to mix cow slurry with food waste, paper waste and leaves poultry farm waste. We are going to use existing knowledge to make hostel messes energy efficient and moreover check the performance of the plant adding Algi from nearby marshy lands(easily located in village areas in India). This will help save lot LPG needed and also reduce environment hazards of land filling organic waste available in huge quantity in LPU. INTRODUCTION All over the world efforts are at their maximum level to decrease the dependency on conventional fuels giving way to green energy based upon renewable energy resources. Though LPG is used in all the hostels in Lovely Professional University (LPU) but we thought of utilizing the huge quantity of food...
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...ABSTRACT As the name specifies “HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is a software developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number of educational institutions are increasing rapidly. Thereby the number of hostels are also increasing for the accommodation of the students studying in this institution. And hence there is a lot of strain on the person who are running the hostel and software’s are not usually used in this context. This particular project deals with the problems on managing a hostel and avoids the problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system Which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system Which is more user friendly and more GUI oriented. We can improve the efficiency of the system, thus overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. · Less human error · Strength and strain of manual labour can be reduced · High security · Data redundancy can be avoided to some extent · Data consistency · Easy to handle · Easy data updating · Easy record keeping · Backup...
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...Learner licence, Driving licence, Changing address of licence. It has options to apply the license and renew the license. Tax module: This module is used to entry the records of tax. Renewal module: This module helps to renew vehicle registration records. Transfer module: This is a vehicle transfer module which is used to change the ownership of the vehicle. Project database: The name of the database is RTOData. It has 8 tables that is: COAMain, CVMain, DLMain, LLMain, MVMain, TaxMain, TWMain, VRMain. Front End: Visual basic 6.0 Back End: Microsoft Access Driver 2003 Download project code: download link all Video Demostration: TOPICS Previous: IEEE Java Project topics Next: Project report on Hostel Management System RELATED POSTS Airline Reservation Booking System Airline Reservation Booking System Tourism System Tourism System Supermarket Billing System Supermarket Billing System SEARCH FREE SUBSCRIPTION Receive notifications of new projects by email. Join 8,949...
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...INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS APPLICATION FORM FOR ICCR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 Please tick Scholarship Scheme for which application is being made: | | | |( ) |General Scholarship Scheme (GSS; formerly known as General Cultural Scholarship Scheme or GCSS) | |( ) |Scholarships under bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEP Scholarship) | |( ) |Scholarships for students from Commonwealth Countries (ICCR’s Commonwealth Scholarship Plan) | |( ) |Scholarships for students from African Countries | |( ) |Scholarships for students from SAARC Countries | |( ) |Scholarships for students from Mekong Ganga Co-operation (MGC) Countries | |( ) |AYUSH Scholarships to study Indian Traditional Medicine Systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha...
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...A. Title and Year of Release 3 Idiots (2009) B. Genre Comedy, Drama and Romance C. Audience Classification Rated PG-13 for thematic material, some disturbing images and crude humor D. Production Team Directed by Rajkumar Hirani Writing credits Rajkumar Hirani (dialogue) Abhijit Joshi (dialogue) (as Abhijat Joshi) Vidhu Vinod Chopra (screenplay associate) Casts Aamir Khan - 'Rancho' Shamaldas Chanchad Kareena Kapoor - Pia Boman Irani - Viru Sahastrabudhhe Madhavan - Farhan Qureshi Sharman Joshi - Raju Rastogi E. Synopsis Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi want to re-unite with their fellow collegian, Rancho, after faking a stroke aboard an Air India plane, and excusing himself from his wife - trouser less - respectively. Enroute, they encounter another student, Chatur Ramalingam, now a successful businessman, who reminds them of a bet they had undertaken 10 years ago. The trio, while recollecting hilarious antics, including their run-ins with the Dean of Delhi's Imperial College of Engineering, Viru Sahastrabudhe, race to locate Rancho, at his last known address - little knowing the secret that was kept from them all this time. SOURCE: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187043/plotsummary F. Criticize on the following i. Story and Theme It has a great story of different students; Raju wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but has joined engineering...
Words: 1991 - Pages: 8
...Film review on the 3 idiots A. Title and year of release 3 idiots (2009) B. Genre Comedy, drama and romance C. Audience classification Rated pg-13 for thematic material, some disturbing images and crude humor D. Production team Directed by raj kumar hirani Writing credits Raj kumar hirani (dialogue) Abhijit joshi (dialogue) (as abhijat joshi) Vidhu vinod chopra (screenplay associate) Casts Aamir khan - 'rancho' shamaldas chanchad Kareena kapoor - pia Boman irani - viru sahastrabudhhe Madhavan - farhan qureshi Sharman joshi - raju rastogi E. Synopsis Farhan qureshi and raju rastogi want to re-unite with their fellow collegian, rancho, after faking a stroke aboard an air india plane, and excusing himself from his wife - trouser less - respectively. Enroute, they encounter another student, chatur ramalingam, now a successful businessman, who reminds them of a bet they had undertaken 10 years ago. The trio, while recollecting hilarious antics, including their run-ins with the dean of delhi's imperial college of engineering, viru sahastrabudhe, race to locate rancho, at his last known address - little knowing the secret that was kept from them all this time. Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187043/plotsummary F. Criticize on the following I. Story and theme It has a great story of different students; raju wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but...
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...1 NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA COURSE CODE : DAM 205 COURSE TITLE: DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY 2 COURSE GUIDE COURSE CODE DAM 205 COURSE TITLE DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY COURSE WRITER: MRS. AISHETU UMAR DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, AHMADU BELLO UNIVERSITY, ZARIA NIGERIA DR. OLUSEGUN FOLORUNSHO DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, ABEOKUTA, NIGERAI. COURSE EDITOR PROGRAMME LEADER COURSE COORDINATOR 3 CONTENTS CONTENTS Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii iii iv iv v vi vii viii viii ix x xi xi xii What you will learn in this course Course aims Course objectives . . . . . . . . . . . Working through this course The course materials Study units . . . . . Presentation schedule Assessment . Tutor marked Assignment Final examination and Grading Course marking scheme Facilitators/Tutors and Tutorials Summary . . . . INTRODUCTION Data collection methodology is a two credit unit first semester course available to first semester course available to students of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Library and Information science. 4 Research involves data collection, any discipline of the social sciences, education and even the sciences needs a sound knowledge of research; how to conduct research, ethics of research and generally to write a report or design a study. The use and importance...
Words: 19411 - Pages: 78
...M.A. Social Work (Previous) FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work - 50 Paper S1: 02 Psychosocial Dynamics of Human Behavior - 50 Paper S1: 03 Methods of Working with People: Micro-Approaches - 50 Paper S1: 04 Social Welfare Administration - 50 Paper S1: 05 Research Methodology - 50 Paper S1: 06 Man & Society - 50 Paper S1: 07 Concurrent Field work three days in a week - 50 Total - 350 SECOND SEMESTER Paper S2: 01 Approaches and fields of Social Work - 50 Paper S2: 02 Human Growth and Development - 50 Paper S2: 03 Methods of working with People: Macro Approaches - 50 Paper S2: 04 Management of NGO’s and Disaster Relief Services - 50 Paper S2: 05 Statistics and Computer Application - 50 Paper S2: 06 Dynamics of Socio-Political Institutions and Organizations - 50 Paper S2: 07 Concurrent Field work (three days in a week) -50 Total - 350 M.A. in Social Work (Part-I) Preamble: 1. There shall be six theory papers of 50 marks each and field work of 50 marks as paper seventh out of 50 marks, 38 marks shall be devoted to semester paper and 12 marks shall be fixed for class/home assignments. 2. The format of the theory paper shall be the same as it is being following by the university. 3. Evaluation procedure shall be as per university norms. FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work (50) Unit – I Meaning, objectives and scope of social work; Role...
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...|Word |Synonym |Sentence | |Abase |to humiliate, degrade, debase, corrupt, |Don’t abase yourself by accepting this offer. | | |disgrace | | |Abash |to bewilder, confound, confuse, puzzle, amaze,|That poor man felt abashed in the company of rich man & women. He was not at | |[uh-bash] |stun, leave speechless, bamboozle. |all abashed by his open admiration (প্রশংসা). | |Abate |to remove, lessen |We resumed our journey when the rain abated. Rather than leaving immediately, | | | |they waited for the storm to abate. | |Abdicate |to forsake, give up, (পরিত্যাগ করা, অস্বীকার |Edwar VIII abdicated the British throne to marry the woman he loved. Saddam was| | |করা), resign, relinquish, hand over, step down|abdicated from his throne. | | |from, abandon | | ...
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...2 APPROACHES TO ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT Organisational behaviour is a discursive subject and much has been written about it. The study of organisations and management has therefore to proceed on a broad front. It is the comparative study of the different approaches that will yield benefits to the manager. The study of organisations, their structure and management is important for the manager. Identification of major trends in management and organisational behaviour, and the work of leading writers, provide a perspective on concepts and ideas discussed in more detail in other chapters. Learning outcomes After completing this chapter you should be able to: ■ identify major trends in the development of organisational behaviour and management thinking; contrast main features of different approaches to organisation and management; evaluate the relevance of these different approaches to the present-day management of organisations; explain the relationships between management theory and practice; assess the value of the study of different approaches to organisation and management; recognise the relationship between the development of theory, behaviour in organisations and management practice; establish a basis for consideration of aspects of organisational behaviour discussed in subsequent chapters. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Critical reflection ‘It is often claimed that what leading writers say is an important part of the study of management and organisational behaviour. Others say that...
Words: 19374 - Pages: 78
...Accounting for non-accounting students eighth edition John R. Dyson ACCOUNTING FOR NON-ACCOUNTING STUDENTS Visit the Accounting for Non-Accounting Students, eighth edition Companion Website at www.pearsoned.co.uk/dyson to find valuable student learning material including: G G G G Multiple choice questions to help test your learning Extra question material Links to relevant sites on the web Glossary explaining key terms mentioned in the book We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in Accounting, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high quality print and electronic publications which help readers to understand and apply their content, whether studying or at work. To find out more about the complete range of our publishing please visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk ACCOUNTING FOR NON-ACCOUNTING STUDENTS Eighth Edition John R. Dyson Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk First edition published in Great Britain under the Pitman Publishing imprint in 1987 Second edition 1991 Third edition 1994 Fourth edition published under the Financial Times Pitman Publishing imprint in 1997 Fifth edition 2001 Sixth edition 2004 Seventh edition 2007 Eighth...
Words: 200572 - Pages: 803