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Synthesis By Sunlight Summary

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(A) Write a précis of the science article you have been assigned (150 words maximum)

Eley’s article “Synthesis by Sunlight” (2013) asserts that US scientists would like both the organic and electrochemistry fields to work together to produce more sustainable and environmentally friendly reactions which are powered by sunlight.
Scientists from Washington University are setting out to prove that chemical oxidations can be powered by sunlight with the aid of electrochemistry. In order to do this reaction, they connected a reaction flask and a photovoltaic cell together. When visible to sunbeams, the electricity produced allows the chemical oxidant to be regenerated at the positively charged electrode (anode). As a result, the scientists have …show more content…
It shows that solar power can be used to synthesise different organic products. The yields were also like the reactions that used an electric heat source. This is important as it suggests that organic chemists can undertake more sustainable reactions without putting pressure on the environment.

(ii) What was the authors’ overall plan?

To make members of the science community aware that organic reactions can take place when powered by solar power. Currently, a large proportion of organic reactions that take place are extremely harsh on the environment. They want to make scientists aware that they could cut down on the amount of electricity they require by using solar power and therefore have less of a negative environmental impact.

(iii) List the methods and techniques/instrumentation that the authors used

They gave new satellite dishes reflective properties by covering them with Mylar tape. This reflective dish was then used to generate heat, when directed towards the sun, that was then used to power organic synthesis reactions. NMR and MS was used to analyse the products formed from these

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