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Taoism In The United States

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If you were to ask someone in the United States what are some of the popular religions most would say the bigger religions such as Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. However, the world has many more religions that some people may not have heard of or are lesser known. One such religion is Taoism. Taoism (also called Daoism) is China’s native religion that was started over 1800 years ago and is still in practice today. Currently there are about 30,000 people in the United States that practice Taoism. Taoism in intertwined with China’s history and still strives today.
The term Taoism comes from the word of Tao which means way. The word tao is also used to describe the path a person must take to achieve something such as being a carpenter. …show more content…
Along with China, other nearby Asian countries also practice Taoism such as Taiwan. Korea and Japan were exposed to Taoism in the 1500’s and 1600’s. However, Taoism did not become a major religion for these regions and instead influenced their own culture. Like other religions, Taoism does have a place of worship called temples. There are many temples around the United States from Hawaii to New York. While many Taoist live in China and eastern Asia, there exists Taoist around the world from Europe to Australia. …show more content…
The yin and yang are forces of the power qi. Qi is an energy that is found in all things and is constantly flowing through everything. According to Littlejohn, Yin and Yang could symbolize a mountain and a cave. Yin and Yang are forces that are not opposite but complement each other. In Taoist text, it is important to have a balance of yin and yang to maintain good health. In Taoism there are the Three Jewels of Tao. These jewels are virtues of Taoism which are compassion, moderation, and humility. There are various deities in Taoism. These deities are nature spirits, animals, legendary heroes and more. In Taoist texts, “…the word dao points to the ineffable creative process which gives birth to heaven, earth, and the myriad creatures.” (Pluralism, 2017). It should be noted that the words dao and tao are interchangeable. There are many different interpretations of how to be one with the tao due to the different cultural influences. A person’s Qi is affected by things such as diet and meditation. To keep a balance between yin and yang, a Taoist’s diet consists of foods that are recognized as yin and yang. Some examples of yang foods would be poultry and beans whereas some yin foods would be green vegetables or seafood. Along with eating balanced meals, Taoist also do exercises and meditation to maximize the qi in their

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