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World Power Advantages

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The United States was established July 4th, 1776 as a new nation. From that point as a young and independent country they have been exposed to tremendous development; by the means of economic expansion and influence in other nations they have formally recognized as a world power. Through America's struggle to industrialize they have undergone much progression and reform; although there are many important advantages and disadvantages, the prospects of becoming a world power outweigh the challenging consequences.
America began as a small colony of settlers seeking sanctuary from the monarchical government of the united kingdom, however as they grew independent from the rule of their king they formed a new nation. The rise of imperialism gave way to the united states territorial expansion, and a swell in immigration, which ultimately increased the new nations population; this increase helped the US in emerging into a world power because of its economic benefits, such as unskilled workers taking over labor intensive jobs being payed at lower wages. An example of this is when the …show more content…
The increase of a healthy economy is one reason why becoming a world power is such an advantage to a country. However it is not the only factor that supported the united states into becoming a world power, imperialism and a larger naval force also became major reasons. In order for the united to gain a rightful place among those who held world power, the country felt that they needed to control an imperial empire. It would be a marketplace for goods and be a place to house factories in order to process raw materials. This forced the united states to build up their naval force in order to organize defense, the increase in military made the nation more a competing contestant in the quest for world power, which proved to be an

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