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To be an effective special needs assistant certain qualities and skills are required – as outlined below: Chapter 12 and Chapeter 15

“Communication skills (relating to children, giving positive feedback, etc.)
Interpersonal skills (e.g. working effectively with co-workers and supervisor)
Practical skills (e.g. assisting with clothing, feeding and hygiene, assigning with the preparation of the classroom, assisting with the organisation of the children at assembly, etc.” (1) Caring, friendly and approachable Special needs children totally rely on their SNA for support and guidance in the school environment. Therefore I believe that being caring, friendly and approachable is a vital quality to have in order to allay any fears the child may have. I know that my daughter responds much better to a person who smiles, uses an upbeat tone and has a gentle manner than she does to someone who is impatient, unfriendly and uses loud commands. It is also important to be attentive, listen and watch carefully to what the child is trying to communicate to you. (2) Patient In my …show more content…
Each day an SNA should take time to observe the child’s body language and non-verbal communication in order to accurately assess how the child is feeling and whether they understand and are motivated to do what they have been asked to do. As you get to know the child it will become easier to spot any changes in their mood/behaviour much faster and by implementing effective strategies it will prevent situations becoming difficult or distressing. Anticipate and diffuse the situation quickly. Effective strategies could include not forcing a child to complete a task when they are clearly not coping but instead, with the agreement of the class teacher, allowing them some time out, with the understanding that they will complete the task at a later

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