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Teacher Interview Paper

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Ms. Gonzalez is a bilingual fourth grade teacher in Gilbert elementary, Irving ISD that I interviewed. She has been teaching for thirteen years including this year and it's her first year teaching fourth grade. She came from Tamaulipas, Mexico and used to be a a gymnastics teacher in Mexico. She discovered that she loved teaching and decided to enroll in a university in Mexico. After she graduated and began teaching in Mexico, she was offered in the exchange program to teach in the U.S.A. She learned English through the program and later transferred to America five years later to begin teaching kindergarten. I have known her for a year by helping out in her classroom from time to time and have become good friends. She was the first teacher that saw and treated me as a teacher and not a student or a teacher's …show more content…
She would talk with her students and encourage positive relationships with her students. For many years since her first year in teaching she has used communication, participation, and praise to help her students build relationships in her classroom. There have been times when she had to modify her way of encouraging students to communicate with each other and build relationships. One way she did was pair students that were more friendly, talkative, and initiative to start a conversation with students that would have a hard time starting a conversation. That way students would have an example of how to start a conversation and not be afraid or embarrassed. She would also walk around to help the students keep the conversation flowing. Another method I learned from Mrs. Gonzalez is that children can be given a prompt to talk about in each group of two or three and later talk with the whole class about the prompt. The main focus is to learn how to build relationships while learning new content in the

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