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Team-Based Health Care: Team Analysis

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The foundation for a successful and effective team-based health care is having the entire team's actions adoptive of a group's shared goals as well as good conflict, collaboration, and both levels of diversity (deep and surface). Other factors and elements found across the definitions we reviewed as an effective team include the patient and family as team members, collaboration, close coordination and consistency across all settings, and clear communication and feedback channels. Having good teamwork will lead to better serve patients with higher performance as well as make the experience at Gundersen more satisfying and rewarding for employees themselves.
There are three main predictors to help team effectiveness which are team composition, …show more content…
With good conflict management skills employees are going to be more comfortable with disagreeing with others. This might sound like a bad thing but when Doctors and Nurses disagree when trying to diagnose someone, this is going to eliminate the odds of misdiagnosing. Being able to address issues and concerns with other aspects of work are important for these employees to feel like they have a voice within the company. The supervisors or managers should make sure they are being transparent with everyone, meaning you want there to be trust at work. This is going to help with having a higher job satisfaction among the employees, which will lead to a higher level of organizational …show more content…
Within our healthcare administration team, when a conflict arises it is very common for many team members to use the avoidance strategy to handle the conflict, meaning that they would rather avoid the conflict overall instead of working through it. Within the healthcare industry, specifically with a team of medical professionals consisting of nursing assistants, registered nurses, and physicians, conflict can sometimes be a really good thing because in order to come up with the best solution for the patient, the best ideas will need to be present and sometimes it involves a little conflict to get there. However, in Gundersen's team we tend to see conflict be avoided. A new norm of collaboration and cohesion is very needed in this

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