...{text:bookmark-start} Analysis of Team Charter {text:bookmark-end} To have success as a team a group of individuals must come together as cohesive unit with common goal in mind.The goal of Learning Team A is success. In order to accomplish this goal a chain of events must happen first. These three events must happen before Learning Team A can be established. First the team must get to know one another, secondly a team charter must be defined and thirdly a mission statement must be made as a unit. The foundation of the team was established now it was time to prepare the Learning Team Charter. Chartering is the procedure by which a team meets at the beginning of its process to describe it mission or task, sets it goals, secure commitment by members to the achievement of those goals, make its plans, and allocate its resources. (University of Phoenix, 2009, pg. 4)Each member will have individual and group responsibilities. The individual responsibilities are to conduct all assignments, attend meetings, individual research and contribute input to any project. The group responsibilities will be to bring all the individual research to form one project, PowerPoint presentations, and final paper. The purpose of the charter is to have the goals and expectations of each member written out so there will not be any conflict within the group. After careful deliberation the mission statement of Learning Team A was formulated as such: The mission of Learning Team A is to gain the knowledge and...
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...LEARNING TEAM ‘A’ CHARTER |Course Title | LAW/531 – Business Law | |All team members participated in the creation of | | | | |this charter and agree with its contents ( (Please| | | | |check) | |Instructor |MICHAEL T. MILLAR, JD | | | |Course Dates | 06/29/10 – 08/09/2010 | | | | | | | | | | | Team Members/Personal Information |Name | |Phone | |Fax | |Email | |Jennifer Hall | |(707) 628-6679 | | | |Jhall806@sbcglobal.net | |Aleen Lien | |(651) 249-3111 | | | |alien@sjm.com | |Sharona...
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...com (2010) the definition of team is “a number of persons associated together in work or activity” (team, para. 4). Effectively to come together as a team, it is important that the team have the ability to grasp how each individual learns and works. To do this each team member completed the Jungian 16-type personality assessment, the Do I Trust Others and the How Good are my Listening Skills assessments. The results have been discussed and the Learning Team Charter was created, establishing the skill inventory, goals, rules, and conflict management for the team. “So what is the first and most important step for creating effective teams? Chartering is the process by which the team is formed, its mission or task described, its resources allocated, its goals, its membership committed, and its plans made” (University of Phoenix, 2009). The goals and objective of the team will be met by taking into account each individual’s personality and skill set to maximize the potential of the team members. The Learning Team is composed of three different personality types. The three different personalities are ENFJ (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging), INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging), and ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving). Because all of these personalities have different strengths and weaknesses, it is very important that the team charter has goals that would accommodate everyone on the Learning Team . Each of these personalities...
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...Running head: THE TEAM CHARTER 1 Robert Carpenter The Team Charter MGT/521 February 6, 2011 Sandra Griffin THE TEAM CHARTER 2 Abstract A team must work together to be successful. Each team member is different from the and therefore bring different strengths and weaknesses to the team. Team members must learn to listen to each other, accepting the ideas and suggestions of other members. Trust between team members is a very important part of becoming a successful team. The team charter is an excellent tool that is used to find out what each member can contribute to the team. THE TEAM CHARTER 3 The Team The first step to being a successful team is to get to know your team members. Without knowing your team you cannot fully know what each member can do for the team. You will need to ask each other questions to find out what strengths each member will bring to the team. These questions will also help the team learn what weakness the members of the team will need help with. Webster’s online dictionary defines team as “a number of persons associated together in work or activity” (2011). The Team Charter What is the team charter? The team charter is a contract between each team member. The charter has several different parts to it. The first part, of the team charter, is the team information section. In this section members can list their contact information. This makes it easy for the team members to communicate...
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...The Team Charter (as configured for an MBA Team) The imperative is to develop a “Team Charter” for use as guidance in your project / organization Team. The Team Charter will consist of two critical elements: First: a Team Mission Statement based the following “stem sentence” format: Our mission is to ____________________________________________________________ (broad general statement of the overall mission of the team) e.g. : Our mission is to ensure the deepest level of learning of all members of the team as possible through the production of consistently high quality group products In a way which _____________________________________________________________ (more specific statements of both sub-goals and values) e.g. In a way which: . ensures that we work as a team, not as a working group; . focuses on the learning, not the grade; . focuses on all levels of learning in the program simultaneously (courses, team effectiveness, individual growth) So that ____________________________________________________________________ (statements of the desired outcomes from working on the mission) e.g. So that: . each of us as individuals consistently learn new knowledge and skills through group product development . we as a group...
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...How I Will Use My Team Charter to Improve Performance Management 521 Outline The paper is a continuous essay which has the following parts: Introduction This part introduces the wider concept of teams and introduces the focus of my essay. Body This is a detailed section that shows how I will use my team charter to improve my performance Conclusion This part reiterates the main ideas of the essay. No new ideas are introduced here. How I Will Use My Team Charter to Improve Performance Team formation always comes with goals. It is not possible to come across people who come together without a reason for doing so. At the end of the day, the aim that is established for the team has to be of value to the lives of the individual members of the team (Engleberg, Wynn & Schuttler 2003, pp.172-176). What will happen if individual members will not gain anything from the team? It is possible that members will move away from the team. The team charter that we formed as learners is a guide in our effort to meet the objective of the team as well as fulfilling individual goals (University of Phoenix 2004, p.1). As a team, we have the objective of ensuring that we have a successful learning team. Success is in terms of being able to accomplish assignments on time and in the best possible way. At personal level, I aim at excelling in my studies through my participation in the team. I can confidently speculate that this is an aim that I share with most if not all of my group...
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...TEAM CHARTER | Historical Development of Human Services | | Each student indicates by typing their name in the right column that he or she has had an opportunity to participate in the creation of this document and agrees to its terms and conditions. | Shiela Chadwick | | Student 2Jannella platt-marks | | Student 3 | | Student 4 | | Student 5Student 6 | | CONTACT INFORMATION: Provide your contact information below, so that your teammates may reach you in the event that you or they are unable to connect to the server or Internet. | Shiela Chadwick | shielachadwick@hotmail.com | | Pacific Standard Time | Jannella Plattmarks | plattmarks@msn.com | 4043536901 | Eastern standard time | Student 3 | personal email | phone number | time zone | Student 4 | personal email | phone number | time zone | Student 5 | personal email | phone number | time zone | Student 6 | personal email | phone number | time zone | | INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Identify each team member’s personal learning style and note how this style will benefit the team. While your team should utilize the strengths of its team members, individual contributions within the team structure should also enable students to develop and improve the areas in which they are weak. | Shiela Chadwick | Strength and benefits that I can bring to the table are punctuality, and substantial research. | | Jannella PlattMarks | Strengths & benefits I can bring to table is...
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...LEARNING TEAM CHARTER – TEAM “B” Course Title COM/100 Team Members/Contact Information Name Phone Time zone and Availability During the Week Email John Doe 610-768-2377 Text or call EST johndoe.net Team Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team? • Every day each team member should check into the team forum daily. • Each team member completes assignments with in the agreed upon time frame. • Communicate with the team regularly in the team forum. • If a team member is unable to complete the task notify the team so that the work can be dived. Expectations for Time Management and Involvement (Participation, communication with the team, accessibility, etc.) • Adhere to the time line established for each assignment • Each team member should complete an equal amount of work each week. • Communicate if there are problems or assistance is needed. Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members? • Team work is divided each week and all members must agree to the division. • Work with each other to gain better understanding is the assignment is unclear...
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...LEARNING TEAM CHARTER – TEAM “C” Course Title | Psy 460 | | | | | | | | | Team Members/Contact Information Name | | Phone | | Time zone and Availability During the Week | | Email | | | xxx-xxx-xxxx | | (e.g., AZ “Mtn Time”, Mon-Sat 9-11pm) | | | Brandy | | 8142599909 | | Eastern standard time any time | | brandy_secrist@yahoo.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Team Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team? General expectations are simple. Get the work done on time in a friendly manner and by the deadline appointed. Expectations for Time Management and Involvement (Participation, communication with the team, accessibility, etc.) I believe in getting the work done and ontime. Usually there is a time for turning in your portions. Communication is key, if there is something you don't understand or have a problem with speak up, the only stupid question is the one not asked. Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members? Usually assignments are divided equally, that way everyone knows...
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...er LEARNING TEAM CHARTER – TEAM “B” |Course Title |Organizational Development (MGT/311) | | | | | | | | | | | Team Members/Contact Information |Name | |Phone | |Time zone and | |Email | | | | | |Availability During the Week | | | |Sandra Sharples | |(706)756-7344 | |Eastern Time Zone, Any time before 6pm | |Sharples1022@hotmail.com | |(Dana) | | | | | | | |Jessica Overton | |(217)-343-1113 | |Central Time Zone, Any time after 5pm | |jmarieoverton@yahoo.com | |Shawn Henderson | |(985)-288-8408 | |Central time | |S-Henderson1@hotmail.com | | | | ...
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...LEARNING TEAM CHARTER – TEAM “A” Course Title Psych 315 Team Members/Contact Information Name Phone Time zone and Availability During the Week Email Long uyen 510-303-1051 Pacific time zone 6-10pm Long20002000@hotmail.com Aisha Y 9am-10pm est 2804aisha@gmail.com Destiny G 229-292-9010 10am-11pm cst Mzdestinyj2002@yahoo.com Jessica Putm 763-707-1606 CST 10am-8pm Putput15@msn.com Nathalie Jienez 254-09-5069 1pm-10pm FL time Jimenez11@live.com Team Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team? participate, be responsible for your own work, be respectful, be available. Communication is key. Please let each other know if you need help ahead of time and not at the last minute. *Jessica- It is expected that all team members fulfill their parts of each assignments and it is expected that we turn in our parts on the time that is to be determined by us. It is also expected that each team member participates and does their fair share of work. Nathalie- Every member of the team is required to participate on the assignment. Assignments are due in a timely manner as discussed and agreed upon by the team. All work needs to be credible and of highest quality to meet the teams expectations as a whole. Expectations for Time Management and Involvement (Participation, communication with the team, accessibility, etc.) please turn work in on time so that the...
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...Meet assignment deadlines agreed to by the team to allow for final submission on time. • Due date for individual contributions should be set as Friday by noon for each team assignment- giving team lead ample time to compile and submit the project by Sunday. • We should be able to target the submission timeline a day before so that we have enough time to react to any contingency. Team work: • We should work together as a team to deliver the assignment and utilize the strengths of each other. • Make sure that we are unified in the final product. • Be open and willing to do one’s part Weekly Meetings: • A weekly meeting should be held so that the defining of roles for each assignment can be done. • We should meet weekly once in the begging of assignment no later than Wednesday to define roles, assigning a team lead and assignment delivery structure. • Stay in contact with team members via forum or email at least 3 times weekly. • Communicate fairness issues openly and professionally Exceptions: • Team lead and team member should be notified immediately if there is any expectation in attendance and participation. • Each of us pulls our own weight and notifies the team if and when you cannot participate for whatever reason. Conflict Resolution: • We should clearly define conflict resolution in case of any team member not cooperating and does not follow roles and responsibility. • Communicate directly with the team member not contributing. •...
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...I. Goals a. Complete team assignments successfully b. Give everyone a chance to hone leadership skills II. Core Values a. Trust & Integrity b. Everyone on one page – leave no one behind – how do we ensure this? What mechanism? c. Participation – how to make sure everyone participates? Make it a point to solicit participation d. Supportive e. Gives everyone a chance to practice leadership f. Discuss problems and deficiencies. No secret meetings that destroy trust. III. Personal strengths a. Organization & planning b. Subject matter: Math & Finance, Excel & MS Access, Strategy, Marketing. Not as good with PowerPoint. IV. Ground Rules/No-nos a. Late b. Unprepared c. Not discussing problems, disengaging, “don’t care” attitude V. Expectation from MBA program a. Switch job to Management Consulting or Financial Consulting, leveraging my background in risk and finance b. Improve networking skills, listening skills, presentation skills, negotiation skills, thinking quickly on one’s feet, leadership during crises/chaos. Learn to have fun. VI. Expectations of group members a. Diligence b. Feedback – what mechanism? – talk about problems and deficiencies and address them fully and properly…get agreement. c. Patience – I may take longer sometimes to process things…introvert! VII. Modes of communication a. E-mail – preferred. Can everyone access email on their smartphones? How about calendar – did you know that you can also send text reminders on Google...
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...Team Member Skill Inventory (Areas individual members can contribute/want to develop) Leadership Organization Planning Assistance within our group Learning Team Goals Team goals should be to complete timely, quality assignments and for all team members to put in maximum effort. Teams should set a grade level goal. Have an open an honest communication level with a maximum effort of achieving an A in class. Our team goal should be to complete all projects together as one from start to finish. Team mates not putting in effort, and not turning assignments by required suspense date will be penalized Showing up for class or completing something they signed up for. Ground Rules Assignments uploaded a few days prior to due date. This will allow team mates to make corrections and summit team’s paper. If an accident occurs and a teammate cannot do his or her part the team will pull together and finish the assignment Meeting schedule, locations, attendance expectations, agenda, assignment completion, communication methods, etc. Team mates should lose a letter grade for not turning in their assignment. Participation points should be taken for not communicating with peers. Meeting could be also held via e-mail, set a reasonable time for calling team members via phone. Meetings can be held after class every week and everyone must complete what they say they will. If were in a team and one fails then we all fail. Conflict Management ...
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...Analysis of the Team Charter The team charter is something brand new to me. It is something that I believe that has been one of the missing components of past group work. I view it as a type of contract with my classmates as something I agree to in completing the group work assignments, and something that states my responsibilities as a team member. Each team member has different strengths and weaknesses and in developing group chemistry, this is something of extreme importance to consider. After taking the Jungian Personality Assessment, I learned about myself and my classmates, that we all have strengths and weaknesses, including listening skills and how much we trust one another. In considering these scores, it is going to strengthen our team charter and the understanding of one another to know who is best suited for what position within the group, and the types of responsibilities that should be assigned to that person. Someone that is a good listener is someone who should collect and take a log about what the team decides. They are a good “right hand” to the leader of the group, and in listening to other team members, they can mediate between those that may not have good listening skills. Many times, this is a reason that group work can be a struggle and sometimes, ultimately a failure. A failure to see another teammates side in an assignment, may lead to a one sided, or even only partially developed idea. It may also lead to misdirection. If the leader of...
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