...Technology and Online Communities Jayne Fortney SOC105 April 29, 2013 Jeffrey Gomm Technology and Online Communities In 2011, 47 percent of all American adults used a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter. As of 2012 the user count for Facebook was one billion people and for Twitter was 500 million people (Are Social Networking Sites Good for our Society?, 2013). These sites are used by simply creating a personalized profile for yourself. By using the tools provided by that profile you can connect with friends, family, and business associates; as well as share your thoughts, pictures, music or links with the world. It gives you the opportunity to meet people from across the globe who also shares in the same interests as you. Facebook is the largest social media site with one out of seven people having a profile and only 16 percent of users are in the original age range of 18 to 22 with 50 percent of users over the age of 36 (Are Social Networking Sites Good for our Society?, 2013). Social media sites have become so entwined into the lives of people across the globe that so many have come to rely wholly upon them. With such a reliance on social media sites there is a difficulty to foresee what might happen when they don’t exist anymore. If you were to ask twenty different people what would happen if social networking sites disappeared tomorrow, you would get twenty different answers ranging from a complete collapse of humanity to not much change at all...
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...The impact of technology and online communities The importance of social media in today’s generation is really significant, and because of its influence, it is recognized as an excellent marketing tool and could help businesses in building an online presence. Social media paved the way for the evolution of social relations and of people’s interaction. Nowadays, people seem to do everything online: making friends, watch movies, and even transact businesses (admin, 2011). As part of your social media branding, the importance of social media in today’s society is nothing to be overlooked at and it should never be, it was not existed a short few years ago but yet we could not see ourselves without it. Today’s social media is much more than just a website that young teenagers and our children use to talk to their friends. Everybody from big business to independent business owners is using some form of social media marketing plan in their day to day lives. Social media is being used all over the world by many people, different age range but mostly by teenagers and young adults. Social media is being used mostly for businesses, social networking, researching, entertainment and news. The importance of social media has really made the world a smaller place; we can now do business with people from all over the world so much easier and quicker than before (Lodge, 2012). If social media was to be removed, the effects on society would obviously be negative but in a way somewhat positive...
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...Discuss the methods available for the disposal of waste materials. Determine which method of waste management you would recommend for the proper disposal of your selected waste materials. Be sure to provide an explanation for your recommendation. When discussing the proper disposal of any waste material the purpose would be to achieve immediate reduction of waste in our landfills, waterways and air. Incinerators are used to burn waste materials primarily for waste destruction/treatment purposes; however, some energy or material recovery can occur. When performed properly, incineration destroys the toxic organic constituents in hazardous waste and reduces the volume of the waste.” (www.epa.gov). “BIFs are typically used to burn hazardous waste for the significant energy and material recovery potential, with waste treatment being a secondary benefit. Boilers typically combust waste for energy recovery, while industrial furnaces burn waste for both energy and material recovery”. (www.epa.gov).” Recycling is almost always the best way to get rid of waste, even when it is exported abroad, according to the biggest ever report on the industry for the UK government.”(www.guarden.co.uk). After doing a lot of reading and research I have better educated myself about how we handle waste now and how we can stop destroying the earth and improve it. I believe that the best method for disposal of waste materials is recycling. By recycling solid waste, hazardous waste, we reduce the amount...
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...ability to bring people together and let individuals find accepting communities or those of common interest. In this online utopia, individual users would be able to access various online communities and websites with users having similar interests, concerns, and opinions. For example, Rheingold (1993) was able to obtain information, interact with users online, and be part of an online community through the Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link (WELL). In the WELL, individuals were able to exchange information, share concerns, and also interact with other WELL users. Launched in 1985, it was one of the few virtual communities with a large range of users and discussions at the time (Rheingold,...
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...invention of the smartphone, such as the Blackberry, IPhone and Android, a large range of users are able to access their email and the Internet from anywhere in the world. The use of the Internet for teaching and learning in education has increased exponentially in the last five years (Han & Hill 2006). With increased access to the Internet, the fast-paced market of emerging technologies, and increased globalization, today’s learners have an unlimited number of possibilities and routes they can take over their educational lives. With this ever-expanding world that we are currently living in, it is important to understand and provide learners with the essential tools and skills required in order to thrive. As the Internet has expanded, so have schools in regards to taking advantage of the availability of the Internet and it’s quick, easy access, as well as other emerging and upcoming technologies to adjust and complement their current teaching practices, thus better preparing students. As time has passed, not only have the technologies we used changed, so has the Internet we use through these technologies. The Internet began as a Defense Project for the Military (Brown 2002). Work continued in evolving it, with ARPANET being introduced in 1972, leading to the network we are more familiar with being developed in 1982, with its support of multiple networks and IP addresses (Leiner 2000). Since that time, the Internet has grown in its capability to support an increased number of...
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... Features Avenues to Professional Learning Online Technology Tips and Tools for Professional Development in Gifted Education Catherine A. Little1 and Brian C. Housand2 Abstract: The use of online methods for professional development activities is on the rise, with more schools exploring creative ways of providing teacher learning opportunities. Online professional development offers a promising direction for providing increased learning opportunities, promoting professional collaboration, and supporting teacher facility with technology resources. In gifted education, online activities may present effective ways of connecting gifted education professionals across multiple schools and districts and providing professional learning experiences in gifted education for colleagues in general education. In this article, the authors discuss key features of professional development and considerations for applying them in an online learning context. The authors emphasize the importance of coherence with the curriculum, active engagement, sustained attention, and administrative support. They then discuss five avenues or approaches for implementing online professional development, representing a range of interactive elements and opportunities for blending live and online components. Within each avenue presented, the authors share specific resources that would support implementation in the professional learning context. “ Online activities may present effective ways of connecting...
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...INFLUENCES ONLINE CLASSES HIGH ATTRITION RATE by Lora Hines Bachelor of Science in Business Education December 1984 College of Education A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science in Education Degree Department of Workforce Education and Development In the Graduate School Southern Illinois University – Carbondale December 1, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………….…………..1 Background……………………………………………………………….1 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………….6 Research Questions………………………………………………………..7 Significance of the Problem……………………………………………….7 II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE………………………………..…..9 Demographics…………………………………………………………….10 Best Practices……………………………………………………………..16 Student Characteristics…………………………………………………...24 III. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS…………………….…….32 Summary …...…………………………………………………………….32 Findings .………..……………………………………………………….. 33 Recommendations………………………………………………………...38 REFERENCES………………………………………………………….. 41 VITA………………………………..……………………………………52 AN ABSTRACT OF THE R ESEARCH PAPER OF Lora Hines, for the Master of Science degree in Workforce Education and Development, presented on December 1, 2011, at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. TITLE: WHAT INFLUENCES ONLINE CLASSES...
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...The communities York Regional Police serves are continually evolving. There are significant challenges to police leaders seeking creative ways to deliver services effectively and economically. Some factors contributing to these challenges include the changing nature and sophistication of crime, technology, economic constraints, and the pressure on police services to assist with social issues ranging from mental health, addiction, homelessness, and community marginalization. The new thinking in policing has to provide cost-effective strategies that enhance efficiencies, produce results and provide alternative service delivery models that are lasting sustainable approaches and programs and meet expectations of the community we serve....
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...Technology Solutions for North Valley Bank Introduction Since technology has flourished over the years so have the society and the use and implementation of technology in our world. These advancements have impacted every part of our society and have affected all types of businesses in a positive way. Among these businesses is the banking sector. The advancement in the sector of information technology has opened up a new market and new opportunities for the banking sector. Those banks who capitalized on this enhanced communication resources have flourished. New services such as online banking, globally connected system of money transfer and debit card facility along with mobile banking have revolutionized the banking sector. This year has promised to be a profound one for positive technological shifts in banking, the sort of disruptive change that is desperately needed in this industry. The last few years have put more strain on a business model already stretched by compressed margins, capital constraints and fee erosion. While the uncertain regulatory environment has magnified these concerns in 2012, a prediction of community banks seeking innovative technology to deal with these existing burdens and prepare to solve new, are still unforeseen, challenges. In 2012, community banks that put effort into improving their use of technology will be better equipped to serve customers, improve efficiency, control costs and find new growth opportunities. The subject of this report...
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...Is Technology More Harmful Than Helpful Tammy Pugh English Composition – ENGL 112 Professor Chagala August 14, 2013 Technology has allowed society to accomplish many issues that were not able to be accomplished years ago. It has made a huge impact on the world for the better. Through technology, surgeries were able to be done. Technology also helped aid in the increase of jobs and communication purposes. Despite the positive effects of technology, there are also the negative aspects of as well. Many feel that technology cause more problems than solutions. Regardless of how many feel, technology has brought about improvements in the medical, educational, and communication field. Technology proved to be very helpful in the medical field. It has provided many surgeries to be accomplished. Through technology many are able to carry out surgical procedures. One example of technology being used in the medical field is virtual reality technology. This type of technology “provides surgeons with an environment that seems real but actually is not” (Burke & Weill, 2009). This type of technology allows surgeons to not only plan precisely but practice the operation without touching the patient. Other ways technology improves the medical field is by using tools that minimize the bleeding in during surgery. This results in shorter hospital stays and lower cost. Due to technology, robots were also created for medical purposes. Unlike...
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...Moving Anywhere Community College into Distance Education Rachelle Harris ED: 7212 Administration and Leadership of Distance Education Programs Moving Anywhere Community College into Distance Education Colleges increasingly have to compete for students, and Anywhere Community College has to compete with institutions that are continuously on the move to make their programs more attractive to students. These learners include a new bread of students, and they students who are looking to move into more lucrative career opportunities (Meyer, 2010). These students come from a wide array of careers, and some want to advance in their current careers while others wish to move into new ones. Consequently, ACC is faced with the decision to implement an online distance education program, and if Anywhere Community College is to remain competitive with other institutions, it must seriously consider this endeavor which will be a tremendous task for a college that has not embraced the use of technology for so long. This endeavor will require a total restructuring of ACC’s educational institution; however, it is one that the college must embrace with lightheartedness and diligence. Recognize and prepare for the fact that implementing an online distance education program will forever change the structure of ACC. Transformative Techniques The changing face of educational delivery is part of the reason ACC is faced with this endeavor, and in order to completely revamp this institution’s...
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...The topic of Part 2 of the book “Twitter and Tear Gas the Power and Fragility of Networked Protest by Zeynep Tufekci begins with the idea of how technology is creating new ways that allow individuals to create their own social interactions. A second topic that the author focuses on part 2 is the idea of social network platforms and algorithms incorporating policies and social movement interactions on Facebook. Lastly, the third topic of part 2 demonstrates how user name identities influence the online and social networking communities. The first author’s main point is about the idea of technology and how it is shaping and influencing social interactions. The author begins by stating that “technology is helping create new ways of organizing...
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...Participants On-line learning Community To an on-line community communication is important and interpersonal communication describes one of the process of communicating ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other people and groups also develop skills that will improve a participants practice and knowledge as an online participant within a community. However Read-Only Participants authors express a wider concern for student communication in online classes. The authors express many discussions, questions, methods, findings, and implication with communication online disrupting the formation of virtual learning community. The context of the study discussion involved an online course on web-based education for a Masters degree with a mixed methodology approach to observe how online pursuit and discussion relate to course completion and learning skills. The researchers work showed an increase with online enrollment, but a decline in retention and success, even lower than traditional classroom settings. Those who hold the roles of facilitators have a responsibility to reversing such trends according to Schreck (2006). There are many misconceptions and myths concerning the difficulty of both learning and teaching online some attribute it to the methods of technology (e-books, podcasting, and simulations), Student continue to drop out at alarming rate yet keep pleading for more online learning experiences (Bonk, 2002). Other scholars finding such drop-out rate for online student that varies...
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...Social Networking 1. Introduction Social networking is like small rural communities, filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people. Social networking is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, social networking makes communication and sharing easier and even business models are using them. However, when such practices are becoming more common, people are less likely to question about the dangers and start using it as well. Up till this day, people are increasingly thinking that sharing and communicating online are more important than privacy and security (Elsas, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to further raise awareness of the benefits and dangers of social networking. It also covers examples of why people should pay more attention to dangers they might encounter before posting anything online. 2. Benefits While there are many dangers when social networking, there are certain potential advantages when it comes to communicating and sharing online. Social networking provides better chances for people to communicate and build up relationships with one another and it is also important to encourage others to build positive relationships with others online. 3.1. Gaining social confidence online Children improve relationships with friends that they have never met online (Pekel, 2012). For example, making friends online before meeting them, allows them to get to know the other better before meeting up. This usually works with situations...
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...SAMPLE S T R ATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN Pipedream.com An Internet Sports Entertainment Portal This document was written by: eStrategyPartners.com "Business Solutions for eCommerce" The "Digital Coast's" leading ebusiness consulting firm, established on the belief that there is a critical need for objective and creative analyses of the strategic possibilities of eCommerce and Internet technology. eStrategy Partners provides both the strategic expertise of traditional management consulting firms and the technical planning capability and accountability of Internet professional service companies. "eStrategy" -- the identification, design and implementation of business solutions for eCommerce. Copyright & Disclaimer This business plan is presented here to benefit and promote the services of eStrategy Partners, LLC. The information and ideas herein are the confidential, proprietary, sole, and exclusive property of eStrategy Partners, LLC This plan should not be construed as an offer to sell securities in Pipedream.com, Inc. 2 Non-Disclosure Agreement You are being furnished with confidential information that has been prepared by eStrategy Partners, LLC (The "Company"), and you may be furnished with additional information by the Company or by its representatives or agents in connection with evaluating a possible transaction with the Company. By your acceptance and as a condition hereof, you agree to treat all information concerning the Company which is ...
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