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Technology Distracts Research

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Have you ever wondered if technology distracts us? According to research, yes it definitely does because people are way too engaged in technology and have a hard time even making eye-contact during a conversation. It is polite to make eye-contact when you are talking or engaging with an individual because it shows that you care and are interested in what they have to tell you or say to you. It is extremely rude to be on your electronics and not make eye-contact with a person who is trying to have a conversation with you. Even though technology is very useful in our daily lives, it can be extremely distracting because it limits our attention span, and teenagers don't have enough self-control to focus on tasks given.

Most importantly devices such as cell phones, laptops and tablets diverts kids' attention, affecting the learner's behavior and performance in school. The reason why electronics distract younger folks because the kids are too afraid of missing out on game notifications or social media, so they fall behind on their school works. As a result, learners' grades drop magnificently. If a student is on his phone during class, he misses out on what the teacher has to say to the class, missing the important parts of the lecture. …show more content…
That has been a problem in the U.S. in the past couple years. The teens not being able to have self-control has caused a lot of deadly car crashes and being distracted while driving has claimed a lot of

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