...Technology Roadmap Technology road mapping is a form of technology planning that can support the ability to deal with the progressive competitive atmosphere in any business environment. The roadmap is important for various explanations. Across the world companies are faced with competitive concerns and this capability lays out the future for the business technology plans. Purpose The main purpose of a technology roadmap is to establish the technology direction for the organization. These objectives simply recognize the need for IT to forge a relationship between IT and the business while, at the same time, serving the unique internal needs of IT. Technology roadmaps have many benefits and usefulness to businesses. Some of the uses are: • The ability to “develop a consensus about a set of needs and the technologies required to satisfy those needs” (Maedche, 2003). This helps to support the companies’ visions, strategies and future objectives in targeted areas. • Roadmaps can frame and constrain technology solutions as well as coordinate technology developments across the enterprise and to define target architectures to implementers. Future Technology Growth 3D printing offers design flexibility and express implementation; however there are still areas in development needs that require additional improvement in materials performance and printer throughput. There is potential to reshape the manufacturing ecosystem with this technology. According to Jacque (2013), "3D printing...
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...application of concepts of the course to my life through correlation of the readings of the course to my life’s realities and congruency in statements (100) Drama of My Life, which has transformed me at a fundamental level and given me key insights, and how I have coped (or intend to cope, going forward) with this drama of my life (50) Defining Moments in My Life at the Level of I and We (and at the level of the organization, if applicable), and how I handled them, and how I would handle them based on the learnings from the course (50) Agenda for the Future (Clear road map, timelines and how I plan to get there). This would include articulating the long term vision for self and how I incorporate the learnings from the course in evolving the roadmap. This would also mean identifying fears and anxieties that hold me back and what I would do to get rid of them (100) What appealed and what did not appeal to me in the course and why? (50) Personal values into calculated actions Fuzzy results, fuzzy desires 100th birthday ideal life vs. possible life Spiritual bent of mind, dysfunctional habits spiritual dimension of creative efforts stems from honest pursuit of dream, Aristotelian concept of phonesis – knowing what should be done Painful transformation process before strides are made Reflective mindset SQ factors of leadership harmonized in timeless dharma...
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...Psychological Operations (PSYOPs): A Conceptual Overview Sunil Narula Abstract The psychological dimension of a conflict is as important as its physical dimension and psychological Operations (PSYOPs) have become even more relevant in this age of information, especially for a nation-state where the threat in the socio-psychological domain is more pronounced. While combating the menace of terrorism, the psychological dimension assumes great significance, as terrorists use violence as a psychological weapon by terrorising the multitude, rather than physically affect a few, and in this sense, they fight a psychological war also. The relevance of psychological operations is much greater than the successful conduct of tactical operations. This article is an attempt to conceptualise the term PSYOPs in the Indian context. The changed dynamics of international relations following the end of the Cold War and changes in the South Asian strategic landscape, postSeptember 11, have made PSYOPs more relevant for the region. It is also important to know that differences between various related concepts like Propaganda, Information Warfare, and Perception Management are waferthin, and may lead to contested perceptions amongst various agencies working under the overall ambit of national security, if not viewed in the current perspective. Therefore, clarity of the concept will set the stage for an effective implementation of policies and help in setting up of a policy structure in India (which...
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...full systems approach to the market, offering an integrated package of hardware and services to a range of civil and military customers. In this respect, the paper urges the rapid adoption and implementation of the June 2013 EU Roadmap for the integration of UAS operations into European airspace. The Revolution in Military Affairs — these days often known as military transformation — with its emphasis on network centric warfare and exotic weapons systems, has threat- ened a comparable revolution in defence industrial affairs. The proposition is that the fundamental changes in defence technology implied by military transformation will challenge the existing structure of defence companies, encourage new entrants and new combinations of players, especially from the wider civilian high technology community to enter the defence business. Yet a decade or more since this mantra was first rehearsed — and taken up in official studies in the US, the UK and else- where, the traditional defence industrial world today seems remarkably unchanged in terms of which firms continue to dominate the top 100 defence contractors. One recent study goes so far as to contend that the ‘disruptive’ power of the new technologies has been...
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...MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND CHANGE – MS(WE) 114 MBA 2nd Semester (2014-15) TERM PAPER On Promotion of Technology & Innovation by Indian Govt. Submitted By: Name- Shivam Sharma (Enrolment No 05316603914) Submitted To: Prof. Anil K Saini USMS GGS IP University, New Delhi INDEX S.no | Topic | Page no. | Signature | 1 | Introduction | 3 | | 2 | Objective | 4 | | 3 | Findings | 5 | | 4 | Conclusion | 12 | | 5 | References | 13 | | Introduction In spite of having a large publicly funded science and technology infrastructure and a sizeable education base, India has not been able to realize its innovative potential due to a fragmented innovation ecosystem. The government of India has taken many initiatives towards strengthening the innovation ecosystem, the most important of which are: i) the establishment of the National Innovation Council, whose mandate is to coordinate various innovation-related activities, and ii) the new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2013, which is intended to promote entrepreneurship and science-led solutions for sustainable and inclusive growth. This article describes the current innovation ecosystem and the challenges it faces, and it discusses the efforts made by the government towards the promotion of innovation. With the implementation of this new policy the early indications are that India is poised to take a big leap towards innovation-led growth. In...
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...THE INTER-SESSIONAL PANEL OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT 15-17 December 2010 Geneva UGANDA CONTRIBUTION " ICT POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND INITIATIVES PUT IN PLACE IN UGANDA " The views presented here are the participants’ and do not necessarily reflect the views and the position of the United Nations or the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development i ICT POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND INITIATIVES PUT IN PLACE IN UGANDA NITA‐U 11/2/2010 ii Table of Contents 1 2 Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….iii INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) STRATEGIES…………………………………………………………………….1 2.1 3 Creation of the Ministry of ICT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 AGENCIES UNDER MINISTRY OF ICT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....1 3.1 National Information Technology Authority‐Uganda……………………………………………………………………………………1 Functions of the Authority ........................................................................................................................ 1 Initiatives ................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Initiatives ...............................................................................................................
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...Running Head: ORGANIZATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Organizational Technology Plan Overview Business today is faced with an array of workplace changes varying from downsizing to implementation of new equipment or methodologies. In the current recession Jake’s Plumbing has looked for ways to have a successful business, while still providing the customer excellent service. Jake’s Plumbing is an organization that can change and adapt to new technological advances that leads to the organization’s survival and success. This organization is going to adjust business practices and the organizational model to achieve long-term prosperity. Changes required to make Jake’s Plumbing superior to competitors may include hiring skilled workers, finding support with external and internal partners, and continuing to advance in the areas of technology, which helps them remain competitive. As this cycle of change continues and adjustments made to the organizational structure, Jake’s Plumbing will incorporate these changes into the organization so that their employees and customers benefit. Lane, (2008) stated “Organizations go through change all the time, some minor but very often major; sometimes in the name of economy and almost always in the interests of improvement – this can be in terms of service or returns (or, with any luck, both).” (Lane 2008, The Challenge of Supporting Staff, ¶2.) This organizational technology assignment will be to concentrate...
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...INNOVATION POLICY OF BRAZIL 1. Some Numbers: • Total area - 8.5 million km² • Population - 191 million • GDP (2010) - 3,7 US$ trillion • Investment in R&D - 1.25 % GDP in 2010 • Scientists and researchers - 231,000 in 2010 (headcount) • Scientific papers - 2.7 % of world scientific production • world's sixth largest by nominal GDP • eighth largest by purchasing power parity. • moderately free markets and an inward-oriented economy. • the largest in Latin American nations ere. • one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world with an average annual GDP growth rate of over 5 percent • together with Mexico, has been at the forefront of the Latin American multinationals phenomenon by which, thanks to superior technology and organization, local companies have successfully turned global. 2. Overview Brazil has many times in its history praised to be the land of the future. First, Brazil with population of 190 million, the past eight years “Bolsa Familia” social program have lifted over 40 million Brazilians out of poverty and into middle class. This creates interesting platform for creating context related innovations and scaling bottom-of-the-pyramid innovations (disruptive and reverse) globally. Second, Brazil was almost non-effected by financial crisis 2008, a signal for strong and stable macro-economic policies. This means that Brazil, first time in its history, is becoming an interesting country for long term investment and strategic cooperation...
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...mind, modern technology is a bane than a boon. It cannot be denied that the technological improvement brings forth to us some advantages. Firstly, it helps man communicate local or oversea by writing email, telephone or mobile. A student , for instance, who is studying abroad can talk to his family by chatting and web cam rather than waiting for a hand - writing letters. Secondly, the modern tools also support man in business and studying. It makes better condition to fulfill tasks faster and more convenient. For example, a student spend less time searching information and documents by clicking mouse on google rather than is stuck with many books in library. A business man can deal with his job by using laptop and internet whereas he can still enjoy holiday with his family. Nevertheless, for every solution technology provides twice as many problems are likely to cause. The modern technology is to some extent underlying causes of negative things in our society. It's Internet that provides an accessible medium for bad elements such as pornography, crimes and so on. the teenagers who are not conscious enough tend to imitate the sexual and violence clips and images on internet. A typical example of this is the massacre in an American school. A pupil killed his classmates by his father 's gun simply because he only acted as a clip he saw. Moreover, the average rate of girls who are pregnant is very soon because of sexual images 's influence. Modern technology is the key element...
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...Technology has been a boon to mankind and it is a blessing in disguise. It has made the life of humans simple and easy to live. The effects of technology have largely been positive on human life. We have reached this modern era because of technology. The various technologies around us have made this world modern. In this modern life technological innovations have become integral to our lives Technological innovations are the most important aspect of human life and it is impossible to even think of our life without them. Technology is the greatest creation of humans and it has also enabled humans to create whatever they desire. I think that technology is indispensable in our modern life and it is a great positive force in our lives. The creativity in the field of technology has always resulted in remarkable innovations. We would not have reached such heights of development without the help of technology. Technology has influenced people in a positive sense. It has instigated people to create better and better innovations. We can never think of our lives without the basic amenities which technology has provided us with. Without such technology we would still be in the pre-historic age. We should be thankful to technology for our metamorphosis from a cave man to the modern man of present age. This modernism is the result of technology and it has made our life better and better with time. It is best tool that the humans have ever invented for self help. The technological inventions...
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...Implementing Barcode Medication Administration in Hospitals Part Three Creating Change in Organizations/HCS587 April 1, 2013 Dr. Sonnia Oliva Change needs to be evaluated after implementation to determine its effectiveness. The organization and management need to continually monitor BCMA to make sure the organization is benefiting from it and to modify components if necessary. Outcome measurement strategies for BCMA are not conclusive but single studies show its positive impact on patient safety. Additionally, cost, quality, and staff satisfaction are important when determining the effectiveness of BCMA and they all support the use of BCMA as technology that increases patient safety. Effectiveness of Organizational Change Organizations evaluate the effectiveness of change after it is implemented to determine if the change is valuable or costly. Effectiveness of BCMA also needs to be determined to ascertain its ability to increase patient safety by decreasing medication errors. Empirical data on BCMA’s effectiveness is limited and data is also inconclusive. Although, data collection conducted by the Veteran Health Administration (VHA) was used to offer suggestions for improved effectiveness. From 1999 to 2003 data was collected by VHA on the barriers that was making BCMA less effective. Laboratory use, nursing informatics, and interviews were used to determine suggestions VHA would recommend to improve BCMA’s effectiveness. The data was given to the VHA’s...
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...have turned out to be. The advantageous methods of technology towards me in our daily life in regards with education have had a massive growth and an enormous impact on our daily lives. Some of the research questions that would come to mind would be: What the major influences technological advanced education had upon us or has the technological advanced education benefited students and teachers? The key finding about my issue from the sources I found as I explored my topic were very interesting. As I explored I realized that advancement in education makes the life easier for all education fields and it speed up the long process such as projects/assignments. Moreover it also enhances the education system by developed ideas. Technology is the development over time of techniques for making and doing things. According to the oxford dictionary; education is the process of training a person’s mind so that they can acquire knowledge. The combination of education and technology has been considered the main key to human progress. Education feeds technology, which in turn forms the basis for education. The acquiring of knowledge allowed man to develop technological aid to make life easier. To date this same technology has impacted on the education industry. In the current age we live in, technology has become an important component. Every day there is some new gadget or software that makes lives easier and improves on the technology and software that already exists. Making lives easier...
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...Against The Machine Author: Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee Executive Summary “Race Against the Machine”, is an agglomeration of the mercurial amelioration in technology in the past decade. How this perturbs the inception of new jobs? Why it impinges the need for human labor? And proposition to sustain the race “with” the machines. Key Takeaways * How Technology and Innovation have affected Employment and the Economy * Impact of contemporary technology on wages, employment and economy * The receding need for human work force as technology exceeds its threshold * Divergence between skills of labor, superstars, capital and labor. * How to change track from racing against the machine, than to race with the machines Key Definitions * Complimentary Innovation: Innovations that are triggered with the development of antecedent innovations. * Skilled Based Innovation Change (SBTC): shift in the production technology that favors skilled over unskilled labor by increasing its relative productivity and, therefore, its relative demand. (Easley, 2008) * Customer Relationship Management (CRM): is a widely implemented model for managing a company’s integration with customers, clients, and sales Prospects. (Wikipedia , 2012) * General Purpose Technology (GPT): Are technologies are that can affect an entire economy, at a national or global level. (Wikipedia, 2012) * Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): systems integrate internal and external...
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...PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction This situation prompted the researcher to conduct a study on students’ attitude towards science and health in relation to their academic performance in an identified school. In today’s world, science encompasses many ways of gaining information which helps individuals know themselves and their environment better and develop and renew this information frequently. Teaching science and technology to individuals help them to learn how adopt and adapt an inclination which forces them to think objectively and make the right decision confronting different events and situations. This inclination provides a comfortable life for them as well as for their family and their environment (Akgun, 2001). If students learn science using a scientific procedure and skill they would be able to use these procedures and skills in their daily life. In this procedure, while students’ attitudes towards science increase, they develop their creativity skills. During the primary educational period, courses on science and technology achieve a great importance comparing to the other courses since these courses teach students the environment, natural events and scientific developments as well as critical thinking and problem solving. (Kaptan, 1999) An attitude is an inclination to gaining a skill and is identified as an individual characteristic that provide a background for accepting a positive subject or denying a negative one. Thus, by improving a positive...
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...Phase 5 Individual Project 2013 Information Technology Management Table of Contents Business System Planning (Week 1) Introduction 4 Identify how the following critical success factors will be addressed by case study 5 Governance 5 Business plan alignment 6 Process improvement 6 Resource optimization 6 Operating excellence 7 Identify how the following critical success factors will be addressed by case study 7 Business management issues 7 Strategic and competitive issues 7 Planning and implementation concerns 8 Operational items 8 Identify how the variables defined by Strassmann's Model will be measured 8 Efficiency 8 Effectiveness 8 Competitivness 8 Profitability 8 Strategic Information Systems Assessment (Week 2) Create an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for case study 9 Case study continued 9 SWOT analysis of case study 10 SWOT analysis continued 11 12 13 Create an assessment of the forces that are presently governing competition for case study 14 Using Wiseman’s Framework of Strategy Development define the strategic thrusts and advantages 15 Information Systems Business Case (Week 3) Critical success factors for IT Manager 16 Continued. 17 General stratgy for IT goals and objectives of the case study. 18 General strategy on how IT department will support the goals and objectives of the case study 19 Information Technology Strategy Statement (Week 4) Business aspects 20 ...
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