...KASUS TELKOM KAP EDDY PIANTO VS PWC Eddy Pianto Simon. Di kalangan auditor, namanya belum seterkenal Hans Tuanakota, Hendrawinata, atau Hadi Sutanto. Sejak awal Juni lalu, nama Eddy Pianto mencuat bersamaan dengan penolakan SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), Bapepam Amerika Serikat terhadap Laporan Keuangan (LK) 2002 PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TLKM). “Saya sering dengar namanya, tetapi saya belum pernah bertemu. Saya tidak kenal dia. Teman-teman, saat saya tanya juga, mengaku tidak kenal,” kata seorang auditor senior yang sudah malang-melintang dalam bisnis audit di Indonesia selama 30 tahun lebih. Eddy Pianto memiliki KAP yang bermarkas di Muara Karang, Jakarta. Salah seorang stafnya mengatakan, jumlah karyawan KAP Eddy Pianto ada cuma 15 orang. “Semuanya auditor,” katanya. Dengan jumlah tenaga audit segitu, KAP ini memiliki banyak pekerjaan audit. Diantaranya adalah PT Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk. (TKIM), PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk, (INKP). Kedua perusahaan ini listing di Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ). Tetapi TLKM adalah perusahaan yang dual listing, baik di BEJ maupun di New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), yang aturannya jauh lebih rumit ketimbang aturan di bursa Indonesia. Selain itu, BUMN telekomunikasi itu termasuk besar dari segi aset dan market capitalization, memiliki kantor yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, dengan pendapatan utama berasal dari pulsa yang dicatat secara computerize. “Hebat. KAP Eddy Pianto bisa menerima pekerjaan mengaudit...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Company Profile PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (Persero), or referred to as "Telkom", is the largest telecommunications services company in Indonesia. Formerly, Telkom known as Perumtel which then transformed into a limited liability company since November 1991. Telkom is a state-owned enterprise that operates in the telecommunications and network services sector in Indonesia. Given its status as a state-owned enterprise whose shares are traded on the stock market, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is the Company’s majority shareholder about 52,6%, while the remainder of the Company’s common stock is owned by the public about 47,4. Telkom’s shares are traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and publicly offered without listing in (POWL) in Japan. To run the business portfolio, based on the Board of Executive, Telkom classify subsidiaries into four groups, they are; cellular business led by Telkomsel, international business led by Telin, multimedia business led by Telkom Metra, and infrastructure business led by Telkom Infra. Telkomsel PT. Telekomunikasi Selular, abbreviated as Telkomsel, was established in 1995, manifesting the spirit of innovation to develop Indonesian telecommunications into a successful leader. To achieve this vision, Telkomsel continue accelerating its expansion of telecommunications network throughout Indonesia by simultaneously empowering the...
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...PROPOSAL TELEMARKETING OUTSOURCING OPERATIONS REDBERRY MALAYSIA Executive Summary In today’s environment, the provision of a call center for telesales services become an important thing for company to increase revenue and its market share. Infomedia will propose a total solution telemarketing service. Quotation proposed in this proposal covered all aspect of call center provision, those are: a. Call Center System with office hour as Malaysia local time (07:00 WIB – 16:00 WIB) and IT Infrastructure, such as PABX, IP VPN for private Bandwidth, Voice Recording System, Call Management System, PC and Phone Set, Server, Agent, Reporting and Monitoring Application, by installing the system in Infomedia site – Bogor. b. Supporting equipment: printer, office supplies, internet connection and telephone line. c. Human Resources provision for agents (TSR) (with language capability Malay, English, Chinese, and Hokian), Quality Assurance, Administrator, and Team Leader. d. Rent space and electricity (for total solution option, located on Infomedia premises). Other components that are not covered in the quotation are: • Monthly pulse/ telecommunication cost • Outbound number Masking (Global Partner with Telecommunication company in Malaysia) Infomedia will support for the activation of network link/ data link communication and access outbound masking number according to RedBerry preferences. I. Company Information Bidder Corporate Profile PT. Infomedia...
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...onetiese skandaal van Telkom Antonie Roets 23381833 10/04/2014 Wves 311 Inhoudsopgawe: P1 Titelblad P2 Inhoudsopgawe P3 Definisie van ‘n skandaal P3 Telkom se onetiese gedrag wat lei to afdankings P3 Die gevolge van wanpraktyke binne Telkom P4 Die morele bestuursmetode wat Telkom tans gebruik P5 Moontlikke oplossings vir die probleme P5 Bronnelys Definisie van ‘n skandaal: ‘n Skandaal is ‘n gebeurtenis wat publieke gevoelens van skok en sterk morele afkeur (vertaal uit CambridgeDictionary 3rd Edition, 2011) Telkom Suid afrika se wanbestuur en onetiese gedrag wat lei tot afdankings Telkom Suid Afrika is ‘n semi staat organisaie wat wel op die JSE gelys is en in die afgelope jare baie opslae gemaak het vir wanbestuur en oorspandeering maar meer onlangs vir onetiese afleggings van werknemers terwyl top bestuurslede “beloon” word met buitensporige salarisse. Die nuwe CEO van Telkom Mnr. Sipho Maseko fokus streng op koste besparings pogings . Mnr. Maseko het met trots aan media 24 bekend gemaak dat 9% van die totale werksmag afgedank is in November 2013 as deel van sy 1 biljoen rand koste besparigs strategie, hierdie aankondiging het ‘n verhoging veroorsaak van bykans 3% per Telkom aandeel op die JSE (www.Media24.com 09 April 2014). Die streng fokus van Mnr. Maseko op koste besparing en groei kom nie lank na die skorsing van Mnr. Jaques Schindehutte voormalige CFO van Telkom nadat daar onder...
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...INTRODUCTION Managing human resources is one of the most important things to support activities in a company. To attain profit sought by the company, they have to pay attention to the human resources available in fulfilling their goal. Companies need to meticulously plan and analyze the process of recruitment, selection, and training stage, to produce high-quality workforce. PT Telkom is a company that is trying to survive the constantly changing circumstances. In the past, many people were keen to work in PT Telkom, considering it as a pride. Today, with the Y generation searching for jobs in the labour market, the interest in working in the company has slowly diminished. Moreover, the existing new employees merely utilize PT Telkom as a stepping stone. PT Telkom needs new employees to perform daily activities and regeneration. Thus a strategy in managing human resources is an important factor in order for PT Telkom to sustain its business, and this becomes an interesting point of study. Therefore, by looking at the three topics, recruitment, selection and training; a wider understanding of the real case of PT Telkom will broaden the knowledge on the issue. * 23 Oktober 1856 - layanan jasa telegraf elektromagnetik Jakarta (Batavia) – Bogor (Buitenzorg) * 1961 - Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Telekomunikasi (PN Postel) * 1965 - PN Postel dipecah menjadi Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Giro (PN Pos & Giro) dan Perusahaan Negara Telekomunikasi (PN Telekomunikasi) * 1974 -...
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...Data dan Analisis Growth Indonesia Perkembangan penduduk di indonesia merupakan salah satu aspek yang perlu diperhitungkan dalam menentukan potensi bisnis yang dapat PT. Telkom lakukan. Dengan mengetahui jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2030, kita dapat mengetahui seberapa besar target market yang akan dapat di jangkau. Dibawah ini adalah Tabel Proyeksi Penduduk menurut pulau pada tahun 2010-2030 Proyeksi Penduduk Menurut Pulau 2010-2030 (Ribuan) | Pulau | 2010 | 2015 | 2020 | 2025 | 2030 | Sumatera | 50 860,3 | 55 272,9 | 59 337,1 | 62 898,6 | 65 938,3 | Jawa | 137 033,3 | 145 143,6 | 152 449,9 | 158 738,0 | 163 754,8 | Bali dan NTT | 13 129,7 | 14 108,5 | 15 047,8 | 15 932,4 | 16 751,4 | Kalimantan | 13 850,9 | 15 343,0 | 16 769,7 | 18 082,6 | 19 264,0 | Sulawesi | 17 437,1 | 18 724,0 | 19 934,0 | 21 019,8 | 21 953,5 | Kep. Maluku | 2 585,2 | 2 848,8 | 3 110,7 | 3 363,7 | 3 603,6 | Papua | 3 622,3 | 4 020,9 | 4 417,2 | 4 793,9 | 5 139,5 | Sumber : Proyeksi Data Penduduk 2010-2035, Bappenas Dari data diatas, dapat dilihat bahwa terdapat penambahan jumlah penduduk kurang lebih sebesar 17 Juta penduduk pada rentang waktu 2010-2030. Dengan komposisi penduduk didominasi oleh penduduk pulau jawa. Dengan penambahan jumlah penduduk teresebut, membuka kesempatan untuk PT Telkom menambah target pasar. Pengaruh AEC ASEAN Economic Community merupakan sebuah komunitas negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang tergabung dalam ASEAN demi terwujudnya ekonomi yang terintegrasi...
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...The high initial capital costs will be recovered over a period of time. (Theron & Boshoff, 2006; p.2) In this essay, these three forms of telecommunications will be discussed in depth, in accordance to their market structures, their nature of competition, their pricing and lastly their strategic decision making. The first part of the telecommunication industry is fixed landlines. The fixed landline in South Africa is Telkom. Telkom is seen as a pure monopolist business, because their market structure only exists of a single seller, which means the market for their goods and services is dominated by themselves. The demand for their goods and services in the entire markets is the demand for the firms individual output. In this case, Telkom is the firm supplying fixed landline services to all the consumers of South Africa. Telkom has no competitors or close substitutes, and is seen as the sole provider in the whole country. Telkom has a blocked entry condition towards any competitors thus proving that Telkom is seen as a pure monopoly. According to Van Gorp, Telkom was able to set high prices which affected the South African mobile operators, the Internet providers and also other African countries because their traffic is routed via South Africa, due to alternative routes. (Van...
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...Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Komunikasi Bisnis, Universitas Telkom 1 nurulmardhiahsitio@telkomuniversity.ac.id 2 kristinasisilia@telkomuniversity.ac.id Abstrak Pemilihan dan pengambilan keputusan mahasiswa untuk mendaftar dikampus/universitas telah menjadi riset yang menarik dan sedang berkembang saat ini. Edukasi yang sekarang adalah sudah menjadi industri dengan kompetisi yang intensif sehingga menggunakan pemasaran jasa oleh universitas. Strategi pemasaran yang sukses akan mendapatkan jumlah mahasiswa yang lebih banyak dan lebih baik dibanding institusi/universitas lainnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memahami bagaimana (calon) mahasiswa membuat kriteria atau faktor dalam memilih dan memahami proses pengambilan keputusan dari keseluruhan alternatif kampus/universitas yang tersedia dan dapat dipilih, dimana Universitas Telkom menjadi salah satu pilihan dan khususnya Program Studi S1 Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika sebagai tujuan akhir berkuliah. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian deskriptif dan berdasarkan dimensi waktunya, penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dalam teknik analisis faktor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis faktor pengambilan keputusan mendaftar di perguruan tinggi swasta pada mahasiswa strata satu program studi manajemen bisnis telekomunikasi dan informatika angkatan 2013 di Universitas Telkom, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa terdapat satu faktor yang...
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...CURRICULUM VITAE NAME : NYAMACHE EVANS ONGUTI ADDRESS : P.O. BOX 672 - 00100 GPO NAIROBI TELEPHONE : 0724–395-908 E-MAIL : javansong@gmail.com, enyamache@jambo.co.ke MARITAL STATUS : SINGLE DATE OF BIRTH : 28/10/1984 PLACE OF BIRTH : KISII NATIONALITY : KENYAN LANGUAGES : ENGLISH AND KISWAHILI AGE : 26 YEARS ID NUMBER : 23769870 CARRIER OBJECTIVES To design and plan an advanced Telecom infrastructure that services over a million subscribers with Triple Play Services (Voice, Data & Video Services). To contribute to the growth of a progressive company with quality products and services in the field of Telecommunications and Information Technology (ICT). SUMMARY OF SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE • Total 2 years and 4 months of experience with Advanced Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). • 2 years and 8 months of experience as Network Engineer (Windows/Linux/Network). Possess the expertise in the following: Networking • Installations, Configurations and Troubleshooting of; • Wireless local Area network (WLAN) • Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) Security • Wimax CPE (Alvarion) for SAFARICOM and ACCESSKENYA networks ...
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...PENGUKURAN USABILITY I-CARING BERBASIS ISO 9241-11 DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PARTIAL LEAST SQUARE (PLS) Shindy Alfidella1, Dana Sulistyo Kusumo2, Dawam Dwi Jatmiko S3 School of Computing Telkom University, Bandung KK SIDE (Software Engineering, Information System and Data Engineering) 1 shindyalfidella@gmail.com, 2dskusumo@gmail.com, 3dawamdjs@telkomuniversity.ac.id Abstrak Pembuatan suatu website harus dilakukan dengan memperhatikan factor kemudahan penggunaan (usability). Usability website pernting untuk diperhatikan agar pengguna yang mengunjungi atau mengakses website tersebut merasa mudah menggunakannya dan memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan sehingga berkemungkinan untuk terus mengakses website tersebut. Namun jika dilihat dari penggunaanya, salah satu website kampus Fakultas Teknik Telkom University yaitu i-Caring, pengguna tidak sering menggunakan i-Caring sehingga responden yang diwawancarai oleh penulis dapat dikatakan masih kurang aktif dalam menggunakan i-Caring. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis usability website i-Caring berdasarkan ISO 9241-11. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. Kuesioner penelitian yang disebar terdiri dari 25 pertanyaan yang dikelompokkan menjadi empat variabel berdasarkan ISO 9241-11 yaitu effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, dan usability. Setelah kuisioner disebar maka didapatkan hasil data lalu akan dianalisis menggunakan teknik PLS (Partial Least Square) dengan tool SmartPLS...
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...1. Pendahuluan Struktur pasar dasar perekonomian secara umum dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat, yaitu: persaingan sempurna, monopoli, persaingan monopolistik, dan oligopoli. Pengelompokan ini berdasarkan pada empat hal pokok, yaitu: ciri-ciri jenis barang yang dihasilkan, banyak perusahaan dalam kegiatan yang menghasilkan barang tersebut, mudah tidaknya perusahaan baru menjalankan kegiatan untuk memproduksi barang tersebut, dan besar kekuatan suatu perusahaan di dalam pasar. Struktur pasar merupakan salah satu bagian dalam kerangka pemikiran yang dikenal dengan structure-conduct-performance yang merupakan salah satu alat untuk menganalisis sektor industri. Struktur pasar persaingan sempurna merupakan bentuk yang paling ideal, karena menganggap system pasar ini akan menjamin terwujudnya kegiatan perekonomian yang sangat efisien. Model persaingan sempurna mengasumsikan bahwa ada banyak penjual dan pembeli, produk yang diperjualbelikan merupakan produk yang standar, setiap perusahaan mudah untuk masuk maupun keluar pasar dan pelaku pasar mempunyai pengetahuan yang sempurna dan lengkap. Monopoli merupakan bentuk pasar yang hanya terdapat satu perusahaan saja. Dan menghasilkan barang yang tidak mempunyai barang pengganti yang sangat dekat. Ada tiga faktor yang menyebabkan timbulnya pasar monopoli, yaitu mempunyai sumber daya tertentu yang unik, menikmati skala ekonomis (monopoli alamiah), dan melalui undang-undang (peraturan paten, hak cipta, dan hak usaha eksklusif). Pasar...
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...BAB III MENENTUKAN & MENETAPKAN ARAH PERUSAHAAN Visi Perusahaan (strategic architecture) : - Visi adalah suatu pernyataan yang menggambarkan kondisi perusahaan di masa yang akan datang - Visi merupakan cita-cita perusahaan - Visi adalah pernyataan yang menjawab pertanyaan where we are going? Visi yang disusun harus strategik. Visi Strategik adalah visi yang mudah diartikulasikan, mudah dipahami, diterima semua pihak dalam organisasi. Mengapa visi harus strategik? Visi yang dipahami dan diterima oleh semua pihak (karyawan) akan menjadi magnet yang mengikat mereka pada organisasi. Ketika karyawan memiliki komitmen tinggi dan jangka panjang pada organisasi, maka keputusan-keputusan bisnis akan dapat dihasilkan dan dilaksanakan dengan lebih mudah. Visi strategik mampu merefleksikan aspirasi manajemen dan memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai masa depan perusahaan, menjawab pertanyaan “where we are going?” Manajemen Strategik 1 Visi dapat disusun dengan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan di bawah ini: - Bisnis apa yang kita jalankan saat ini? - Bisnis apa yang ingin kita jalankan? - Apa yang diinginkan pelanggan kita? - Harapan apa yang dimiliki stakeholders - Siapa yang akan menjadi pesaing kita di masa yang akan datang? - Siapa partner kita (suplier/distributor) - Bagaimana teknologi berpengaruh terhadap industri kita? Misi Perusahaan : menjelaskan kegunaan dan alasan mengapa suatu perusahaan ada. Biasanya memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang cirri pokok produk yang ditawarkan...
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...Fraud is a serious problem for most businesses today and often technology compounds the problem. In addition, the role of the independent auditor in the detection of fraud is often questioned. (http://www.swlearning.com/accounting/hall/ais_4e/study_notes/ch03.pdf) Fraud is dishonest activity causing actual or potential financial loss to any person or entity including theft of money or other property by employees or persons and where deception is used at the time, immediately before or immediately following the activity. (http://about.curtin.edu.au/definitions-impact.cfm) * Types of Fraud (http://www.auditsol.com.au/media/Fraudw.pdf) 1. Employee fraud Is internal or employee frauds are when fraud is committed against the company or organization a person is working for. Internal frauds can include: * payment fraud Payment fraud is any fraud that involves falsely creating or diverting payments. Payment fraud can include: * creating bogus customer records and bank accounts so that false payments can be generated * intercepting and altering payee details and amounts on cheques and Payable Orders, then attempting to cash them * creating false payment and financial information to support fraudulent claims for benefits * processing false claims by accomplices for benefits, grants or repayments self authorizing payments to oneself. * procurement fraud Procurement fraud is any fraud relating to a company purchasing goods,...
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...Telkom Media and Top TV – Thembi’s input 1. How competitive is the Pay-TV industry in South Africa? * Threat of new entrants: new entrants entered the market and promised to bring cost effective variety to the consumers. These are: eTV eSat, Telkom Media, On Digital Media, Wow, GTS and IS. * Bargaining power of buyers: prior to the entrance of competitors, Multichoice monopolized the market. Buyers had to take the high prices charged. But now with the entrance of competitors, they can shop around for lower prices. * Threat of Substitute Products or Service: there was a big threat from the competitors introducing substitute products for example: ODM targeting the same market as multi-choice but providing better quality than Multi-choice. * Bargaining power of suppliers: prior to the entrance of competitors, Multichoice monopolized the market. Suppliers of content had no other option but to supply to Multichoice at cheaper prices .But now with the entrance of competitors, suppliers are not only limited to one broadcaster, they have options, they can shop around until they get a company that is willing to pay a higher price. 2. What should competitors do to reduce Multichoice’s dominance? * Be disruptive and introduce variety products at a cheaper price that Multichoice. But the products should be a perfect substitute and the quality should not be compromised. * Target other segments that Multichoice isn’t reaching, the low...
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...IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A CASE STUDY OF KENYA PUBLIC CORPORATIONS Hazel Gachoka Gachunga1 Abstract Globalization has a major impact on the management of human resources in developing countries including Kenya. It has led to homogenization and convergence in organization strategies, structures and processes as well as in consumer choice. With accelerating globalization, organizations have had to change and new trends have set in even in the management of human resources. Globalization has led to changes in organization design and organization structures are leaner thus improving efficiency but having a negative impact on staff numbers which have had to be reduced. This means employees have been retrenched in many sectors like telecommunications, the Kenya Railways and the Kenya public service sectors in order for those organizations to gain competitive advantage. Reward management systems have changed and even the human resource planning strategy is to have a leaner staff in the core areas and to hire part time workers in a bid to reduce costs and to enable the business to run profitably and efficiently. The non-core jobs have been outsourced which has led to an increase in independent contractors to service industries. However, the homogeneity that results from globalization has had a major effect in developing countries because of brain drain. Globalization can therefore be said to have had a phenomenal impact...
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