...conceived in the past. These were made by flavouring and colouring extra neutral alcohol that was derived from molasses, cheaply available as a by-product of sugar manufacture. Nearly all Indian versions of whisky, brandy, gin, vodka were originally made from molasses. Second After Agave Spirit Which meant that by international standards, Indian whisky was not really whisky, since real whisky had to be made from malted grains. It was, at best, a strange kind of rum, which is the one spirit really made from molasses. Pure Cane is, in fact, the second authentic spirit that the company has launched, after it started with Agave Spirit, made from the same base of a cactus-like succulent that is used to make Mexican tequila. The company cannot call its spirit tequila since that term is exclusive to the spirit made in Mexico - and fiercely defended by them. But it is made from the same blue agave plants, grown in the Deccan, and made into spirit in the company's distillery in Andhra Pradesh. Originally from the drier regions of Mexico and...
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...Spanish colonists later introduced distillation methods to create a liquid with higher alcohol content. Sotol is now increasing in popularity, trying to reach the same level as related spirits mezcal and tequila. PRODUCTION It takes about 15 years for the Dasylirion wheeleri plant to mature, and even then, one plant only pro-duces one bottle of spirit. The sotol plant thrives on rocky slopes in the Chihuahuan desert grasslands, typically growing about 3,000 to 6,500 feet above sea level. A sotol plant produces a flower stalk every few year, so you can gain more than one use from the plant. Once the plant matures, it is harvested in the same manner as the agave plant in the mezcal and tequila harvesting processes. The harvesting methods today are virtually identical to those used when early Anazasi and Tarahumara tribes completed their harvests, which allows the sotol to keep its mystical and medicinal appeal. Natural selection is a very real role in the development of the sotol plant — the desert in which sotol grows has a harsh climate, so only the strongest...
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...About Tequila: Tequila. Talk about a polarizing word. Some people feel a residual hangover just at the mention of it, and while you can find plenty of budget tequilas, you get what you pay for. You can't get through college without trying tequila in some form, whether it's from a line of shot glasses on a smooth bar or in a delicious cocktail. The blue agave plant is key to tequila's unique flavor. The plant takes around 10 years to fully mature and be ready for harvest. Only the heart of the plant, which can weigh over 100 pounds, is used in production. By law, tequila must be at least 51 percent agave, but premium varieties contain 100 percent. As you can imagine, the more agave there is, the high quality and better tasting the tequila...
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...The history of tequila * Tequila was first produced in the 16th century near the location of the city of Tequila, which was not officially established until 1666. The Aztec people had previously made a fermented beverage from the agave plant, which they called octli – later called pulque – long before the Spanish arrived in 1521. When the Spanish conquistadors ran out of their own brandy, they began to distill agave to produce one of North America's first indigenous distilled spirits. * Some 80 years later, around 1600, Don Pedro Sánchez de Tagle, the Marquis of Altamira, began mass-producing tequila at the first factory in the territory of modern-day Jalisco. By 1608, the colonial governor of Nueva Galicia had begun to tax his products. Spain's King Carlos IV granted the Cuervo family the first license to commercially make tequila. The style of tequila popular today was first mass-produced in the early 19th century in Guadalajara, Mexico. * Don Cenobio Sauza, founder of Sauza Tequila and Municipal President of the Village of Tequila from 1884–1885, was the first to export tequila to the United States, and shortened the name from "Tequila Extract" to just "Tequila" for the American markets. Don Cenobio's grandson Don Francisco Javier gained international attention for insisting that "there cannot be tequila where there are no agaves!" His efforts led to the practice that real tequila can come only from the State of Jalisco. Main raw material Tequila is an alcoholic...
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...Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis ECO/365 May 13, 2014 Fariba Kheradmand Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Due to the widespread general appeal of Alcohol, our team has selected to break into the adult beverage market and compete with major brewing and distilling companies such as Suntory and Beam Inc. Mainly we want to focus on alcoholic beverages that appeal to the female clientele such as flavored Margaritas. These drinks are sweeter in taste, colorful to the eye and less expensive than “top shelf” alcohol drinks. Below you will find the results of our findings. Suntory Holding is a brewing and distillery company that was originally formed in 1899 in Osaka Japan. Originally Suntory only sold alcoholic beverages such as Japanese whisky but has expanded into everything from sandwiches to soft drinks. In January, 2014, Suntory made an agreement with American producers Jim Beam Inc. to buy their company for $13.6 billion dollars. Suntory’s total annual revenue is $4.3 billion dollars and once this acquisition goes through, it will make Suntory the world’s third largest maker of spirits. The alcohol market is an enormous market. In the following two paragraphs Team C will provide an overview of the market for our product, “Sauza Sparkling Margarita Watermelon”, include an analysis of its competitors, and define our product’s potential customers. The best definition found for defining a market is “A market is the set of all actual and...
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...Texas Pete Original Hot Sauce is not actually from Texas. This hot sauce is made by TW Garner Food company in Winston-Salem North Carolina and has been in production since 1929. It was introduced by Sam Garner who operated the Dixie Pig barbecue stand. According to legend, the name "Mexican Joe" was the first name suggested for the sauce. The idea was that it would evoke the spicy nature of Mexican food. The sauce's North Carolinian inventor preferred a name that was more American and decided on Texas Pete instead since Texas also had a reputation for spicy food. In the years since it has been on the market, Texas Pete has become the third best-selling hot sauce in the US. Let's take a look at what makes it so popular. The Ingredients in Texas Pete Original Hot Sauce Vinegar Aged Peppers (Peppers, Salt and Vinegar) Water Xanthan Gum Benzoate of Soda The Pepper in Texas Pete Hot Sauce The type of pepper used to make Texas Pete Hot Sauce is the cayenne pepper. According to the Texas Pete website, the original sauce used at the Dixie Pig barbecue stand was much milder. This prompted a customer to request a hotter sauce and cayenne was used to make the Texas Pete that we know today. The cayenne pepper originated in French Guiana and gets its name from the Tupi Indians. These peppers have been cultivated since prehistoric times and spread throughout the world as a result of the European colonization of what is now Latin America. While Texas Pete is relatively...
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...TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY | THUNDERBIRD Production Operation Management TOYOTA: THE ACCELERATOR CRISIS Study Case Report | | 1. What were the drivers of Toyota´s accelerators crisis? Why was Toyota facing a recall crisis? The drivers of Toyota crisis were Strategic, structural and cultural issues. At the strategic level, the cost reduction strategy added with the increasing of the output volume strategy caused a decrease in quality. Furthermore, the structure of Toyota (HQs in Japan and not in the U.S) impacted Toyota’s response to customer’s claims, taking a long time to address Toyota consumer’s concerns, and in fact was one of the most criticized issues during the crisis. In other words, the company took a considerable time before recalling units that meant life losses and significant economic impacts. At the cultural managerial level, there were difficulties driven by how Japanese address the situation vs. how Americans deal with the problems. The company lost its original philosophy due to different cultural orientations between Japanese headquarters and North American subsidiaries. The fact that Toyota was recovering from its last unit’s recall (due to motors leaking oil) plus the beginning of the global financial crisis, ended up yielding a deviation of the original long term plan to look after the U.S subsidiary´s financial performance, triggering a swap in the three main pillars of Toyota (Safety, Quality and Volume). 2. Michael...
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...Discussion questions 1. Pick a recent news article that focuses on some international or global problem, and give examples of how and where states, markets, and societies interact and at times conflict with one another. How hard is it to determine the analytical boundaries between the state, market, and society in this case? ONU se reúne tras supuesto uso de armas químicas Los estados interactúan ya que son los encargados de mantener la seguridad de cada país, por eso acuden a las organizaciones que se ocupan de este tipo de asuntos. Los mercados pueden verse afectados por las consecuencias de este tipo de ataques y estos dos se implica la sociedad ya que es la afectada de lo que resulte esta situación. Es fácil distinguir los límites de cada parte en este tema ya que el que tiene la mayor responsabilidad es el estado. 2. Review the basic elements and features of the IPE approach: the three main theoretical perspectives, the four structures, the levels of analysis, and the types of power. Which ones do you feel you understand well and which ones need more work? Los niveles Individual y el de los estados son los más fáciles de comprender ya que se pueden estudiar sin tanto conflicto, pero el sistema internacional: el conflicto internacional a veces es causado por la naturaleza conflictiva del hombre. 3. Define and outline the major features of globalization. Explain the connection between economic liberal ideas and globalization. Which of the three IPE...
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...| CW1 Section 2 | Source Evaluating | | Write by: Matthew Yao | Tutor: Sandy Sommer | 2 November, 2012 | * Authorship / Authority At the end of paper, the detailed information about the author is given. Referring to it, N. V. Varghese is a professor whose publication covered from scheme of education, financing and quality. He was also in charge of the Educational Planning Unit at NUEPA (New Delhi) and now is Head of Governance and Management in Education at IIEP. Recently, he focuses on the fields of institutional reorganizing of higher education and private higher education. These main areas are closely related to the topic of text. Based on these information, it can be stated that the paper is authoritative. * Reliability / Validity The paper contains five tables to illustrate comparison clearly. These data comes from three different sources: a. UIS (UNESCO Institute for Statistics) which is an office collecting cross-national statistics on education, culture, science and technology of UNESCO (an educational department of UN). b. USDC (United States Department of Commerce) which is the Cabinet department mainly focusing on promoting economic growth of the United States government. c. The Earth Times is a website providing latest environmental news, journals and blogs written by voluntary expert writers on the internet. UIS and USDC are reliable international and national data sources, however it is claimed that visitors also could contribute their own...
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...Natural Disasters & the Decisions That Follow Case Study: Natural Disasters & the Decisions that follow Step 01: Problem Definition Natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes. An example includes hurricanes, floods, severe weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and other geologic processes. Step 02: Justification of the problem: A natural disaster can cause loss of life or property damage, and typically leaves some economic damage. And when we face a disaster during business running, we have to find a way to solve the dilemma between the organizations and the customers. Step 03: List of Alternatives: A- Aware people about the risk reducing measures. B- Planning and prevention. C- Organizations business ethics. Step 04: Evaluating Alternatives: A- With good data, the public understands the need for preparation and risk reducing measures. Governments, the private sector and the media build awareness of risks and risk-mitigation principles at national, regional, and community levels. Education in the community is required to ensure that awareness building continues in adult life. B- The coordination between the government and the private sector can presents accurate data to predict the risk before disaster strikes, which require to study all the information and the details provided to analyze the cost and benefits of natural disaster response. It is important to consider the relative cost effectiveness of...
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...Block 5 Crisis Management Week 5 Overview Lesson 1 | Homework | Lesson 2 | Homework | * Doc 5.1 Crisis Management Lesson 1 – Vocabulary/ Listening/Speaking * ML Vocabulary P. 105 | Doc. 5.2 Vocabulary HW Crisis Management Business BriefDoc. 5.3 Listening HW Managing Crises | * Doc 5.4 Crisis Management Lesson 1 – Reading/Speaking * ML Reading P. 107 * ML P. 108 Language Review – Conditionals * Doc 5.5 Cases for Discussion/ Doc 5.6 Crisis Management Scenarios for Discussion | Crisis Management Extra ReadingsICE forum follow up task: Language Review C Discussion | Week 6 Overview Lesson 1 | Homework | Lesson 2 | Homework | * Introduction to Coursework 3 and Portfolio – hand out Student Guidelines for CW3 * Doc.6.1 Evaluation: Introduction to Evaluation – Criteria – Evaluation of SourcesNote: Ss to prepare a seminar for Lesson 2 in Week 8 where they have to introduce their topic, title and sources, and explain why they were chosen (how many, different types, etc.) | 1) Ss do web search on crises, choose topic and write a title for assignment2) Download from ICE & read doc on ‘Research Sources’3) Preview Doc 6.2-A - vocabulary for Titan case study | * Doc 6.2-S Titan Case Study (based on old ML)OR * Doc 6.2-S - Speed Reading Comprehension Questions – ‘Keeping your client relationship afloat’ (based on old ML – see ppt in relevant folder). | Students choose sources and begin note-taking doc for their sourcesSelf –Study:1) Download &...
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...1. In a narrative format, summarize the key facts and issues of the case. The key facts of this case include Imus’ performance and history as a 28-year veteran shock-jock, his employment by CBS and MSNBC, his controversial and off-color comments against a girl’s basketball team, and CBS’ response to the matter. The issues include the remarks made by Imus’, was the response by CBS timely and appropriate and what could have been improved upon in preparation and execution of their crisis management approach. Also, was CBS strategic in their execution of their damage control? Should Imus have continually remained in the media empathetically apologizing then saying he had apologized enough? 2. Update the information in the case by researching it on the Internet. Focus your response on the specific issues in the case. The case study provided by the text provides limited information in the summary. Although it includes the incident, a little history of Imus and CBS’ response, it is vague as to how the matter became so public and why CBS would severe a $40 million contract with one of the nation’s most revenue-producing jock (Press, 2007). Further research reveals the history of Imus’ profession as a highly sought after shock jock, the efforts behind his firing, CBS’ reaction, responses and their inadvertent handling of the matter. The employment contract was extended to Imus by CBS in 2006 because he was a shock-jock of the nation and because his controversy and...
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...and off during their job. Why to Read the Book This book evolved from thousand of questions asked to Welch when speaking to audiences around the world. This book does not contain the same old stuff of what management should do. It is based on the true practical view which is faced by the company a nd every people related thereto. It offers original thinking, and nuts-and-bolt advice that can change the way the people think about work. Chapters This book basically deals with four parts which are: 1. Underneath it all-which includes Mission and values Candor Differentiation Voice and Dignity 2. Your company-which includes Leadership Hiring Managing people Parting ways Change Crisis management 3. Your competition-which includes Strategy Budgeting Organic growth Six sigma 4. Your career-which includes The right job Getting promotions Hard spots Balancing between work and life Summary and general perspective Welch starts out by explaining what a mission statement is. Welch believes an effective mission statement should answer one question, "How do we intend to win in this business?" Once the mission is formed , a company should define its values. The corporate values are behaviors, how the mission is to be carried out to win. Jack has talked about candor. Candor is the state or quality of...
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...Question 3: What can global firms do to reduce vulnerability to financial crisis? By definition, financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value. (Wikipedia) It would become extremely harmful to global organizations. Some international firms suffer a great amount of loss or even go bankrupt during financial recession. Therefore, whenever there is a financial crisis, global companies have to execute certain initiatives in order to reduce vulnerability to financial crisis. During financial recession, there are mainly two kinds of crisis management: short-term and long-term orientations. The main purpose of short-term initiatives is to maximize year-to-year profit (or minimize loss), whereas long-term initiatives focus on the benefits of future gains and ignore short-term loss. (Kotabe, 2010) Therefore, short-term oriented solutions tend to satisfy stockholders’ immediate needs, while long-term orientation is more beneficial toward customers. (Vinay Couto, 2009) Among short-term initiatives, pull-out of the market, across-the-board cuts, layoffs, aggressive working capital management, and discretionary spend reductions are very common responses for financial crisis. In general, global companies could create significant outcomes within very short period with those short-term orientations. Therefore, most of global companies choose short-term responses to reduce vulnerability to...
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...keep up with environmental changes. You need to know your companies strengths and weaknesses. Corporate strategy is widely used and brings a lot of benefits that also involve several risks. When you take over another company you eliminate potential threats. With an environmental jolt it makes it easy to take over another company. The article was very interesting. They discussed several interesting topics and terms that I haven’t heard before. I feel like this is something that we can relate to now because of all the economic crisis’s that we are going though now. We have witnessed many corporate mergers and acquisitions of other corporations because they can’t survive these hard times. Works Cited Wan, William, Yiu, Daphne. "FROM CRISIS TO OPPORTUNITY: ENVIRONMENTAL." Strategic Management Journal 3006 Nov 2008 791-801. Web.20 May...
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