...Assignment 3 – Classification Note: Show all your work. Problem 1 (25 points) Consider the following dataset: ID | A1 | A2 | A3 | Class | 1 | Low | Mild | East | Yes | 2 | Low | Hot | West | No | 3 | Medium | Mild | East | No | 4 | Low | Mild | East | Yes | 5 | High | Mild | East | Yes | 6 | Medium | Hot | West | No | 7 | High | Hot | West | Yes | 8 | Low | Cool | West | No | 9 | Medium | Cool | East | Yes | 10 | High | Cool | East | No | 11 | Medium | Mild | West | Yes | 12 | Medium | Cool | West | No | 13 | Medium | Hot | West | Yes | 14 | high | Hot | East | Yes | Suppose we have a new tuple X = (A1 = Medium, A2 = Cool, A3 = East). Predict the class label of X using Naïve Bayesian classification. You need show all your work. Problem 2 (25 points) Consider the following dataset D. ID | A1 | A2 | A3 | Class | 1 | Low | Mild | East | Yes | 2 | Low | Hot | West | No | 3 | Medium | Mild | East | No | 4 | Low | Mild | West | Yes | 5 | High | Cool | East | Yes | 6 | Low | Hot | West | No | 7 | High | Hot | West | Yes | 8 | Low | Cool | West | No | 9 | Medium | Cool | East | Yes | 10 | High | Hot | East | No | 11 | Medium | Mild | East | Yes | 12 | Medium | Cool | West | No | 13 | High | Hot | West | Yes | 14 | High | Hot | East | Yes | (1) Compute the Info of the whole dataset D. (2) Compute the information gain for each of A1, A2, and A3, and determine the splitting attribute (or the best split attribute)...
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...Standard Normal Cumulative Probability Table Standard Normal Cumulative Probability Table Cumulative probabilities for NEGATIVE z-values are shown in the following table: z -3.4 -3.3 -3.2 -3.1 -3.0 -2.9 -2.8 -2.7 -2.6 -2.5 -2.4 -2.3 -2.2 -2.1 -2.0 -1.9 -1.8 -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.00 0.0003 0.0005 0.0007 0.0010 0.0013 0.0019 0.0026 0.0035 0.0047 0.0062 0.0082 0.0107 0.0139 0.0179 0.0228 0.0287 0.0359 0.0446 0.0548 0.0668 0.0808 0.0968 0.1151 0.1357 0.1587 0.1841 0.2119 0.2420 0.2743 0.3085 0.3446 0.3821 0.4207 0.4602 0.5000 0.01 0.0003 0.0005 0.0007 0.0009 0.0013 0.0018 0.0025 0.0034 0.0045 0.0060 0.0080 0.0104 0.0136 0.0174 0.0222 0.0281 0.0351 0.0436 0.0537 0.0655 0.0793 0.0951 0.1131 0.1335 0.1562 0.1814 0.2090 0.2389 0.2709 0.3050 0.3409 0.3783 0.4168 0.4562 0.4960 0.02 0.0003 0.0005 0.0006 0.0009 0.0013 0.0018 0.0024 0.0033 0.0044 0.0059 0.0078 0.0102 0.0132 0.0170 0.0217 0.0274 0.0344 0.0427 0.0526 0.0643 0.0778 0.0934 0.1112 0.1314 0.1539 0.1788 0.2061 0.2358 0.2676 0.3015 0.3372 0.3745 0.4129 0.4522 0.4920 0.03 0.0003 0.0004 0.0006 0.0009 0.0012 0.0017 0.0023 0.0032 0.0043 0.0057 0.0075 0.0099 0.0129 0.0166 0.0212 0.0268 0.0336 0.0418 0.0516 0.0630 0.0764 0.0918 0.1093 0.1292 0.1515 0.1762 0.2033 0.2327 0.2643 0.2981 0.3336 0.3707 0.4090 0.4483 0.4880 0.04 0.0003 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0012 0.0016 0.0023 0.0031 0.0041 0.0055 0.0073 0.0096 0.0125 0.0162 0.0207 0.0262 0.0329 0.0409 0.0505 0.0618 0.0749...
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...mff f f f f f f f f f f f f f fsnadfnda f fjff ff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f cc sc c c c c c c cc c c c c c c c c f f f ff f f f f f f f f f f b b b b b b b n n n n nn nn n n xxnx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m n n n n n b b b b b b v v v v v c cc c c x x xx x s s ss s s m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m...
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...Course Syllabus BUSI 520 Strategic Marketing Management Course Description This course is designed to provide the student with a working knowledge of the steps involved in the analytical and decision-making processes involved in formulating, implementing and controlling a strategic marketing program for a product market entry. Rationale No marketer can operate successfully or efficiently without a thorough understanding and proper application of the principles of managing a marketing strategy. This course, a requirement for the MBA program of study, will provide students with the knowledge and abilities essential to survival in tomorrow's business world. I. Prerequisites None. II. Required Resource Purchase Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 1256392510 custom Disclaimer: The above resource provides information consistent with the latest research regarding the subject area. Liberty University does not necessarily endorse specific personal, religious, philosophical, or political positions found in this resource. III. Additional Materials for Learning A. Computer with basic audio/video equipment B. Internet access (broadband recommended) C. Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office is available at a special discount to Liberty University students.) IV. Measurable Learning...
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...BRE Building Elements Foundations, basements and external works Performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects H W Harrison, ISO, Dip Arch, RIBA P M Trotman BRE Garston Watford WD25 9XX Prices for all available BRE publications can be obtained from: CRC Ltd 151 Rosebery Avenue London, EC1R 4GB Tel: 020 7505 6622 Fax: 020 7505 6606 email: crc@construct.emap.co.uk BR 440 ISBN 1 86081 540 5 © Copyright BRE 2002 First published 2002 BRE is committed to providing impartial and authoritative information on all aspects of the built environment for clients, designers, contractors, engineers, manufacturers, occupants, etc. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and quality of information and guidance when it is first published. However, we can take no responsibility for the subsequent use of this information, nor for any errors or omissions it may contain. Published by Construction Research Communications Ltd by permission of Building Research Establishment Ltd Requests to copy any part of this publication should be made to: CRC Ltd Building Research Establishment Bucknalls Lane Watford, WD25 9XX BRE material is also published quarterly on CD Each CD contains BRE material published in the current year, including reports, specialist reports, and the Professional Development publications: Digests, Good Building Guides, Good Repair Guides and Information Papers. The CD collection gives you the opportunity to build a comprehensive library...
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...TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf ekerhe aiekralekk idfiasfdhakse eihtaiehtrao aeihtih TESt CASE Test case taestk sdfsdlkf...
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...every day work- remember to think about retrieving records as well as filing them. Source-oriented records (SOR) maintain reports according to source of documentation. This means that whomever the document is generated by, whether it being a nurse, radiology, or a physician each has their own section in the patient records. Problem-oriented records (POR) or problem-oriented medical records (POMR) is a way of record keeping that focuses on a specific problem that a patient may be having, which uses four components database, problem list, initial plan, and progress notes to identify problems. In a POR patients are assigned one or more problems and notes are documented for each problem using the SOAP structure. SOAP is defined as subjective, objective, assessment, and plan. Subjective is a patient’s statement about how she/he feels. Objective is the observation of the patient. Assessment is the judgment, opinion, or evaluation made by the health care provider. Plan is the diagnostic, therapeutic, and educational plan to resolve the patient’s problem. Integrated records format is the arranging of reports in a chronological date order. This allows observation on how the patient is progressing according to test results and how well the patient is responding to treatment based on those test results to be documented. Well I think that the advantages and the disadvantages of all three records format on everyday work is what to be expected when dealing with patient records. Some advantages...
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...and operation that take place in theses laboratories. It has more specific functions such as the recording of a sample and details of customers, tracking of the sample, the used equipment in the analysis of the sample along with its quality control, the storage of data, and the report of the analysis. (Clint 2010) The main feature of a laboratory information management system is the management of registering and tracking if samples and test that take place in the laboratory. After the sample container arrival and registration, the LIMS tracks it and records its location. This may involve printing barcodes to identify the sample containers. However, it is also used to increase the amount of integration with instruments and applications what is done by creating files which will lead the operations on the sample; and to record and exchange electronic information what can be done through Oracle, SQL and Microsoft Access database. (Nicola 2012) Alongside the main functions mentioned above, a LIMS also manages the communication with clients, documents related to the samples and the personnel and workload. List of the main types of information that would need to be stored on a laboratory information management system: 1. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) records. 2. Scientific data. 3. Scientific apparatus. 4. Waste disposal. 5. Health and safety checks. 6. Training records. 7. Quality assurance. 8. Report records. 9. Specification levels. 10. Sample throughput...
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...week to test drive. You decide you like the car and when you visit Bob to drop off the car, he hands you the following document and a pen May 1, 201x I promise to pay to the order of Bob's Auto Emporium $20,000 (Twenty thousand dollars) with interest at the rate of 7% per annum. What type of instrument is this? Does this instrument meet the requirements for negotiability under the UCC? INDIVIDUAL WORK The above example is a partial Promissory Note. The reason that it is a partial promissory note is because the document is missing key values to become a full legal document. The above example does not state all the requirements that need to be meant as the payments are being made. It also does not have the time frame for which the payments are to be received and the time frame to pay the balance in full. The example does not meet the requirements of the UCC due to it does not list what will happen if the payments are not made. The documents also does not state how the payments are to be made and how the payments will be broken down with the interest that is going to be paid for the purchase. The document also does not have the full date that the documents was created. The document would also need to be signed by the owner of the car company which will state that he agrees with the term of the promissory note. The way that the document is worded there is no negotiating of the amount for the car or for how the car will be paid for, from the way that the documents is worded...
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...www.inspection for industry.com Inspection and Test Plan for Seel Structure Activity By No. Inspection and Test Plan Reference Document Acceptance Criteria Remark Verifying Document Manuf. 1 Pre Inspection Meeting Spec. Spec. TPI Client MOM H H H Before Manufacturing 2 DWG, Design, Calculation Document AISC AISC DWG, Calculation book H R A 3 WPS&PQR AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 Welding Book H R A 4 Welder Qualification Certificates AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 Certificates H R 5 NDT procedures AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 Procedures H R 6 NDE Personnel Certificates AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 Certificates H R 7 Painting Procedure SSPC SSPC Procedure H R Materials 8 Visual Inspection of Materials for General Appearance, Corrosion and Dimension ASTM ASTM Original Material Certificates H H 9 Welding Material Control ASME II/AWS ASMEII/AWS Report H W 10 Review of Certificates ASTM ASTM Certificates H H 1 A A www.inspection for industry.com 11 Inspection of Bolt , Nut and Washers (General Appearance, Corrosion and Dimension, Chemical Composion and Mechanical Properties) ASTM ASTM Report H W 12 Material Identification ASTM ASTM Report H H During Fabrication 13 Fit Up Inspection AWS D1.1 AWS D1.1 Report ...
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...workflow. CHALLENGES AFFECTING KEY STAKEHOLDERS The processes currently being used at Simple Getaways for communication and the distribution of information are no longer suitable for the organization. Documents from each office are stored onsite on a Microsoft Windows file server, making it difficult for other offices to access and use the information they contain. Currently the method used to share files with other offices is via email. This results in multiple copies of the same document residing on various computers at multiple office locations. The duplicate versions are not updated when the original document is modified which leads to different versions of the same document being used. Some business decisions are being made using information from the outdated documents. For example, a document containing airline ticket pricing may be used when creating price quotes for customer travel, but the price for airline tickets fluctuates regularly. If these inaccurate prices were used in a quote, the company has the potential to lose money on the transaction and may be obligated to fulfil the terms of the quote even though it was based on incorrect information. Additionally, when a document is shared between multiple offices and they each make alterations and return the document, the...
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...introduction session and introduced to staff in Zulfahmy & Co.-A few of staff explains scope of work that will be done and the rules of the company.-View the file and document that has been audited by the company such as :- * PAF (Permanent Audit File ) – BLUE * CAF (Client Audit File) – YELLOW * TF (Tax File) – RED-View of the company’s background such as :- * Introduction about Zulfahmy & Co. * Corporate Vision * Professional services – auditing, consulting services, taxation, secretarial and accounting, internal audit services. -Learn on how to use fax machine. | Able to get to know the managers and other officers in the organization and their responsibilities. | 05 Feb 2013(Tuesday) | - Recall double entry treatment.-Learn and write name of the company, company’s account number, amount in the slip of Muamalat Bank, and deposit cheque at Muamalat Bank. After deposit the cheque we need to take the slip report and filing the slip in file.-Learn on how to use a Photostat machine.-Learn on how to do a casting (figure). | Understanding on how deposit check to bank muamalat. | 06 Feb 2013(Wednesday) | -View a blue file (permanent audit file) : * PILOT POWER SDN. BHD * NALURIAN SDN. BHD-Having a short quiz and interview with staff.-Discuss the answer and learn to interpret the documents.-Learn on how to record the journal EPF and SOCSO. | Learning process | 07 Feb 2013(Thursday) | -Having a first meeting session with En. Zul.-Learn on how to use...
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...designed to ensure that these transactions are valid, accurate, and complete. Data input procedures can be either source document-triggered (batch) or direct input (real time). Source document input requires human involvement and is prone to clerical errors. Some types of errors that are entered on the source documents cannot be detected and corrected during the data input stage. Dealing with these problems may require tracing the transaction back to its source (such as contacting the customer) to correct the mistake. Direct input, on the other hand, employs real-time editing techniques to identify and correct errors immediately, thus significantly reducing the number of errors that enter the system. Classes of Input Control a. Source Document Controls. Careful control must be exercised over physical source documents in systems that use them to initiate transactions. Source document fraud can be used to remove assets from the organization. In the absence of other compensating controls to detect this type of fraud, the system would create an account payable and subsequently write a check in payment. Control Procedures over Source Documents: a. Use Pre-numbered Source Documents. Source documents should come prenumbered from the printer with a unique sequential number on each document. Source document numbers permit accurate accounting of document usage and provide an audit trail for tracing transactions through accounting records. We discuss this further in the...
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...Document design – a control plan in which source document is designed to make it easier to prepare the document initially and later to input data from the document. Written/electronic approvals – form of signature or initials on a document to indicate that someone has authorized the event. Preformatted screens – control the entry of data be defining the acceptable format of each data field. Online prompting – requests user input or asks questions that the user must answer. Populate input screens with master data – the clerk enters the identification code for an entity and the system retrieves data about that entity from the master data. Compare input data with master data – we can determine the accuracy and validity of the input data. Procedures for rejected inputs – designed to ensure that erroneous data are corrected and resubmitted for processing. Programmed edit checks – automatically performed by data entry programs upon entry of the input data. Reasonableness checks or limit checks – test whether the contents of the data entered fall within predetermined limits. Document/record hash totals – reflect a summarization of any numeric data field within the input document or record, such as item numbers or quantities on a customer order. Mathematical accuracy checks – compare calculations performed manually to those performed by the computer to determine whether a document has been entered correctly. Check digit verification – involves the inclusion...
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...CAREER CHOICE If I had a friend that wanted to become a Medical Transcriptionist, and she wasn’t good with computers and she wasn’t detail-oriented. I would explain to her that medical transcriptionists are the people who type documents from dictated recordings by health professionals. Basically, any type of medical treatment, procedures, diagnostic tests, etc. must be documented into a patient’s medical record. Transcriptionists will also transcribe the information into a typed document, which is then forwarded to the dictator for review and signature. I would also explain to her that transcriptionists must have an in-depth understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, procedures, and treatments. They must also be able to translate abbreviations and have the ability to reference terms through printed or electronica reference materials. They must also have knowledge of the appropriate format or style that apply to each specific document being transcribed. Once I was done explaining to her what a medical transcriptionists is and what they do, I would advise her to take a medical transcriptionist training to course which she could do at home online. I would also recommend maybe she take a couple refresher course to freshen her up along with taking a computer course to teach all about a computer and all the things she needs to know. Along with all of that I would also advise she take a keyboard class which will also teach her a lot about the computer and it will enhance...
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