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Test Upload


Submitted By mschofield
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Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process
Testing TermPaper upload process

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Document 13

...minutes) but I’ve compressed it into two lessons (2 x 50 minutes). This was a request by my mentor explaining that I should cover as much as I possibly can for the exam. Thus, I am thinking that how could I teach this huge and important topic in the time frame given while not sacrificing student’s learning experience. A very difficult task but I’m willing to take the challenge. Most of my classes are weak classes. During my observation class with my mentor, she was doing correction on the test the students had. Only for class 9A, she explained to the students on why the answers were wrong and a short discussion before giving them the correct answer. However, for other classes she just wrote down the answer on the board and let them copy without any explanation or discussion. When I raised the issue, my mentor pointed out that weak students tend to forget what they have learnt in the class, so there is no point to even discuss their mistakes in test and assignments. I was also showed the test score of the weak students and found out that a lot of them failed biology. So, I decided to find out possible reason why the students failed this subject and request my mentor to allow me to mark their assignments. The assignments consist of structured questions. From the students’ answer, I could see that language is one of the problem. For some questions, students copied the definitions off the notes and for others that require their own answer, the words used are not suitable and difficult...

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Young People in Today Are Less Dependent on Their Parents Than in the Past. for them but there are still more effective ways to help prepare you. When you know you have to write an essay that’s due the next day, take your Xbox and cellphone and give it to a friend that cares about your academic success. Tell them to hold on to it until you finish your paper. When studying its good to use old test and quizzes to look over to see your strong suites and weaknesses and it also gives you an idea on what you need to study. While looking over your test and quizzes rewrite questions you got wrong and make your own quizzes. Go back and keep quizzing yourself Intel you have a better understanding of the material. The next step to preparing for a exam is build up your class notes. Try your best to keep them organized. Get to gather with a buddy or a study group and compare notes and fill in any missing material. Make sure all your key information matches, underline any key words, formulas, themes and concepts. Ask members of the study groups to quiz and test you. After going though these steps you should have a better idea of what the material is and even better how to do it. These steps help me when I’m psyched out before for a test. I always take a deep breath and carefully go though these steps. I hope these steps for taking an exam help you as they have assisted me in the...

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