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Test Your Leadership Style


Submitted By dpearson
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Test Your Leadership Style

Betty Brown

Axia University

October 2, 2008

After tallying the results of the questionnaire, I determined that I am a Leader. This means that my main priority is to motivate and guide co-workers so that everyone can reach a common goal while working in harmony. Due to my leadership style, I found it appropriate to choose “Improving Productivity for Teams” from the final projects list in Appendix A. I chose this supervisory responsibility because I feel this is my strong area because of my leadership style. I believe by being a strong motivator I will be able to improve productivity by motivating my employees. Listed below you will find my interpretation of how I would apply my strength as a leader in situations that would arise regarding the supervisory responsibility of improving production for teams. In order to improve productivity for teams, it is necessary to motivate the team. According to Rue (2004), motivation is not what a supervisor does to an employee because it is something that the employee must bring forth from within himself or herself. The supervisor can however create a motivational environment to inspire the employees to want to be more productive. To begin this strategy I must creating a motivational environment. I would first talk to the team to find out what would motivate them to be more productive. I believe if the team feels as though their opinions matter then that will be the first step to motivation. After discussing this with the team I am certain that the number one motivation will be financial. In order for there to be a motivation, there has to be a need. Since the most popular reason for people to work is to earn a living, money can be a huge motivator. If I wanted to improve and meet the needs of productivity, it makes sense that I have to meet the financial needs of the employees.

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